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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Trying to downplay the disaster in the Gulf by mentioning natural seeps is identical to people whining that there is no deforestation problem because more trees are being planted now than 200 years ago....useless, empty statistics that have no relevance to reality.

Please show me the last time a large ecosystem took a massive devastating blow from a natural seep.........please show me the tens of thousands of birds, turtles and other wildlife killed by oil from natural seeps......please show me the last time a natural seep caused tens of thousands of lost jobs and killed an entire industry overnight.........betcha can't, right?

Stop throwing around worthless fucking stats, hoosier...they mean nothing and we all know it.
beat me to it!
I am a firm believer that all fossel fuels need to be abandoned ASAP
we have all the technology to use many many many other forms of power.
It is BS that huge power companies are controlling our fuel resources and not switching
Governments are able to push us in the right direction but when the Bush clan and friends get into office well what do expect.
Fight the power
I agree completely although I did not seem to agree with something you posted wherever I was last. Anyway, right on on this one!


Active member
ICMag Donor
please show me the last time a natural seep caused tens of thousands of lost jobs and killed an entire industry overnight
Tell me where you get your info from? Could it be the media...who is waiting with baited breath for the first oily duck so they can get shots and feed them to you folks? They know you enjoyed the drowning polar bears so much, the oily ducks HAVE to be a big hit!

And when it comes to why we haven't seen any bad things happen due to seeps, we have to wonder...are they lying about the seepage being the largest contaminator of oil in the seas? Or, could it be that the oceans have ways of dealing with such things?

I have not once said anything about a spill being a good thing at all...what I am saying is that many of you are simply eating what the media, the fascist administration in charge, and eco-nazi blogs have to feed you.


Cannabrex Formulator
ok please explain would be the best response I guess

Very simple....anyone who allows a legal caps on damages for an industry that can wreak havoc in the hundreds of billions ecologically is a scumbag of the highest order and should be executed publically along with the assfucks who let this disaster happen....all of them, from the execs to the engineers to the lawmakers that allowed the drilling.


Cannabrex Formulator
Tell me where you get your info from? Could it be the media...who is waiting with baited breath for the first oily duck so they can get shots and feed them to you folks? They know you enjoyed the drowning polar bears so much, the oily ducks HAVE to be a big hit!

And when it comes to why we haven't seen any bad things happen due to seeps, we have to wonder...are they lying about the seepage being the largest contaminator of oil in the seas? Or, could it be that the oceans have ways of dealing with such things?

I have not once said anything about a spill being a good thing at all...what I am saying is that many of you are simply eating what the media, the fascist administration in charge, and eco-nazi blogs have to feed you.

Blah blah blah blah.........your vapid, empty pontifications and knee-jerk response to things you don't like to hear is tiresome and


Don't worry hoosierdaddy. There are some here who do not possess the ability to THINK logically. Its all knee jerk "feeling" and logic is shunned by them. :)

It will always devolve into convoluted claims of racism (by the real racists) and god forbid - GREED!!! The greedy bastards in the evil oil industry need to be seized!! Why? Well they don't know, but the greedy vote buyers in government would be better than "greedy" individuals working in their own self interest, to the non-thinkers. Looters and moochers are never the greedy ones - in opposite land.


The cat that loves cannabis
Seeps vs Spill
Been thinking about this one more.
Why if seeps are such an overwhelming majority on that chart, why do we never see it washing up on the shore? Or floating in big slicks? Or thousands of oil coated birds and other sea life?
But when these TINY(by the chart) spills occur the shit is EVERYWHERE.
That does not make sense to me, it would seem to me that from what we've seen, the reverse is true, the seeps are minuscule and have little to no effect on the eco system, and the spills are massive and have a huge impact that is readily apparent to anyone with eyes.


The cat that loves cannabis
I mean, hey...the worst man on the planet..you know, GW Bush...that dickhead made a suggestion to the nation during his tenure that was completely ignored and not given any credence at all...yet what he suggested was spot on and brilliant.
All his suggested was that we as a nation observe and obey our speed limit laws, and we would collectively as a nation save use between 10%-30% less oil. 10%-30% REDUCTION OF OIL USAGE!
And the guy was right. Spot fucking on right...and I would like someone who thinks they are real smart to show us how he is not stating a way for our nation to do something drastic.
But..it would involve having to drive the speed limit. Can't have that now can we?

Oh yes, the brilliant george bush and his original idea to save the nation, LMAO! What a bunch of shit, his brillance, lol.

Anyone remember the FIRST TIME we saw the 55mph speed limit and why it was passed?
The oil crisis in the 70's
Bush is just parroting someone elses info as usual and you think that makes him a genuis, lol.

What is the next "brilliant" thing he is going to come out and say?
The sky is blue?
The sun rises each day?
Tell us more things we didn't know already oh great and wise bush.

"The National Maximum Speed Law in the United States was a provision of the 1974 Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act that prohibited speed limits higher than 55 mph"


Sounds like a better idea than dip shit socialist telling everyone to carry a tire gauge. Oh.. and get a "tune up". ROTFLMAO

I'm still planning on building a coal powered Hummer - someday. I can dream too. Perhaps a backup power source of compressed CO2. :)

I'll put it in the town parade, rigged up with a machine that slings broken lollipops.


The cat that loves cannabis
Why don't we do away with Nascar then?
Think about it, all these cars with huge engines driving at over 150mph on a track to no where for nothing except the entertainment of the huge number of hicks in the US.
Bruning oil/gas like crazy for nothing.
Plus all the gas burned by the hicks driving their cars to fast to go see the races.
I didn't hear bush saying lets do away with that.

Boycott auto racing then if your really sick of all these wasteful fast drivers Hoosier
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Why don't we do away with Nascar then?

Sounds typical lefty. Sitting around trying to figure out what to ban next. When they're not figuring out what to loot and mooch, they're sitting around wondering what else they can ban.

Why don't we do away with Nascar? Because its not your right to "do away" with anything.



The cat that loves cannabis
Sounds typical lefty. Sitting around trying to figure out what to ban next. When they're not figuring out what to loot anbd mooch, they're wondering what they can ban.

Why don't we do away with Nascar? Because its not your right to "do away" with anything.
After reading your "friend just got busted thread"
I have a much better insight into how you think and operate, which is naive, and reckless imo, kind of like the republicans you defend, you are pretty low on the list of people I would take advice from.

So the complete waste of oil for sport is cool with you then?
But everyone should slow down on the roadways when they are making trips that actually go somewhere?


Active member
ICMag Donor
look kitty...it is a fact...one that only stupid people would deny...that we will save between 10-30% of our gasoline alone when we drive the speed limit, as opposed to what people normally drive, which is about 10-20 over on just about any road. Not to mention the saved maintenance cost and lubrication saved.

Now, the only reason you see problem with a suggestion such as Bush provided, is because it came from Bush. You need to realize that he, and many others, are far smarter than you are. And it is obvious you aren't very smart, and only practicing your own flavor of bigotry.

Name something else that will help us use that much less oil without effecting anything else...well, some things will be effected, such as people lives, since the number one, I REPEAT NUMBER ONE cause of fatality auto accidents in the US is excessive speed.

I tell you, it gets real nauseating dealing with stupid people that have been indoctrinated by propaganda. Fucking blind is what they are, IMO.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
...what I am saying is that many of you are simply eating what the media, the fascist administration in charge, and eco-nazi blogs have to feed you.

I've been on the net since 18k was balls out. I can remember waiting 3 days for a simple windows update and if you lost connection half way through you had to start over. I posted a few weeks back regarding the the 25th birthday of the internet. yes the net itself is older but the birthday of the WWW was what I was referring to.

In that time I have had the PRIVILEGE of making friend all around the world and ALWAYS having an open mind has made it that much more easier to do so.

What I will say is this,what we read and what is true I have found MANY times to be totally different. The one currently that sticks out the most is Suicide Bombers.

Ask most folks what one is and they will say something like some crazy towel head killing folks for religion because that is what the tv and news programs say and what they print in the papers. Just do a google.

Now the truth is most of these so called towel heads are BOUGHT from their family's and are told that for them to do this will allow their family to have a better way of life. The only religion involved is for them to understand if they do this yes for reward they will go to the top tier and party down for eternity BUT the underlying factor is they do this mainly for the better good of their family's. MONEY

This way of life has not (as we know so far) reached it's way to America but with the economy the way it is I sadly feel it's simply a matter of time.

I WILL NOT TAKE A SIDE I'm to old and to wise but I will say that once again I read a whole lot of bitching but very few solutions.

My Penny

Oh and a few of you need to read my sig b4 you blow a gasket for no good reason :) It's Not Worth It


After reading your "friend just got busted thread"
I have a much better insight into how you think and operate, which is naive, and reckless imo, kind of like the republicans you defend, you are pretty low on the list of people I would take advice from.

So the complete waste of oil for sport is cool with you then?
But everyone should slow down on the roadways when they are making trips that actually go somewhere?

Maybe so, but if it is naive and reckless, it is my own life shattered (by the MINOR MISDEMEANOR I'm currently commiting). Not national policy.

What else should we ban because socialist leftists don't like it, or they believe in a hoax and want to push their naive and reckless belief on everyone else, at the point of a gun?

BTW - I could care less about speed limits to save gas, based on a hoax. So "up tree+bark=wrong" on that angle :)


The cat that loves cannabis
I'm not saying to ban anything, just pointing out the difference between driving your car someplace as compared to nascar.

Hoosier I don't disagree at all with what your saying, only that bush wasn't the one to come up with the idea, or the first one to preach it to the masses.
We were blitzed with commercials for all the positive aspects of driving slower in the 70's when they first changed the speed limit.
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