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5Lbs/1Kw Challenge-The Quest for 80 Zips with Galactic Grape


Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Day 56 Bloom Update




Bud Tip:


The sweet grape smell just pours otta this plant. More chunking and thickening of the buds. They are now of such a size and density, that I have stopped the bottom blast foliar feeds. The risk of mold at this stage is just too high.

I have 2 more weeks scheduled for this grow. These will be a tight finish. I hope to get at least another inch of diameter on the buds. The center rows are woefully behind, but will still perform well. A quart size jug gets lost in the edge row, while the bud tip shot shows the quality is still there.

I'm still boosting these pretty hard with PK. My leaves are starting to slightly lighten, but plants are still pulling down the nutes pretty good. I'll start to tail off the nutes about 7 days out from what I estimate to be the finish date - leading to a short flush at the end. I'm gonna try to land this thing as close to 70 days as possible.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



Active member
looking good. I know when i get Colas that big with my sour D, the center stem total bud is about an ounce, and you have 2 of those plus secondary buds for each cola? If so, I see 3oz plants easy, and that is 54oz or more. Only thing I can suggest, is when you think they are done, give them plain water for another week. i have found that letting a plant feed on itself and plain water really puts it into production mode. just something to consider.........

looking really good, love them liter bottle size colas!!



Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Day 63 Bloom Update


Back Edge:

Bud Tip:

Middle Runts:


These are going long. I'm guessing 75 days or so. I will start tailing out the nutes tomorrow and finish with a short flush at the end.

These are the rock hard solid buds I was looking for last round. 5 inches in diameter and a foot and half long - and they are still going.

My runts in the middle are still quite formidable foot long spears. The biggest problem with this run remains the uneven canopy. The middle 5 plants are a good 18" below the rest. I would guess they are going to be 33 -50% less productive than the "donut of doom" surrounding them.

The sweet grape aroma still pours off this plant.

We are getting close!

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
My mailbox is getting pounded with method and tech questions, along with the ever popular "can I do this?". I will get to everyone asap, right now is a very busy time for me, so please be patient.

My best advice is to read the rookie aeroflo thread: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=243325

Most answers can be found there.

Here's where we are in that thread:

The thread is packed with tips along with several others giving aero a whirl. I'm doing a run of CSG's Gran Doggy Purps in there from clips to clipping.

Stop on by and cheer our rookies to the finish line!



Active member
Looking great in here man! Can't wait to see the finish. Best of luck with the rest of the grow and the rookie thread is looking good as well!

Big Sky

kick ass thread! good growing and i've been looking into this type of setp for a vert closet-
i'll have to check out that other thread- i usually do recirc, DWC or E&F but aero is next on my long to do list-
Have you thought about using two 600's instead of the thousand watt? would be much better for your setup imho..
That bud formation looks exactly like an OG-18 strain i grew a couple years ago. It would be cool to mix that with a purp strain to get the candy flavor from it~


Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Day 70 Bloom Update


Bud Tip:




As you can see from the bud tip shot above, these girls ain’t giving in easy! I can go 5 - 6 days more max. They kept adding girth right up till the last couple days. Enough for me to change my prop to a 2 liter soda bottle!

The sweet grape now has a definite funk undertone. The buds are super firm and I’m watching them closely for mold. I turned the bottom blaster fan on high - these girls dance around the clock!

I’ve been tailing the nutes out, but starting tomorrow I’ll do a half flush and start pushing the ppm down to around 100 at the end.

When the axe falls I’ll be sure to take shots of the action. We will track one of those monster buds through the process and see how fat she got. It’s gonna be fun!

-Big Sky
My dream light layout would be 2x600 on a mover. But with the results I’m getting from the Raptor hood on a mover with a single 1K have me content with this setup for the moment. My old bucket hoods didn’t get as much light to the edge rows. This makes the best 5’ x 5’ x 3’ cube of light I've ever had to work with.
-kin dawg
I plan on spending a bit of time looking through my data. I will have several things to consider in my final report on the run. My first attempt was ruined by the heat. This one suffers from an uneven canopy. I did some experiments as well during the run, so I hope to be able to come to some useful conclusions.

Thanks to everyone for their interest in this thread.

The End is Near!

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.



Active member
Cola sized Colas!!! 2 liter at that.......... very nice.

gonna go check yer other threads. really wanna try this out during the cold months.



Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Sheese I dumped out the crap in the back of the fridge no one drinks for that bottle. Now I GOTTA get some Coca cola cola shots!

Thanx for the grin


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