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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Flying Goat

I worked 7 years in Metallurgy & Cathodic Protection for Arco Oil & Gas out of Plano, specializing in off-shore rig service... I haven't read all of this thread & don't intend to... However, as a person who is living down here with the bullshit, I can tell you I won't be renewing my salt water fishing license anytime in the next decade or 2...

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this or not, but a lot more comes outta that hole in the sea floor than just oil... In fact, oil is the LEAST of the problem...

Let's see if I can explain this... We'll start off gently.

First, there's Hydrogen Sulfide gas. Everyone knows what that is... Great stuff. The "permissible range" for human breathing is 5 to 1 ppb. In air quality readings taken inland 3 days ago in Alabama (probably near Foley, if my guess is correct), we presently have 1200 ppb in our air...

Benzene (maybe some of the oldies remember this from Love Canal?) Benzene causes: dizziness, headaches, tremors, rapid heartbeat, bone marrow damage & leukemia, damage to the immune system...
"Permissible rate" is 0 - 4 ppb. Presently, we are breathing 3,000 ppb. Nice, eh?

Then we have Methylene Chloride... Nasty stuff... "Permissible rate" is 61 ppb). We presently are breathing 3,000 - 3,400 ppb.

Think about this stuff being held down to near ground level by heat & humidity..... Remember, the levels above were measured 10 miles INLAND!

We're in for a huge rash of deformed, sick & ill babies, most of whom are not born yet, but whose mothers are breathing this toxic soup & cannot afford to leave the area... These are our homes!

My husband works in Mobile Bay - right down on the water at one of the shipyards... I worry for him every day, as he already has a compromised respiratory system...

Me? I try not to go outside between 9AM & 4PM - heat of the day, as my eyes burn, my nose runs & I cough constantly... plus the smell (like a neighbor burning plastic garbage)... ugh!

Do I need to tell you how disgusted I am about my organic veggie garden having toxic soup in the air, wind, & rain dumped on it? Toxins that will be in the food I'm preserving for winter? Toxins that may infect my very SEED, so that my future crops are contaminated?

Did I mention the reason I go to the trouble to grow my food (milk, eggs, meat & veggies) is because I'm trying to gain my health back from a chronic immune system condition?

Of all the people who volunteered for the Valdez oil cleanup in Alaska... do you realize ALL (that's right, 100%) of them are DEAD now? Average age at time of death was 51. I am 49 tomorrow. I will not live to see the Gulf come back to life after this...

Those of you criticizing the fishermen down here - yes, only 30% of the Gulf is polluted; however, our GOVT has put BP in charge & BP is closing the gulf to fishermen - all fishermen... They have chartered up every possible boat, because they don't want people going out there & taking PICTURES!

Neighbors who wanted to help with the cleanup are grumbling about BP not providing respirators & rubber gloves... They brought their own from home & were not allowed to wear them... Why? "It looks bad on TV."

Not just that, but the dispersant mix BP is using is so TOXIC that workers are being overcome... When they seek medical attention at a hospital or clinic, BP refuses to release the names of the chemicals in their dispersant mix so workers can be treated appropriately...

When have we EVER had a corporation DICTATE to our Govt how to clean up a mess they made?

BP has 700+ safety violations in a year & all other oil companies have 12... Something wrong with this picture?


Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
a storms a brewin in the gulf
If a hurricane hits that oil spill?...I expect it to sling shit inland, 200 miles...maybe more?

Oily rain?...that will be interesting....:drum:


It's ok! I heard on the new the other day that Kevin Costner sucks... er I mean, SUCKING MACHINE can filter 200,000 gallons of water in a 24 hour time period, BP has 30- 38? of them on order.
Of all the people who volunteered for the Valdez oil cleanup in Alaska... do you realize ALL (that's right, 100%) of them are DEAD now? Average age at time of death was 51. I am 49 tomorrow. I will not live to see the Gulf come back to life after this...

I would like to know more about this. Do u have sources?


Cannabrex Formulator
What I find staggering to absorb is all you people blaming Obama, car drivers and everyone but the real fucking criminals........greedy, corrupt, narcissistic white collar Corpo-Nazi scum who gamble with the health of our planet for their own malignant gain.

We have become so used to the exploitative "profit before all" paradigm that drives our world that we have come to expect this kind of behaviour, and write it off as "business is business".

Should we not be able to expect companies to behave in a responsible, safe manner WITHOUT having to be regulated, inspected and monitored?? Why is that such a stretch??

Until the profit motive and the concept of infinite economic growth is put aside and a truly long-term, sustainable paradigm is adopted by humanity, shit like this will keep happening, because the greed is encouraged by the system, and the people responsible are not accountable at all for their parasitic and self-centered exploitation and the permanent devastation is causes.

You want to put an end to shit like this, start by executing the CEO of BP and any BP executive who was involved in that rig. If that had been done to the Bhopal criminals after they murdered 25 000 innocent people, the Deepwater Horizon tragedy would never have happened, you can be sure.
Mr Arrogant Asshole BP CEO Tony Hayward would have made damn fucking sure that rig was safe, if it was his own personal ass on the line.....dontcha think?

And until their own fucking personal asses ARE on the line, the Corpo-Nazi monsters of the world will continue to pull off shit like this and laugh about it in their ivory towers...................over-priviledged, over-paid, arrogant, malignant and untouchable.

After all, who cares about some redneck shrimp farmers and a buncha sea turtles......man's God given right to rape the planet for personal gain is so much more important.

Just ask hoosier, he'll agree with ya 100%......but only after he blames Obama.


Active member
But if I don't go along with them then my retirement fund will be $10000 less than if I did. (if they don't ponzi scheme off my wealth before I leave my job)


Probably nothing that hasn't been said already. Its something we have grown extremely dependent upon. And every time a spill happens the marine life pay more than we do. If you cant stop something like this from happening you shouldn't be doing it in the first place.


Anybody hear about this might be a cover for atlantis or a lost city period. Funny how people are getting arrested if there caught in Louisiana with camera or camcorders....or how homeland security has blocked the whole airspace around som areas in the gulf...an if u try to google map that area its black??? An watz with the attempt to media blackout?? all this with military soldiers in full gear??? something is a lil fishy.....
But if I don't go along with them then my retirement fund will be $10000 less than if I did. (if they don't ponzi scheme off my wealth before I leave my job)

They're already discussing how (not "whether") to seize all 401k accounts and redistribute it. Had several hearing about it already with the greatest socialist minds they can find. Google it, or better yet cash it in and buy gold, because they WILL be stealing that retirement account from you. Mark my words.

BTW - anyone know when the new coal powered Government Motors "Volt" is coming out? LOL


Great .. large areas of oxygen depleted water in the golf.

The fish are trying to climb out of the water.

Oxygen producing vegetation is being killed in the water. Producing less oxygen for animals that need it ..

Oh wait!! We're one of those animals.
That's OK .. It's only the oxygen for those water animals .. like fish and stuff.

Oh wait!! that oxygen leaves the water and goes into the air!!
What percent? What percent of our own oxygen supply is being cut off.

Lets see .. the vegetation in the water gets coated with oil .. and dies.

What percentage of the air that we breath is having it's oxygen reduced?

Are we there yet? :(

Have they set up the air locks for the white house yet?


I am tired of people calling this a spill. This is not a spill. A spill comes from a container. The oil is not contained in bucket.... This is a oil disaster. It will damage the entire planet and every ocean. Oil will be gushing out for years...


I saw something on my puter the other day that was baffling to say the least.A guy in one of the parishes was filming it rain oil.I'm not shitting you and it wasnt some kind of trick.It was sick is what it was
Not a trick. Its just what happens when it rains on a street full or old beaters. Seen it many a time. Other than that it CAN'T rain oil. Oil doesn't evaporate into oil vapor and then re condense into clouds and rain down.
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