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5600w Basement Jungle

TB Gardens

Active member
@Yes4Prop215 - thanks for checking out what i got going on. haha yeah not enough 5kw grows cus everyone is going 10kw+ now ;o that's okay tho, b/c i plan on making 6kw do work next year.. full time :D

@MediMary - Hey thanks so much for the kind words.. and yeah i am no good at naming the nutrient prob. getting pretty good at the bugs tho lol. it's allllll a learning process, so it's all good ;-) i just can't wait for the day when i can nail the nute probs as soon as they pop up. just keep reading, keep growing, and keep asking :D and i will figure it all out sooner or later

i really feel like these things are going to bust out in the next 2 weeks here. i do not know the exact origin of the genetics (which breeder) but i was told they were Nirvana, and in that case everything should be a 8-10 week strain. 8 wks is good time wise for me, 9 is doable but pushing it, and unfortunately 10 wks just can't happen. the latest they can stay up until is april 16th, a little over 9.5 wks. bah i hope everything fills in by then!
Good luck on your grow man things look real good.

I am in the same boat as you, trying to finish some plants in the next 8-9 weeks before I move. I am not too worried about them, worst off I will have to chop a few days early as I hope you only have to do.

Just think of the people who don't wait until the herb is fully matured, which is a lot of people. I think chopping up to 1 week early on an 8-9 week strain is not too bad, as long as the plants are really healthy and one does a quick flush nearer the end.

Good luck with everything, your new room makes me jealous and also excited to be building myself a new room in late May.

Peace man.

TB Gardens

Active member
@Pez - thanks for looking thru my thread bro, yah i don't think there should be any major prob with finishing on time, we will see tho hah. i used to pull my SD way too early a few years back, around like 65 days, and the calyxes would def not be as full as they should have been. its deceiving, they can look so full on the plant, then once dried they just aren't as robust as they should be. started letting them go 75-80 days and fixed the prob ;o

TB Gardens

Active member
@Chez - thanks for the good karma bro, ;-) i can always use more of that

@Potent - hey bud thanks for taking a peek at my ladies.

@Incog - hey man thanks for checking everything out! ha, ya i am waiting to see more too! i have to wait a week normally between visits ;\ ..... and somehow still finding myself dealing with them all the time, hah.

@Got a Light - oh yessir they will be, although i am already afraid im losing yield as a result of this N def during weeks 4&5 .. pretty F'ing crucial time ;\ oh well, you learn with every run & prepare for the next.

Alright everyone peeping my lil sluts, more pictures are coming in just a couple days. i could probably get some pics inbetween visits, but i kinda like the weekly photo updates .. you can really tell the progress. so anyways, im super blozzed. be easy, safe smoking :dance013:

TB Gardens

Active member
** Update: Flowering Day 41 **

** Update: Flowering Day 41 **

hey all,

well i just pulled another all-nighter working with the girls.. and it was well worth it. they are doing great, really swelled up during days 34-41. i was ecstatic to find that the "popcorn" is swelling into NICE buds! there are hardly any small-good-for-nothing buds. i am sure this is directly related to the a) long veg, b) 5600w over a 12x8 area, c) spacing everything out well. each girl is really able to soak up a ton of lumens all over the plant, hard to find a shadow in the room.

so tonight i hit them with a shot of N as they have used up all available N in the soil mix. along with the N, i decided to give them 2 feedings (out of the total 10 wks), beginning of week 6 and beginning of week 7, of some advanced nutrients nutes. tonight they got some overdrive, carboload in addition to the regular nirvana & budswel. i can't wait for the explosion of bud over the next 2 weeks!

onto the pictures.... okay, i have a ton of them. i will probably select like 1/2 of what is in the "day 41" album and put them directly in the thread, so if you like what u see feel free to check out the full album. Also, i have about 20 more pictures i still need to upload to the album & thread tomorrow. i haven't even really looked through any yet, just been downloading - resizing - deleting exif - uploading for ever, ha.. so there might be some real gems in the ones that are coming tomorrow (probably since they were all the largest file size photos).

























TB Gardens

Active member










Alright.. 300 miles, 17 hours, and 60 pictures later, i can finally sleep now. enjoy as much as i did. ps- my hands were black from resin, just from pullin dead leaves, absolutely black.


Wow, great update TB. Buds are really forming nicely, weight is packing on :)
How does it smell in their, brother?
Definitely a good idea to shoot those ladies up with a bit of Nitrogen..
have you used AN carboload before?

TB Gardens

Active member
Hey all, thanks for the kind words! HAHA yah, he's one of them white fellers. ;-)

@Potent - hey buddy, it smells UNBELIEVABLE! so overpowering its amazing. it was a pretty nerve racking drive home to say the least, and i had absolutely nothing in my car lol. my hands/arms/and clothes were wreaaaaaking like you wouldnt believe, even after scrubbing them clean for 10 minutes. the Lemon Skunk definitely has a very citrusy smell that comes thru, followed by a bite of skunk. the skunk #1 actually smells a bit "cheesey", aroma of baked cheese followed by an odor of skunk. and the white widow.... how do i say this so it comes across as not disgusting lol.. it almost has like a vomit funk to it haha. i know i know, that should be horrible, but as far as the ladies go... the more pungent the aroma the better :)

also - yes, i have used the carboload before. it basically does what the molasses does, but i wanted to squeeze it into 1-2 feedings with the overdrive so the girls can uptake all the nutes going in effectively. they will still get water+molasses on fridays. we are watering 3x a week now, feeding nutes on sunday nights followed by a Wed fresh water, and Friday water+molasses

alright, i got some schlepp, so now im going to figure out why the hell i couldn't get those last 20 pics up last night.. they should be some good ones. so check back real soon for some more teetaas pictures.

TB Gardens

Active member
Flower Day 41 Pics Cont..

Flower Day 41 Pics Cont..

mkay got the remaining few pictures all sorted out and uploaded thanks to the assistance of OGxJack :) very tasty smoke



















oh man i cannot wait until next week, they are going to pack it on BIG time this week. in other news.. the house hunt is still under way, just looking for that great buy you know! also, i am heading down to my outdoor spot tomorrow to do some prep work on the patch. as soon as this thread finishes up around end of april it will be time to go outdoors, so more sexy buds to come all summer, then into the new house with the so pro so pro setup :) i swear im not high

TB Gardens

Active member
yes your definitely right Incog. i regret not topping them atleast 2-3 times each. could of had a few more large tops & maintained a more even canopy height.. but hey you just learn & apply to the next run! finding all these little bumps and such just gets me excited for next year. oh man the setup is going to be silly ;-)

same soil mix + N boost during stretch!, 20gal rolling buckets (much fewer transplants lol), light movers, irrigation lines with drip rings, new 50gal res, start playing around with DWC and aeroponic :), atmospheric controller, co2 .... mmm its going to be fun. im thinking about trying out the line of organic additives my buddy uses in his 4k perpetual. his girls are flawless, just so sexy green from day 1 on. its his first run with these nutes and hes having some really great success among many strains, so i might be inclined to give it a try.

TB Gardens

Active member
yeah.. thats what i have been saying in my posts over the past few pages/weeks. they started to go a bit yellow at week 3, tried i few other things to rectify, including some organic additives for N boost, nothing helped too much so i just gave them AN 3-part base nutes + others. its all listed above in the photo update

TB Gardens

Active member
oh lady! they realllly liked the last feeding, the nute increase has resulted in zero burning and massive uptake. the buds have fattened up considerably in the last 3 days, and just received about 1.5 gallons of fresh water each. sunday night will be the last round of feeding (nutes) for them, not quite as strong as week 6's feeding, but still a good little punch for the end here. day 48? pics to come on tuesday