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55G of FUCK ME


Active member
Wow..this post hits home with me. Almost went to jail over a leak one time.
Quality Bulkhead fittings, hose clamps, Pond liner, etc are the only way to go. I even rigged a water alarm to a relay to turn off my main pump.


It is like picking a religion to some, and the path of least resistance to others.

are you talking about prefabbed gear vs DIY, or aerocloning vs bubble cloning vs rapid rooters, or karma vs $$$ ?

what what... oh, theres a spill on ailse 11...

edit: in all seriousnes, i hope you're situation is not dire and your comfort not compromised
Last edited:


damn that sucks.

but its happened to me at least 4 times. although two were due to the windowsills in the basement flooding and letting 100 gallons or so into the grow space.

the endless argument over hydro vs soil.


If you run single 5 gallon buckets and don't put holes or hoses or anything I dont see any way it could leak besides tipping it over, is there?. Are those "strong boxes" to be considered "leak proof"?



:: Grabs an umbrella and does his best gene kelly



:: Grabs an umbrella and does his best gene kelly

No Doubt!!

I think this thread illustrates that if you work with 50+ gallons of nutrients you are going to have a flood sooner of later UNLESS you take precautions before hand. It is just the nature of hydroponics for a pump or line to fail somewhere down the line.
As I said in my earlier post, one of my worst incidents was my big feet stepping on a line and pulling the fitting out of the grommet just enough for it to start leaking. Shit happens!
So be pepared!!


New member
Would you skydive without a reserve chute? No...that would be insane.
So why would you gro dro w/o a pond liner, or some sort or a retaining tray, I've used kiddy pools or dog tubs, just in case.

New Building codes have liners & drains in the upstairs Laundry rooms.
If its water, it will leak. Be Prepared

Two important things to remember....
Murphys Law
Never Assume


Smokes, lets go
ok so im trying to get the system put back together the plants are fine ive been hand watering the problem is i hooked up the system , controller bucket fills up with water goes thoguh the lines but i dont see any water in the buckets.......... whats wrong, i think im going to go to the hydro shop tommorow and see if someone can come help


Maybe the lines to the buckets are clogged. Can you give us a picture of your setup and maybe we can figure out what your problem is.


There is a elbow fitting with a tiny hole in it, called a vacuum break elbow, that MUST be installed on the under side of the rez lid. Half inch hose is then connected to this fitting, which then connects to the rez pump. If this fitting is not connected, or if it gets clogged, the effect will be the same as when you syphon gas out of a tank with a solid hose - get it started and it goes continuously until the tank is empty, i.e. "55 gallons of fuck me".

This is outlined on the instruction sheets under "55 Gallon Reservoir", items 1 thru 9.


The best way to see flow into the buckets is to remove one of the inner pots, that way water inflows and outflows are immediately known.

If water is being pumped from the rez into the control bucket, that is step one. So far, so good.

When the control bucket is nearly filled, the top float switch should make contact and turn the rez pump off. Is this happening?

Once the rez pump is switched off, water should stop flowing into the control bucket while the water from the control bucket gravity feeds into the plant buckets. Does inflow into the control bucket stop when the rez pump stops? If not, you have an issue with the vacuum break fitting as mentioned above.

The rez pump shuts off while the control bucket water level is reduced from gravity flow into the plant buckets. This gravity flow is slow.

Even if all of your hoses from the contoller to the plants are clogged (unlikely), this should not cause an overflow as the control bucket would simply sit filled but not overflowing. If the float switch is not functioning, yes the rez pump would pump continuously into the control bucket until the rez was mt, overflowing the contol bucket.

Possible problems are a leak, a non-functioning float switch, or the vacuum elbow issue.

Think carefully before inviting someone from the hydro shop into your grow.


There is a elbow fitting with a tiny hole in it, called a vacuum break elbow, that MUST be installed on the under side of the rez lid. Half inch hose is then connected to this fitting, which then connects to the rez pump. If this fitting is not connected, or if it gets clogged, the effect will be the same as when you syphon gas out of a tank with a solid hose - get it started and it goes continuously until the tank is empty, i.e. "55 gallons of fuck me".

This is outlined on the instruction sheets under "55 Gallon Reservoir", items 1 thru 9.

Are you refering to the system in the pictures on this thread. If so, those are of my system not the guy with the flood. Those pics were pulled from my grow diary by Vorsprung to give me shit about having the power strip laying on the floor of my tent.


I assumed NorCalFor20 is using a CAPS E&F system, but I'm not sure why I made that assumption - maybe one of past postings, maybe the early onset of dementia.


Ricky's List:
1) Tell Cory & Trevor to clean up hydro mess.
2) Go go LC and get pepperoni and booze.
3) Get two smokes from Cory & Trevor.
4) Tell Cory & Trevor to fuck off.
5) Get drunk and stoned and post on ICMAG.

~Abbie :joint:
:laughing:Thats great I LMFAO!!!:laughing:


Active member
This may sound obvious but if you dont clean thoroughly you will get mold damage. A mold remidiation specialist costs over 10k depending. Mold makes the place technically uninhabitable. Clean and do a good job. Good luck


One thing that will help a lot is to clean all accessable surfaces with Simple Green. It is inexpensive by the gallon at Lowes or Homedepot and kills the hell out of mold, mildew and the spores of both.


Smokes, lets go
Ok I had crimp in my drain hose apparently it was made too short from the factory (greentrees) and i need to buy a longer drain hose even though my controller is level with the ground they apparently didn't make the hose long enough.... so it could have been my problem i replaced that, moved the resivor out of the grow room , and into my room now its working fine, i got most of the water with a shop vac, still a bit damp my 2kw can probably pull most of the remaining moisture from the ground but ive got a lotta humididty i am exhausting into my bedroom....

plants are getting huge i need to flower or im gonna be in trouble.....

i spilled approx 30 gallons of the res there it was still a little less than half full i have been busting ass for 3 days straight trying to get this shit back together this head band better be dank.


Good to hear that you have it under control. I know that it is just one more stress above and beyond the actual growing of the marijuana. Hang in there, it will be worth it in the end.

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