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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Active member
This is definately a catastrophe especially for us in that live around the gulf coast. not only that but this will severely jeopardize my lively hood in the Offshore and Oil & Gas industry. This is all true, but i think its definately getting blown out of proportion. this is not some doomsday level event. not even close. we will be cleaning up this mess and i think the oil and gas industry will be changed forever. New safety protocols and no more BP saving a penny here and there to bypass safety regulations. they own and operate the most dangerous and scabbed together shithole plants and platforms in the world. this could have been avoided had BP not tried to save some change on the lowest bidder. I live on the gulf we find massive amounts of tar and oily build up all year round due to natural oil seepage, it does kill plants and animals, however there are other organisms that take advantage of this. this will get plugged, it will get cleaned, the earth will recover, and things will be ok. We do need to hold BP accountable for this and I am saddened at the thought of taxpayers covering massive costs and burdens due to this.


Active member
if it's their money being blown, if its their oil they bought in a fair and open marketplace, if its usage doesnt involve public roads, then its none of yours or anyone else's goddamn business whats done with that oil. if you disagree then GTFO of this country, your kind is not needed or wanted here.

i completely agree with the idea and where youre coming from, just not the portrayal and implementation of said idea. both of you guys feel your ideas are to the betterment of mankind. one supports less restriction and government control. the other supports more governmental control and restrictions. in all honesty in a modern society both ideas need to be implemented and balanced. I do not want Kalico to GTFO out even though he supports more governmental controls and regs. He only wishes to make life better for himself and family through his experiences and beliefs. the same goes with you or anyone else. I personally believe we need governmental regulations and guidelines and safety standards in place, without such regs, greed becomes overwhelming. you can even look to our politicians now and see what happens when greed and power are in the mix with not regulation. we the people do not regulate and keep in check the very government that wishes to enslave us. politicians make live out of sitting in office, passing laws and regs to score votes and kiss ass, how few politicians are in it for the betterment of society and the people of this country? Obama? Bush? Clinton? fuck no, not one of those motherfuckers gives two shits about us. we need to impose term limits on these assholes making lives out of stagnating their roles in office only to line their pockets with loot and power. this fiasco may have been avoided had proper safety precautions and guidelines been followed to a "T" the fact that all 3 failsafes fucking failed shows you how shitty and unprepared BP was. they are murdering bastards and I hope this puts an end to the cheap safety slashing bastards that they are! /rant for now btw calling people ignorant or stupid is not getting anyone closer to a better society, it does the exact opposite in fact


Active member
these are nothing more than quotes. i see not actual "fact" in them. But i will mention i agree with this viewpoint. what i dont agree with is calling people stupid n and to GTFO when not one of you cats can actually lay out a semi coherent and educated plan to fix this shit. Until then all that's going on is meaningless rambling and finger pointing.... "aw the left is pussies they only want to enslave us and shit" and "ugh the right wingers are oil slurping war mongering ball lickers" this shit just doesn't go anywhere.... Our country is pretty divided so we're gonna have to fucking get along somewhat to get anything done in this ever sinking country.
"the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

another good one:

"If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We seek not your council, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. " -- Samuel Adams


Active member
maybe we can learn something from the Vulcans, We need to figure out how to eliminate all emotions, as its a weakness and detrimental to society in some respects. until then everyone is gonna get butthurt by someone elses views. Regardless of how logical or ethical they may sound to another given person.


Active member
posts edited cause i just realized you werent making a statement, you were criticizing Hoosier's statement. so therefore we were actually in agreement i suppose. im a dumb ass sorry.


Exactly Gingerale. I don't watch NASCAR, can't think of a single person in it, never seen a race, and wouldn't recognize it unless I was told it was a NASCAR race I was watching. I don't care if they waste more energy than Goracle himself. None of my business. But let someone say it should be banned because they don't like it and I'll be all over them. :)

Those who sit around pontificating on what to ban next make me sick. How much meddling into other peoples business is enough for them? A.) Just a little more...


The cat that loves cannabis
posts edited cause i just realized you werent making a statement, you were criticizing Hoosier's statement. so therefore we were actually in agreement i suppose. im a dumb ass sorry.
Mine too
By the way, I agreed with everything you said except for the ripping on me parts


I don't know what is with the PM's. I've had two since joining this site. Responded, looked at sent messages and it still say's zero sent messages. Maybe I haven't posted enough to send them, or something. I'm not replying till I get to the bottom of this. Tired of writing a message and having it (seem to) go to /dev/null :)

Anyways, you have a good day too. Mine will get alot better in about 90 days.
This. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=3484822&postcount=150

One of the many things I learned when I took a PhD seminar in coastal resource management policy. UN report on the oceans or something like that is where you can get all this kind of good stuff.

It will take 30+ years to ween off of oil. It is so ingrained into our existence as a modern society. You might not like it, but it's reality. You just have to sit down and do the math and that's what's great about the math and numbers. They don't give a shit if you are liberal, conservative, fascist, socialist, capitalist, communist, black, white, brown, yellow, gay, environmentalist, conservationist, and/or a cocksucker, the numbers are the numbers. You need oil and you're going to need it for a long time to come.

This sums it up pretty good.
Our nation has abandoned a cohesive, self-sufficient energy policy for more than thirty years. We are thus saddled with a foreign policy demands driven not from our own national self-interest but that of our need to maintain our nation's energy supplies. This is an untenable position for our nation and we must reverse course immediately. Nuclear power is the only technology available for high-quality energy production (in the form of electricity) on a mass scale. Breeder reactors are fuel-cycle positive and their construction and capability has been available to us since the 1960s. We refuse, rather than being unable, to use this technology. This is unacceptable; a combination of breeder reactors and advanced design fission plants are, in aggregate, able to operate for thousands of years using the fuel supplies known to exist within our borders.

We have the ability, given sufficient electrical generating capacity, to produce both newer-generation hybrid vehicles and biodiesel from aquaculture. Between these two technologies, along with the electrification of our rail system we can have a 100% carbon-cycle neutral transportation complex within fifty years. Personal transportation such as automobiles can easily reach 50mpg with today's technology and in excess of 100mpg (blended) in a hybrid vehicle using a small (e.g. 30-40hp) diesel engine as an adjunct to primary battery capacity. Such a vehicle cannot "run out of juice", it is refueled exactly as cars are now using our existing infrastructure, it can travel for short distances (~10-20 miles) entirely on an overnight charge consuming no liquid hydrocarbons and yet will travel indefinitely on the highway at 70mph while returning in excess of 60mpg of diesel fuel. The engine, available today, will burn any mixture of petroleum or biologically-sourced diesel.

During the time it will take to bring these energy resources online we can and must exploit the petroleum we know we have. This means drilling offshore and on, in Alaska and elsewhere, not as a means of a permanent solution but as a way to provide the energy America needs while we repair the malfeasance and misfeasance of the last thirty years. We have the technology available to extract oil and natural gas without doing material environmental damage, and we must do so.

If, in the future, battery technology advances to where we can replace liquid hydrocarbons with storage batteries while retaining the capabilities required for personal transportation then such a step should be taken. However, there is no evidence that such a breakthrough is going to occur in the short and medium term.
Solar, geothermal, wind and wave energy are all available to us but in many cases are either uneconomic or are politically sensitive, and in most cases (geothermal excepted) are not available for "base load" generation as their output depends on the vagaries of the weather. Where the argument is economic delaying their widespread use until they can be deployed in a cost-effective manner without subsidy makes sense. Where the objection is political, we must move forward, as no nation can grow and maintain its economy without securing its energy sources, and America is no exception.

This path forward requires no technological innovation we do not have, it is not "pie in the sky", it can be implemented now and yet is not being taken.

America must, and can, become energy independent. We have a workable plan to do so, and we will execute it where the provision and delivery of energy reaches across state lines.
Production and consumption of energy wholly within the borders of a State is, as with all other matters of intrastate commerce, properly beyond the reach of The Federal Government.

That's the best plan I've read to date on helping to ween off oil.


There's a simple solution to killing OPEC, can be done immediately, costs nothing, takes away no ones rights, works in the free market, requires about one line of legislation, will halve the price of gasoline, enriches every poor country with enough dirt to plant any crop.

Mandate that all cars are flex fueled. The cost right now is about $100 per new car, mainly for the stainless steel fuel line and computer chip. Not just "E-85", completely flex fueled.

My live disc run computer doesn't have flash installed, but I'm pretty sure this video explains it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLRuGUPkyh4 , if not theres the guys name.

Guy is a genius.
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