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R.I.P. my Rolling Stoned

Well I have some very sad news about a fellow ICmager. Some of you might remember him others may not. But a couple weeks ago Rolling Stoned has passed away in a sad freak accident. I wish to say no more details as I'm still trying to deal with this.


Light and Love to you and your family. ((((((hugs)))))))

One Love 731

Senior Member
May he enter the great garden and embrace what ever comes next. I am sorry for your loss. R.I.P Rolling Stoned. Karma, One Love


It's sad to hear about the death of anyone. It's especially sad to hear of the death of a fellow ICmagger, in an accident too. Looking back on his posts, he seemed like a genuinely helpful and nice guy.


Weedman Herb

I'm working the MoJo for you and yours ... and the Weedmans will continue to include you in our prayers, chants and thoughts at this very trying time ...


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Rolling stoned R.I.P
And may he find eternal happiness.. God bless he and his family.. My respects to all envolved.. peace..

He was a great giving guy. He always wanted to help anyone out if he could. Out of his friends, he was the go-to guy for almost everything. I'm so happy to see what a big impacted he has made here.

Thanks again for letting me just speak of him here, this really does seem to help.


my deepest sympathy bhbongs!!!sooooo sorry!!!rolling stoned RIP!!!!!!
peace and good vibes djxx
Thanx again for all the support, I love my ICmag family.

Today would have been our 1st annivesary of being engaged, if that even means anything. I'll never forget how he proposed.... we were driving through the country, rolling a blunt up and all of sudden he was saying there was something wrong with the car, at that time his car was getting worked on almost every month. So to my surprise it was his way to get me out of the car to propose. All I could think about was we just bought a sack and are stopped on this road with weed broking up and a split shell. And cops like to sit at a parking lot not that far away. RIP my love. You have taught me so much and many others.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
dont know what to say, just wanted to say something...i wish you healed and rolling stoned remembered......:joint:

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