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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Leon Brooks

Yeah fucking right! You walk, im driving... the closest neighbor is a mile away. Maybe we should all go back to horse and buggy. We could read by candlelight also.

the reason we stiil depend on oil:laughing:
get off your lazy ass and help rid us of a dieing energy supply and let the powers at be know its time for a change
the everyday commuter does not use a full tank of gas a day so why would they worry about useing a full battery of power 200-400 miles of travel. hell even when i was commuting at almost 200 miles a day round trip i would still be good to go.
oil has us brainwashed.


Active member
a mile isnt far.and we have other powersources to power electricity,common man. i used to be a avid cyclist id do probably over 150 , 3-4 days a week road and mt.biking,its not impossable.its people doubting themselves.
Just what Louisiana needs.....man you better kiss shrimp goodbye,and all the rest of the seafood we love. Today I saw on the news they are finding dead Sea Turtles and Jellyfish on the beaches. Unbelievable that there is a CAP on how much liability they have to clean it up.What about when that slick goes over the Keys,where the largest living coral reefs are? This is really a disaster that will affect us for years. And yes,I did notice the same thing you did RESIN. BP actually made quite a bit of $$ last year,I don't know the number.

around 74 billion


New member
what I cant understand is.
They make all that FN money off us.
You would think by now they would have a way to clean it up with in hours.
FN Tards
here is a picture of the Gulf Stream:

the point is: that oil is going to hit Florida, BOTH sides of it, and head up the East Coast all the way to Newfoundland and over to England. Good bye world as we know it.
This is truly and global disaster of epic proportions unfolding. yes, head to red lobster right now! we are sooooooooooo SCREWED!!
here is a link to a file about the rig with great pics of it sinking: http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=45459

apparently this rig is the state of the art. obviously they must not have set the bar very high

BTW AND FWIW: how to post a picture in your post: save address of picture by right clicking on properties starting with the http. then bracket img bracket, like so..
all w/o spaces btwn the brackets and address and there you go, a map of the gulf stream or your pee stream or whatev


According to official sources, Norway has the equipment that supposedly has the capacity to handle this spill. The company norlense http://www.norlense.no/index.php?lang=en says they have lenses that are built for north sea conditions with capacity to tackle bigger spills in rougher conditions then this.

According to the officials, they have delivered a list of what they can assist with and offered to help.


This makes me tear up every time I think of it. WHEN ARE WE GOING TO THINK BEYOND DOLLARS AND CENTS AND REALIZE WE'VE KILLED OUR CLOSEST ALLY? Money is only a form of slavery. My grandparents lived for 30 years in a remote hunting lodge with no vehicle and no power. There is no reason other than our own laziness why we can't do the same.

I wish I had a way to see the Atlantic one last time before she's never the same again.


Cannabrex Formulator
No matter what else happens, I think EVERYONE involved in letting this happen (from the govt official who OK'd this extra deep drilling to the BP execs who pushed it thru to the engineers who did not engage the fail safes) should be publicly executed for crimes against humanity on global TV.....I know it sounds fucking extreme, but mebbe if that's the known payback for fuck ups like this, all these evil greedy pus-guzzlers will think a bit more carefully before they gamble with the health of our oceans and our biosphere for a few more points on their oh so holy quarterly reports........

Stupid, greedy, arrogant, over-confident pieces of rancid festering goatshit....all of them.......I would gladly feed them their own testicles with Triscuits and cheez dip and kick them down a long flight of steel stairs, laughing all the while.


weed fiend
No matter what else happens, I think EVERYONE involved in letting this happen (from the govt official who OK'd this extra deep drilling to the BP execs who pushed it thru to the engineers who did not engage the fail safes.....)

I hope the Gulf disaster gets straightened out but the battle between greed and the public interest is perpetual. Until we get another FDR along with the public will to regulate, income disparity and negative environmental consequences will increase.


"Look, Lorax," I said. "There's no cause for alarm.

I chopped just one tree. I am doing no harm.

I'm being quit useful. This thing is a Thneed.

A Thneed's a Fine-Something-That-All-People-Need!

It's a shirt. It's a sock. It's a glove. It's a hat.

But it has other uses. Yes, far beyond that.

You can use it for carpets. For pillows! For sheets!

Or curtains! Or covers for bicycle seats!"

The Lorax said,

"Sir! You are crazy with greed.

There is no one on earth

who would buy that fool Thneed!"

But the very next minute I proved he was wrong.

For, just at that minute, a chap came along,

and he thought that the Thneed I had knitted was great.

He happily bought it for three ninety-eight.

I laughed at the Lorax, "You poor stupid guy!

You never can tell what some people will buy."

http://www.seussville.com/lorax/ :)




so i hear there is a 75 million dollar cap on liability for BP.

why is that? I know the laws on the books... but really.
if you break it, you buy it -no matter the cost right? they should have to pay for everything they fuck up. EVERYTHING!
take every cent if need be (with gas prices being so high, and the record profits they've been posting, they should have a pretty penny saved) and when they go bankrupt, sell the assets

agree? disagree?


My take on it is they have a solution to cap the leak but they haven't put it into place yet. Why? Because they don't care.

I say that if someone wants to drill in our fisheries and ruin an entire ecosystem then they should have the "just in case" plan ready to go. This spill should have been capped within days, not weeks.

I personally will make a point to no longer get my gas from BP. I want to see this company burn to the fucking ground. $3 per gallon my ass, suck my dick BP. I hate you, I hate your face, and I hate your children. Burn in hell.


didn't they have insurance? I doubt it but with the years of king bush in office the I am surprised the tax payers where not strait up paying to pump the oil then the oil companies getting just the cash after it was sold. It was bush's deregulation that made it not necessary to have the acoustic attachment to auto shut off anyway. That little valve installed and we would have just been hearing about the missing and dead workers not the impending environmental disaster.

I hate all modern day politicians not just republicans but bush is retarded and was horrible corrupt.
As if we needed another reason, but this is cold water in the face saying "get off that black evil crap already!" We need to switch over to renewables as soon as possible. This could be a disaster of epic proportions to sea life and fishermen alike. Wake up America!


Cannabrex Formulator
75 million dollar cap on liability??!!!!!!!

The shit-sucker who allowed that fucking law to pass and stand is another one on the list of fuckers who need to be executed on global TV....
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