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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Michael Vick did time in jail for dog fighting. These motherfuckers r responsible for killing ecosystems! Think they'll get time???


Active member
and he still got a round of applause when he came back.

Amen to that. Don't see them launching a man hunt for osama-whats-hisface thats responsible for this.


shame shame shame
big 0il is goin down lol its going to be great to watch it happen, suck on that you bloodsuckers!!!!!:wave:


stoned agin ...
they should force feed those bp execs crawfish étoufée with a roux made of light sweet crude :no::no:

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I am a firm believer that all fossel fuels need to be abandoned ASAP
we have all the technology to use many many many other forms of power.
It is BS that huge power companies are controlling our fuel resources and not switching
Governments are able to push us in the right direction but when the Bush clan and friends get into office well what do expect.
Fight the power


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
Every motherfucker responsible needs to be hooked up to an IV drip of crude oil. I wonder if these asshats can sleep at night? If they do, I hope they have fucking nightmares :cuss:.



Active member
That containment dome didn't work..we are fucked! It's going to be weeks or months before they can stop this leak...


Active member
ICMag Donor
It really amazes me how alarmist people are. Many of you have no idea of the facts, and would rather just call out for the immediate abandonment of petroleum production.
And of course the chiming in and blaming of everything on the corrupt Bush and Cheaney.

Any of you that state we should immediately stop this killer petroleum production needs to have the balls to back up your statements. You need to be the ones to first show us the way. Show us how to live without the production of petroleum. This will mean you must immediately (to use a popular term) divest yourselves of everything that is associated with petroleum production. If you are not willing to do that, then you are only spouting off bullshit in an attempt to make yourself look like a caring individual.
Caring is not the proper term...ignorant is.

Driving would be first off your list...then clothing.
Then the food you eat, including the containers it is within...
I could go on and on and on...but it wouldn't make a fucks bit of difference to any of you, would it?
You don't mean one fucking thing you say, and you are really only being lemmings. Mental lemmings. No critical thinkers in this bunch at all it seems...
Sad really the way the human mind works.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Contributors to oil spills during the last decade.

With all the oil seeping out of the ground and into the oceans on a constant basis...one would think our coastlines would be nothing but oily mucked up messes....

Hmmmm...perhaps there is a reason for this????


Active member
ICMag Donor
Let me add more fuel to the fire, pun intended...

It has also been suggested, by those who know a bit about these things, that since deep water seeps of oil are mainly due to the pressures being created by the oil field itself, the action of capping a well could increase surrounding seeps to increase their production by 50%-100%.
Thinking caps on....calling all genius'...and mudslingers too...


Active member
ICMag Donor
Oh...and that little area shown on the graphs I provided that says "Consumption", well that is your shitty little oil leaking car and your activities that contribute to that.
Perhaps we need to put an end to this human activity?

"rub two sticks to make a lil nature..."


Any of you that state we should immediately stop this killer petroleum production needs to have the balls to back up your statements. You need to be the ones to first show us the way.

Driving would be first off your list...then clothing.
Then the food you eat, including the containers it is within...

The use of oil products is a bit old fashion, but we're addicted to it.
Cars can be driven electric, even on water.Cloths can be made out of hemp fibres.Probably you never heard of organic plastic which can be composted again to fine compost.

Electicity can be made from geothermic heat, mixture of salt- & non-salty water, wind, sun etc or which has been researched at some universities right now zeropoint energy, but this is a total new area for science of today.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



Active member
ICMag Donor
Can be done...perhaps.
On a scale that would replace out current need for petroleum? No way. Not in decades and decades, and that is only considering nuclear power. There are NO other viable sources that are feasible. None, including solar and wind power. They are simply not even close to being viable alternatives.

Consider ethanol...even if we were to change over tomorrow to total ethanol consumption, there are not enough highways to carry enough trucks to get enough grain to the distilleries to even get to a 1/10 of our needed levels. It is a logistical impossibility for us to switch to grain as our source of energy.
There are simply no viable alternatives.


The cat that loves cannabis
Contributors to oil spills during the last decade.

With all the oil seeping out of the ground and into the oceans on a constant basis...one would think our coastlines would be nothing but oily mucked up messes....

Hmmmm...perhaps there is a reason for this????

I was all set to come in and tell you your acting like a line toeing republican moron again, except that I actually think there is some validity to the chart you posted.
I've been thinking that crude must have been escaping naturaly for the entire history of the earth, and the eco system has dealt with it just fine so far.

But at the same time it's no excuse for the reckless drilling BP engages in.
Also, just because something occurs naturally, it does not excuse this collossel fuckup on the part of BP, that's like me plowing my car into a bunch of pedestrians and saying "well, if I didn't run them over then a tornado or some other force of nature would have got them anyway"


Active member
Boy was I wrong!!
Hoosier opened my eyes on this one,gotta give it to him:tiphat:

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Cannabrex Formulator
Can be done...perhaps.
On a scale that would replace out current need for petroleum? No way. Not in decades and decades, and that is only considering nuclear power. There are NO other viable sources that are feasible. None, including solar and wind power. They are simply not even close to being viable alternatives.

Consider ethanol...even if we were to change over tomorrow to total ethanol consumption, there are not enough highways to carry enough trucks to get enough grain to the distilleries to even get to a 1/10 of our needed levels. It is a logistical impossibility for us to switch to grain as our source of energy.
There are simply no viable alternatives.

What about lowering our gluttonous and wasteful use of energy and resources?

What about directing our efforts, resources and energy into things that actually play a part in our long term survival as a species, instead of toys, distractions and war machines?

What about using technology we already have (hemp comes to mind first) to replace the petroleum we use with something cleaner and less risky?

What about actually learning to live on this planet in a sustainable and healthy way, instead of treating it like a disposable toilet?

What about considering our descendants, and making a real effort to leave them a home that is not a ruined, exploited wasteland?

Oh....right....all those choices would cut into Corpo-Nazi profits and make the general population actually have to think of something other than their own infantile greed and pleasure........nevermind.

Pretty fucking sad that people like hoosier can't see past the brainwashing and indoctrination they have been subject to and see something other than what they have been trained to accept as reality....
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The cat that loves cannabis
Good news!

Sarah Palin just rode her water dinosaur out to the leak sight to check things out and give the real report, she's says the leak has been greatly exaggerated, and it's only about a quart a day, so drill baby drill!


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