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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Look .. allowing the oil to continue to spill sets up a potential earth killing situation.

A trace of radiation is a small price to pay to keep the earth alive.

In addition, the amount of radiation released is much much smaller than nukes that have been set off in the oceans before.

Microscopic in comparison to those former "tests" that we have already set off there.


It is a conspiracy in that the well head and pipe section was constructed by a US company and BP is a UK company.

Finger pointing and blame will not help one bit...

...could someone please have a word in Mr Obama's ear?

Actually, finger pointing to the correct people would help, A LOT.

For example, 9/11. Point the finger at the TRUE criminals, not a manufactured "al queda". Unfortunately the details about this spill are in their infancy, and until we as a people can break it down and understand what happened, we can't finger point...and that's what they want. sheep. "we have this under control"...sure ya do. you probably blew the rig on purpose, and here you go telling us it's going to "bounce back" while it spills millions of gallons into our oceans and ruin aquatic life permanently.

The Hummus Monk

Active member
What has 9/11 got to do with an environmental disaster? I can see what you're trying to say...but I politely disagree.

I believe 'the blame game' is a political tool used solely to try and make the finger pointer appear to be coming from a higher place.

Anyway...it needs to be solved...collaboratively.

The Hummus Monk

Active member
'you probably blew the rig on purpose...'

That is not a helpful viewpoint IMO

It amazes me how right wing the canna community sometimes seems to be...

...yes let's all get really fucking negative and angry...that will improve things.
Chevron's been trying to fight it's own leak as well.


Oil Leak: Residents press Chevron for answers
Inquiries » Some people asking a company official questions were combative.

By Mike Gorrell And Derek P. Jensen

The Salt Lake Tribune

Salt Lake Tribune
Updated:06/15/2010 01:06:05 AM MDT

Stuffed animal held tightly in her left arm, 9-year-old Stella Cunningham asked a Chevron official how long the stretch of Red Butte Creek behind her Harvard Avenue home will smell.

"When can we swim in it again?" she added.

The little girl's questions were two of many hurled at Chevron Vice President Bryan Tucker during a two-hour community meeting Monday night about the oil spill that fouled Salt Lake City's Red Butte Creek, Liberty Park pond and, to a lesser degree, the Jordan River.

A few speakers at the Clayton Middle School gathering were combative. Most sought details: Where will crews clean up first? How long will it take? How do you file claims for overnight hotel stays if the stench forces you from your home? A couple of residents even praised Chevron's response to the accident.

"All day [Sunday], we had a civil engineer from Chevron, volunteering his time, in our backyard, rubbing oil off rocks and concrete,' said Harvard Avenue resident Ronalee Baker. "With the tremendous job you have now and ahead of you, I want to compliment you."

"I'll take that back [to the workers]," Chevron's Tucker responded. "They'll feel good."

Not all of the questions were so easy. He told the Cunningham girl, for instance, that he had no definite answer.

"As the days get warmer, the oil that is there is going to evaporate," Tucker said. "The smell is probably going to get worse before it gets better."

Another resident mockingly asked how long the cleanup would take -- months, years, decades, centuries.

"Months, not years, not centuries," Tucker responded.

Rebecca England, who lives on Yale Avenue, returned home late Saturday after hiking in Zion National Park and immediately got a headache.

"I have kids and I don't know whether I can let them go jump on the trampoline [in my yard]," she said.

England was not satisfied with Chevron's presentation, which drew about 250 residents.

"It amazes me that they've dealt with this enough times, that they didn't have better answers than this. I can't believe they don't have a plan."

Robert Penrose, who lives east of Liberty Park and also reported suffering headaches from the fumes, advised Tucker that Chevron could face difficulty cleaning stretches of Red Butte Creek that flow underground in drainage pipes.

"That will be a challenging area to clean up," Tucker conceded. "It's my expectation that will be one of the tougher challenges we have."

Chevron spokesman Mark Sullivan noted that the contaminated corridor was subdivided into 18 distinct areas Monday and that appropriate cleanup plans will be developed for each of those segments.

Tucker alleviated one woman's fears that Chevron will start at the easternmost point and clean west from there, similar to the flow of the oil, saying "we're going to take data from our study [Monday] and prioritize our remediation process in agreement with [the Environmental Protection Agency]. It will be based on the number of people affected, how much of a health hazard there is."

Camron Carpenter was one of several speakers urging Chevron to move quickly, noting that every time it rains, the flows down Red Butte Creek pick up quickly, possibly sending oil downstream into previously cleaned stretches.

Poplar Grove resident Camille Biexei pleaded with officials to pay as much attention to the Jordan River and the spill's impact on west-siders as the east-siders along Red Butte.

"The west side often has been marginalized. I would really like to see you going door to door in that corridor," she said, concerned that she saw no signs of wildlife in her morning walk Monday along the Jordan River Parkway.

Tucker pledged to do so, noting that "we won't treat it any differently than any other part of town. After we looked at [the Jordan River on Sunday], we doubled the number of people and booms in that area."

The spill flowed through affluent east-side neighborhoods -- such as Yalecrest -- and more modest areas near Liberty Park and the west side's Jordan River.

Chevron spokesman Dan Johnson said the oil giant had fielded 300 calls to its spill hot line as of Monday evening and 14 claim requests. (That number is 1-866-752-6340.)

Military Drive residents Neil and Tanya Vickers said they plan to file a claim to have Chevron cover the cost of their stay Sunday night at a hotel after being sickened by the smell coming from Red Butte, which runs through their backyard.

Tucker advised any residents who feel ill to do similarly, prompting one participant to suggest the Residence Inn as a good place to stay.

"The Hotel Monaco or the Grand America is what I had in mind," quipped another resident.

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Green Mujaheed
The worse might be still to come. Hurricane season is planned to be quite a busy one this year, if not the busiest ever, with 14 to 23 forecasted storms of which half could turn into hurricanes. Current atmospheric and oceanis conditions are similar to those before Katrina.
These hurricane could bring oil far inland, with immense consequences well beyond the coast. Can you imagine ? Oil Rains !

Apparently Obama annouced that "measures to protect the Gulf seafood industry, and pledged that beaches in the area could and would be returned to their pristine condition within one or two years. "

within one or two years ? I'd like to see how they do that !

Anyway, them BP people who are responsible for that mess should be jailed. Their greed is the single cause of this disaster and they are responsible as well of the 11 deaths which have occured there.

Irie !
Considering AboveTopSecret's primary purpose is to spread bullshit and make people paranoid, I wouldn't look too deeply into this. I guess it gets their website a few more hits though.
Actually ATS's primary purpose is to deny ignorance. :smoke:

...Whatever way you/they put it. They'll believe anything on that site as long as it contradicts what their perception of authority is telling them. A disturbingly high percentage of their membership base think that aliens are flying all around our skies in spaceships at night, that 9/11 was planned and choreographed by the US government, that there's some hidden elite group running and manipulating the entire world, that global warming is a fraud and a conspiracy aimed at taking our money, that almost all major global catastrophes were planned by these "elite" for whatever cynical purpose they can fabricate, that the holocaust never happened, and I could go on and on. For a site that claims it's purpose is truth-seeking and denial of ignorance, there sure is a lot of bullshit and ignorance on it.


Well the guys could be turning white because theres a sea floor bubble forming around the well for miles, supposedly 10 feet high.
this is prolly why the Navy Intelligence showed up, because the Navy gets the good GPS and they can see this bubble forming, I think the whole area is about to blow, along the plate!


...Whatever way you/they put it. They'll believe anything on that site as long as it contradicts what their perception of authority is telling them. A disturbingly high percentage of their membership base think that aliens are flying all around our skies in spaceships at night, that 9/11 was planned and choreographed by the US government, that there's some hidden elite group running and manipulating the entire world, that global warming is a fraud and a conspiracy aimed at taking our money, that almost all major global catastrophes were planned by these "elite" for whatever cynical purpose they can fabricate, that the holocaust never happened, and I could go on and on. For a site that claims it's purpose is truth-seeking and denial of ignorance, there sure is a lot of bullshit and ignorance on it.

No. You are assuming that everyone there hops on the bandwagon and jumps to conclusions.

If I began using your logic, all african americans are thieves and crackheads.

If I go to the "growers" forum here and I tally up all the threads that perpetuate bullshit information on how to grow, the list would be endless. Does that mean that ICMAG just perpetuates wrong or incorrect information? You surely have it out for ATS. Just because you THINK something doesn't make it the truth.


9/11 was planned and choreographed by the US government, and bin ladin construction BUILT the towers to be BLOWN thats not such a secret
No. You are assuming that everyone there hops on the bandwagon and jumps to conclusions.

If I began using your logic, all african americans are thieves and crackheads.

If I go to the "growers" forum here and I tally up all the threads that perpetuate bullshit information on how to grow, the list would be endless. Does that mean that ICMAG just perpetuates wrong or incorrect information? You surely have it out for ATS. Just because you THINK something doesn't make it the truth.

Try reading before you post rubbish like that and leaving me frivolous rep messages. Do you understand what "A disturbingly high percentage of their membership" actually means? It means, surprisingly, that a high percentage of their membership believe that stuff. Notice that I didn't say all. And I used to be a member on ATS. It's a rubbish site. Almost everything posted on there is tinged with paranoia. Scepticism is good for finding the truth. Paranoia certainly isn't.


Try reading before you post rubbish like that and leaving me frivolous rep messages. Do you understand what "A disturbingly high percentage of their membership" actually means? It means, surprisingly, that a high percentage of their membership believe that stuff. Notice that I didn't say all. And I used to be a member on ATS. It's a rubbish site. Almost everything posted on there is tinged with paranoia. Scepticism is good for finding the truth. Paranoia certainly isn't.

Hush your mouth, child.

I will reiterate...using your logic, i can say "a disturbingly high percentage of african americans are unemployed, theives and crackheads"

You are categorizing an entire website's membership base on your sole opinion. I'll leave you whatever reputation I like, just as you can. I negged you because you clearly can't back up your opinions with any sort of evidence or statistics and resort to negative comments about people without intelligently debating an issue.
Hush your mouth, child.

I will reiterate...using your logic, i can say "a disturbingly high percentage of african americans are unemployed, theives and crackheads"

You are categorizing an entire website's membership base on your sole opinion. I'll leave you whatever reputation I like, just as you can. I negged you because you clearly can't back up your opinions with any sort of evidence or statistics and resort to negative comments about people without intelligently debating an issue.

You're not going to shut me up, so don't even try.

What a petty analogy. There's always some moron that tries to correlate a trivial issue like this to racism. It's always either that or Nazism.

Unfortunately, your analogy also fails in the fact that it's also true. There is a disturbingly high amount of African Americans with drug problems, no jobs, and involvement in crime. Statistics back that up. It's sad, but true.

Now, if I were to correct your analogy, it would read like this: "A high percentage of people on ICmag smoke weed." You only need to spend a few minutes here to know that. It's a cannabis-themed website. What the hell do you expect?

ATS is, by it's own admission, a conspiracy-themed website. It's written all over the bloody site. Just look at some of the forum headings:

- The 2012 End Times

- Breaking Alternative News

- Aliens and UFOs

- General Conspiracies

- 9/11 Conspiracies

So don't go telling me that it's just my opinion when I say that a large percentage of the members on that site believe in conspiracies. It's a fact.


Cannabrex Formulator
Anyway, them BP people who are responsible for that mess should be jailed. Their greed is the single cause of this disaster and they are responsible as well of the 11 deaths which have occured there.

Irie !

Bugger that...kill the fuckers....publicly.

Drown 'em in their own fuckin' crude on global TV.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Bugger that...kill the fuckers....publicly.

Drown 'em in their own fuckin' crude on global TV.

Show us the line-up, there big talk. Just where does the list begin and where does it end. We need to see who it is you are going to execute, and list their crime along with it, if it's not too much trouble.

(imagining an ignorant reply like; Kill em all!...)


The US government is acting with the same speed as with Katrina.A Dutch company has send three sweepings arms which each arm can clean up 240 tons of oil per hour and has the expertise how to clean up, but the US government is still denying their expertise.They bought the arms but they still not using it.


The only thing what happens is that some guys which were hired by BP are throwing paper towels into the water.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

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