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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Do you think the world ended from the first bout of oil that hit it?
Or was it cleaned up so life could go on?

Go down to Grand Isle and talk those fisherman. They are fucked. I don't wear my emotions on my sleeve, but you are straight cold blooded. There has never been this big of an oil spill so close to such a populated area. Population density will increase the severity of the consequences of all this.

Continue on with the clown fight tough guy.



someone has a huge ego... a very selfish one.



yeah, that is nothing compared to natural oil seepage lol

your logic is fucked... this is going to have an emotional attachment no matter how hard you fight your feelings. unless you just have very shallow emotions such as a sociopath. you were probly the type that tortured animals growing up. (sorry for the generalization, but seriously this is sad and its hard to imagine you having no emotional attachment to whats going on)

i dont think you should just ignore your emotions, if you have them. they do have a purpose just like your massive ego.

im not saying you should always listen to your emotions, but i think they exist for a reason.


Game Bred
no need for one bad attitude to ruin an otherwise useful discussion.
above the socioeconomic impact and enviromental impact there are emotional impacts as well.
the same way people react to natural disasters. the folks down there are used to disaster but we got it in short violent spurts and the recovery from hurricanes actually provides work every year for contractors. but this is different in that the damage is prolonged and the disaster is in slow motion.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Gramps, I have never belittled the enormity of this accident. All it takes is for me to make a small comment about someone being over emotional, and I am a cold hearted bastard.
Look, double fuck all that. And fuck a bunch of clown suit.
Here you are fortelling nothing but doom and gloom. No hope at all. Fucked.
Well, maybe, maybe not. I suspect things may not turn out quite as bad as folks who use only their emotions to guide them might suspect.
One thing is for certain, if we all feel we are just fucked and that's it, then we are for sure fucked.

There are too many real issues to be looked at here, but the sad thing is this community seems not to be able to handle all aspects of an issue. So, we are really just floundering around on it. Might as well just share sob stories and claims for executions and other assorted stupid shit..since we can't really address the belly of the beast.


Gramps, I have never belittled the enormity of this accident. All it takes is for me to make a small comment about someone being over emotional, and I am a cold hearted bastard.
Look, double fuck all that. And fuck a bunch of clown suit.
Here you are fortelling nothing but doom and gloom. No hope at all. Fucked.
Well, maybe, maybe not. I suspect things may not turn out quite as bad as folks who use only their emotions to guide them might suspect.
One thing is for certain, if we all feel we are just fucked and that's it, then we are for sure fucked.

There are too many real issues to be looked at here, but the sad thing is this community seems not to be able to handle all aspects of an issue. So, we are really just floundering around on it. Might as well just share sob stories and claims for executions and other assorted stupid shit..since we can't really address the belly of the beast.

i dont think everyone here is saying that this is the end all... sometimes people's emotions drive them to help make things better and do what we can.

its just a fucked up situation and it sucks.. who knows whats gonna happen.. either way its already bad and its most likely just gonna get worse.. but it will be okay, im sure. just sucks.. and its sad.

we need to take the steps to prevent this from happening in the future. we should really start getting more into alternative energy sources.. deep water drilling is pretty scary stuff. how can we make deep water drilling safe when there is always room for human error and self interest. thats just how humans are.. always cutting corners to save a little. someone is gonna fuck something up.. so how can we stop that from happening again?

i think the idea of sharing these stories is to show whats really happening... everyone is constantly updating and everyone should know whats going on. so sharing stories and communicating is probly the best way. emotions make these stories better.

what more can we do besides talk about it anyways?

all i know is, i am curious and want to know whats going on as much as possible. it has been on my mind since 4 20.


we should really start getting more into alternative energy sources..
I know this doesn't relate to this thread, but you can bet that any energy source that lowers the tax revenue(i.e. cheaper for consumers) will be frowned upon by the government. They say lets go green, but if they do go green they lose green, and they can't afford to lose any more money. (I think they might not know that yet though).

Anyways, back to the topic.:tiphat:


Active member
All I know is that me, my parents, and my grandparents have lived our whole lives by the Gulf. None of us have ever seen or heard of a beach covered in oil from a natural seep. Not to say it's not possible, but it hasn't been seen in our 90 years. I just can't believe any of the oil washed up from texas to florida is from a natural seep.


Game Bred
All I know is that me, my parents, and my grandparents have lived our whole lives by the Gulf. None of us have ever seen or heard of a beach covered in oil from a natural seep. Not to say it's not possible, but it hasn't been seen in our 90 years. I just can't believe any of the oil washed up from texas to florida is from a natural seep.

i know right!

"natural seep"


Active member
ICMag Donor
Dank, I don't think the seeps normally have a chance to "cover" a beach, as nature pretty much takes care of the oil before it gets here.
You mention all the oil that has washed up from tx to fl...and hard to believe any of it a natural seep. Well, just today the very first tar balls have reached tx. Not the beach, but in the surf. And of course real life marine biologists took samples to see if this oil was from the DWH or from a seep...(now why would they even bother to check it? hmmm...)
Anyway, it was indeed connected to the accident spew.

But...here we have you claiming beaches covered in oil in TX, yet there is none.
I am only looking at things realistically, instead of all knee-jerk.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
And fuck a bunch of clown suit.
Here you are fortelling nothing but doom and gloom. No hope at all. Fucked.

I'm not saying this is the end of the world. I said that this wasn't a long time ago, but it certainly is going to be economically devastating for the tourist industry and local fishing industry on some parts of the Gulf. Even if people avoid some of the less effected beaches out of irrational fear. That irrational fear still has a large economic impact on the tourist industry and thus the community that relys on that industry.

And they really aren't' bothering to do much about it. The big ass "A Whale" ship is still getting tested for "environmental concerns," yet these clowns jumped at the first chance to spray toxic Corexit 9500 all over the place. Sounds kind of fishy if you ask me.

Anyway, people down south experiencing this first hand are going to be more emotional than those who are only experiencing it through the boob tube and print media. If you have family down there it's hard not be emotional because this is the biggest natural disaster ever in American history. Yes, life will go on, but not after some real shitty times ahead.



Game Bred
reading comprehension is lost on that one....

did anyone read anyone say anything like "beaches in texas covered in oil"?



Active member
ICMag Donor
And I don't disagree with any of that, gramps.

The irrational fear factor was one of the first things I was protesting here in this thread.
The almighty media was scaring folks to death by spewing stupid shit as they waited for a greasy pelican or two. Lots of revenues lost and due in large part from uninformed people spewing stupid emotion laden shit.

And the "A Whale" issue that points to the root of one of the two current problems.
The biggest issue is that they have to get the gusher stopped. It needs to have every mind from every university and engineering concern, and from every and any corner of the earth that cares to get involved. And fuck a bunch of testing of oil skimmers. What the fuck is going on down there? The fucking administration has to be the most incompetent tribe of fucking boobs I have ever seen. The environmental whackos own their less-than-learned asses, Ofuckingbama included. He is nothing but a puppet on a string.

We need some damn leadership up in this mutherfucker! (is that emotional enough?)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
And on top of that this thing has a long way before it fully plays out. I can't blame people for not wanting to go down and swim at some of these beaches. If this is irrational fear or not that is something that has yet to be determined. A couple of tar balls isn't going to kill anyone, but I never like swimming in the ocean anyway so that would further lead me to look elsewhere for a vacation spot. It's to each and his own, but this disaster is going to have a large impact on tourists psyche. Again, irrational or not.


Active member
Well excuse me for adding texas, though I'm sure my comment will be accurate in a few more weeks. The oil has washed up from LA, to pensacola, and you implied it was from natural seeps. Now you say nature takes care of natural seeps before it covers a beach, which I know is true. But you just recently said the oil covered beachs in FL were from natural seeps. So which one is it? I, already know the answer


Active member
ICMag Donor
reading comprehension is lost on that one....

did anyone read anyone say anything like "beaches in texas covered in oil"?

Look, jump off the comprehension thing, dipshit.
The man himself knows what I meant, and apparently it is YOU that have trouble comprehending. FWIW, this mentioned all the oil washed up in TX, when there has been none so far. Follow?
I just can't believe any of the oil washed up from texas to florida is from a natural seep.
Now do shove off.
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