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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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St. Elsewhere
Anyone else hear about the air contamination in the Gulf? Tested levels of Hydrogen Sulfide are at ~1500 parts per billion. That is a volcanic gas. Scary shit.


weed fiend
In 2008, BP Touted New Tech To Measure Oil Flow

In 2008, BP Touted New Tech To Measure Oil Flow

— By Kate Sheppard
Fri Jun. 11, 2010 3:00 AM PDT

In the early weeks of the catastrophe, BP said 1,000 barrels of oil were leaking from the well each day. Then, the oil giant went along with a later government estimate of 5,000 barrels per day. That, too, proved to be understating the matter. The government's latest assessment is 20,000 to 40,000 barrels per day, but the upper range could be as high as 50,000 barrels per day. Meanwhile, BP says it's siphoning up to 15,000 barrels of oil daily. Given that oil is still pouring into the ocean, this only serves to verify that the spill is far worse than BP—and the government—originally let on. BP's earliest estimates would have us believe that a total of around 2.2 million gallons of oil had entered Gulf waters. According to the new, upper-end calculation from the flow rate team, that total could be as high as 109.2 million gallons.
full article



BP will Officially ask the USA to pay for Clean up in a telephone call to President Obama in the next few hours.

BP seems to have the ability to pay for the total clean up over the next 20 years but it seems they are going to ask the USA to pay for it.

Source : PBS news show : The Lehrer news hour 6-11-10.


Well this may be news to you, but money is like food and we are all starving.

I am not into money, but I sure like nice things, and they cost money. I would never hurt anyone or do anything immoral for money. I would not even sell weed because that is illegal. But I do like to have a truck that runs nice and a nice big tv to play movies on. Having a nice deck to smoke a joint on is nice and I prefer to not do my own laundry.

Hello new guy...

You don't know me. My public roots on-line go back to 2000

It's not news to me it's not a issue of one dimensionality, and opinion as it may be for you; to me.

It's time to save the Earth.. To hell with money and economics. We have failed.. There is no insurance policy from God that will make it all better.

I do, however, appreciate you mustering a reply and don't take this as anything more than opinion on a situation that will become the ecological foundation of the future.
They can't stop the damn thing Guy.. Money isn't important and money cannot be a measure of reality now.. Money is an illusion but life is real.. Oil kills life.

So I understand a major part of retirement funds for the UK are invested ( 40% ) and Americans have (39%) invested in BP but OMG it's an environmental disaster! What does Money have to do with a dead planet?

So it's on the UK to replace pensioners income but BP must PAY!

Amos Moses

Wrong you can get active and call your representatives.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Cut me some slack, Jack...:thank you:

My representatives? I guess I am a citizen. But I didn't vote for them. And they never do what I ask them to do.

Legalize cannabis? No.

Stop taxing us so much? No.

Stop your ridiculous spending? No.

Reduce the size of government? No.

Limit police powers? No.

Stay out of my life? No.

Stop your fucking wars? No.

Stop influence peddling by special interests? No.

Do the job you were elected to do? No.

Stop passing legislation that hurts our economy? No.

They never do a damn thing I want them to do!

You're asking me to request that they do something about the fucking oil spill?

They should already be doing something about the fucking oil spill!

Are you saying that they are that fucking stupid that I have to beg them to fucking do something?

Y'all have a really nice day, K? :dance013:

Amos :wave:


BP has given the green light for funding of a device that can separate oil from water.
Development of the machine, which uses a centrifuge to separate the fluids, has been backed by actor Kevin Costner to the tune of $25 million.


I have been using oily water separators in ship design for many years. It is a centrifuge as well. It is used in the diesel fuel the supplies the engines on ships and most of them have one. I had thought of using a device like this myself. Those on ship for the diesel supplies are like 5 hp and have a flow rate of a few gallons per minute. That which would be used for this would have to be substantial larger and much stronger as you are not using it to de-water diesel, you are using it to separate heavy crude. It will work, but there will be some problems. The viscosity of the crude will vary from pick up point to pick up point for one, and there will be severe clogging issues continually.

Amos Moses

That looks pretty damn good! But, they said it was only for surface oil. How can they handle the oil plumes and sludge that is on the bottom of the ocean and on the coral reefs?

I think there is still a huge problem even if they were to use this bioremediation technique.

Good video!

Amos :wave:


Cut me some slack, Jack...:thank you:

My representatives? I guess I am a citizen. But I didn't vote for them. And they never do what I ask them to do.

Absolute slack.. I'm but a humble member here.
We may do well to accept that Americans are damn angry. We Identify with the beauty of our Land(s)

So you personal no. It's the Drama of the day or reality.

This is a mess.. Political agendas' have to yield if they do not favour the Ecological survival of the Gulf and the Atlantic oceans.

That's all.. Show me someone who can get the UN to subsidize BP's losses and I will drop my ecological shout out to the good people of the Earth.

The danger is in people not responding. The Monster is the forces that keep the people dumb and inactive.

I see you go on to dilute toxins like BP dissolves oil.

My post is liberal yes but the time is NOW for tree-huggers and Sea-Lovers to get noisy.

So I have no more to argue. I don't know what point you made in whole so I apologize on that.

BP shouldn't be white washed is all. We are talking Mother Earth here.

Legalize cannabis? No.

Stop taxing us so much? No.

Stop your ridiculous spending? No.

Reduce the size of government? No.

Limit police powers? No.

Stay out of my life? No.

Stop your fucking wars? No.

Stop influence peddling by special interests? No.

Do the job you were elected to do? No.

Stop passing legislation that hurts our economy? No.

They never do a damn thing I want them to do!

You're asking me to request that they do something about the fucking oil spill?

They should already be doing something about the fucking oil spill!

Are you saying that they are that fucking stupid that I have to beg them to fucking do something?

Y'all have a really nice day, K? :dance013:

Amos :wave:


Cannabrex Formulator
Arrogant, malignant monsters sitting in their ivory towers, ransoming off our childrens future for the sake of squeezing a few more percentage points out of the most obscenely profitable industry in human history..........

Cut their fuckin nads off and feed 'em to the dogs I say.....evil parasitic donkeyhonking scum.


Cannabrex Formulator
And as far as everyone here bitching and whining about how it's Obama's fault, and it's the consumer's fault, and it's the leftists fault, yada yada yada...that's a total load of horseshit.

The Corpo-Nazi fucknads at BP chose to dig a well at a depth far beyond their ability to deal with in case of fuck-ups, and then cut all sorts of corners and bypassed safety regs out the wazzoo because they were losing a few million a day. A few million a day is fucking pocket change to a petro-giant like BP...yet they seemed to think it was enough to justify risking a disaster of unprecedented magnitude that could very well jeopardize the health of the oceans world wide.

Greedy, evil, parasitic munchers of Satan's feces, every single one of them......they deserve no less than a vigorous high colonic with some sea water, crude oil and dispersants (to start off with...we kin git more creative later of course).

The major blame in this enormous tragedy goes to arrogant greed, immediate gratification, narcissism and the profit motive....not Obama, not leftists, not consumers or any one else.


One Other thing I understand to be true:

I have posted 100,000 barrels a day and other sources say 40,000 or even 50,000
Who is right? 4 million+ Gallons a day or how much less? With only BP measuring we will never know.

Fact: The flow of this oil depends on the pressure pushing on the opening.
The more material gets between the oil and the hole the less oil will flow BUT once that material blows out the hole the oil will GUSH out hard and fast until the next bunch of material clogs thing up a bit.
BP may be measuring when the clogs are in place. The size of the pipe and the expected pressure suggests 100,000 barrels flow are possible from what I understand.
Also possible is the sea floor is the material that is clogging the blow hole at times.

So I'd love to read some truth that tells me the spill isn't an oil bomb.


YES I CAN.... Bankrupt the USA
YES I CAN.... Keep borrowing money from my buddies, the Communist Chinese
YES I CAN.... Push healthcare that 76 % of Americans opposed, and add more pork to budget
YES I CAN.... Watch MILLIONS of gallons of oil spew out, while I sit on my PEElosi and do nothing
YES I CAN.... Decry racism against an Arizona Governor for enforcing immigration laws
YES I CAN.... Continue to appoint SOCIALISTS to the supreme court
YES I CAN.... Bow to all the other leaders of different countries like a trained flea
YES I CAN.... Make the highest office in the land a laughing stock of the world
YES I CAN.... Blame the prior administration for everything that goes wrong
YES I CAN.... Divide the nation like never before in American history
YES I CAN.... Be impeached and tried as a TRAITOR.....HEY OBAMA...
.('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
...'\................ _.•´


Old School Cottonmouth
this vid was unreal


People will probably think they intimidated those guys into not talking to the media but in all honesty I think it's who they are hiring. I grew up in New Orleans and the place is just scary. People just don't snitch. There are so many murders and nobody comes up with information when there is no way people didn't see it. It's ridiculous. Seems like they got two white guards and then hired the clean up crew with applicants from the New Orleans housing projects.

Thing is though it's just a matter of time when one of those dumb asses they hired realizes there is tons of money in snitching to the media. Imagine if just one of those guys walked over to the news anchor and said "How much you give me for an exclusive interview?". Thousands of dollars on the spot. Tens of thousands if they call nbc or someone.
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It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
I was watching the news and they interviewed the "CSI of Oil Spills" office (ran by the Coast Guard), and the officer in charge said that the "globs" found on the shores in florida don't match up with the BP oil leak... his theory was that it appears that some people or companies are taking advantage of the spill and letting their ships leak oil too!

i dont know, i found it interesting :joint: if i find a link, i'll post it up

my dad was telling me about all these jobs they have down there for the cleanup, i wonder how long it will take?? if anything i guess this mess stimulates employment..



BP Is Still Pointing Fingers -- Time for Us to Act
It was just before Earth Day 2010 when the when the BP disaster, a veritable "Chernobyl of the Ocean" and possibly the worst oil spill in human history, erupted. Americans were celebrating our connection to the Earth as a black plume of smoke rose from a burning oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, a plume as dark as the clouds of oil that would soon gush out and contaminate the Gulf waters in the following hours, days, weeks and now months.

In a way, this Earth day showed our level of disconnection from the environment. It's a disconnect that we have been numbed into accepting.

After 44 days, the well is still gushing. Tar and oil wash ashore daily, contaminating precious wetlands along America's Gulf Coast. BP executives are pointing fingers while the government continues hand-wringing. This week, President Obama sent America's top lawyer, Attorney General Eric Holder, to the region to begin a criminal investigation. The irony that Obama rushes in the lawyers while the well is still spewing is not lost on most Americans. Although BP has assumed responsibility, the current situation is the result of a number of other disastrous failures, all of them avoidable.

In the beginning and throughout the process, BP has lied about the pervasiveness of the oil leak and the extent of damage we should expect. The company is named the "responsible party" in the disaster, but its corporate officials continue to act recklessly, downplaying the true scope of the problem and failing to tell authorities the truth. If they'd been more forthcoming at the start about the amounts of oil gushing into the Gulf, a more comprehensive solution could have been approached earlier. Considering how quickly our government acted on behalf of Haiti and the Haitian people, this incident only highlights how distant American leaders are to the American people. And like everything else the Obama Administration is doing that prolongs the pain of accumulated damages, we can't see the depth of the actual harm.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has displayed increasing frustration with BP's lack of expedited cooperation and failure to be transparent, but his mounting ire doesn't disguise his agency's culpability. The Department of the Interior's negligent Minerals Management Service (MMS) -- tasked with oil company oversight -- didn't do their job because they are too cozy with oil companies and executives. The resignation last week of the head of the agency speaks for itself; the MMS is rife with conflicts of interest and a culture that fails to regulate oil companies properly. The President's stated plan to divide it is a good step forward in correcting abuse, but it will do nothing to stop the leak.

And if this disaster couldn't be more tragic, it is derailing the lives of the residents of America's Gulf Coast, already strained and broken by Hurricane Katrina and the then administration's mishandling of that relief. The fisherfolk and others who make their living on the water and in coastal communities will pay the price for BP's murderous greed and government complicity for years, if not generations, to come. They cannot fish, and they can't make a living putting down oil booms for BP's cleanup effort. This week, the news that many have become ill, and talk that some have been doused with dispersant by sprayer aircraft, just reinforces how disenfranchised the people of the Gulf have been made by Washington.

Anyone would have expected our President, once a clear opponent of offshore drilling, to seize this opportunity to educate Americans on the dire consequences for our addiction to oil. Now would be the moment in history when we have a chance to see the true impact of fossil fuel extraction. I think as Americans we must end our dependency not only on oil, but on our government. Now is the time for each American to be responsible for our environment, no matter what political stripes we wear. We must raise our expectations of ourselves and our representatives, we must ask the questions, listen to the answers and decide whether we are moving in a positive direction for our planet and our country.

Eleven people died in the Horizon explosion with the captain and most valuable engineers abandoned by their own crew, who seized the last lifeboats, prompting many people to ask: who have we become? There is no nobility in this story except for the overburdened individuals cleaning up the mess, like Waterkeeper Alliance, and other tireless environmental soldiers and the fisherfolk.

There is no clean way, no safe way, to get at the planet's petroleum reserves, so we have to be as clean and safe as possible as we make the transition from fossil fuels to green, sustainable energy. We have to demand that our government, who works for us, take responsibility and act transparently.

We are losing the moment to save our country and our planet from corporate greed. If you don't have time to do something about this issue because you're too stressed and strained with your own life, consider giving a little something to those who do. While it is admirable to give to international crises, the Gulf Coast crisis is happening right here in America. The future of our ocean, and the fisherfolk and their families is at stake, and they need our help right now.

Grammy nominated and platinum selling recording artist Sophie B. Hawkins is donating 100% net proceeds of her new single, "The Land, The Sea & Sky," to benefit Waterkeeper Alliance -- which is on the frontlines of clean up efforts -- at www.Saveourgulf.org. Sophie's new album is about respecting nature and when she heard about the tragedy she felt compelled to do something about it.

Huffington Post

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

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