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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Well-known member
They are going to make even more money off the oil once this is all over with. the other companies now have an excuse to raise prices and they will whether or not their supply has suffered b/c of this incident.

Also well said ^^^^just another reason to rape us. Who ever said the oil companies will have to pay for this was totaly wrong no we the tax payer will pay for this one too.


In search of Genetics
Im just curious is it not possible for oil to spill into the ocean naturally ?
It seems that if this stuff is just sitting under ground that somewhere in the world this could have happened on its own by some event other then drilling ?

Im asking , not implying.


Im just curious is it not possible for oil to spill into the ocean naturally ?
It seems that if this stuff is just sitting under ground that somewhere in the world this could have happened on its own by some event other then drilling ?

Im asking , not implying.

Yes oil can seep out naturally, also earthquakes have been known to break open pockets of crude as well.


Well-known member
My biggest complaint is the people who say we have to drill for oil and/or
"Crazy Hippies what do you think our armed forces run off of we can't survive with out oil."

Come on boneheads does have to be an all or nothing scenario or maybe just maybe it makes your point seem more valid.

It can be done we, ME, you most Americans aren’t willing to pay more for new technology we all want it to be free and just down the street. We have become a society of people who owe nothing to society and all to our selves. No pain No Gain we just have to more forward and stop whining.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Like many have said, the unfortunate part is that oil companies are in the WORLDS leading sources of revenues and profit, yet will not suffer. It is US that will suffer. People that argue that pure capitalism works are believing the lies and winks fed to them. We do need to regulate industries such as oil (pharm, military contractors, etc.) Those blaming Obama are near sighted or blind. Think things ALL the way through, or if you can't don't vote at all.

It is 2010, where is the alternative energy? Surely there is profit in a clean nuclear/hydrogen pipleine offshoot program right? Even if it takes 40 years to pay off the infrastructure.
We can't kick oil, anyone who thinks solar, wind, and electric are viable alternatives is plain ignorant/brainwashed (or both). They simply aren't refined technology, and it's arrogant to think because they exist, that they are the answer. The energy loss on solar is gigantic, and the output is pathetic.

Ethanol is a negative energy source, more gasoline is burned in production and delivery than there is ethanol produced. Not to mention it burns dirtier than gas, and the land utilized by the industrial producers is quite often ruined.

If we could drill in places like Anwar, a virtual wasteland, we wouldn't have the need to drill in these more risky areas.

If we could use clean coal technology, we could lessen our demand for oil. But nope.

If we could harness natural gas, we would again lessen our dependence on oil. Again, nope. Libs say nay.

If we could build nuclear reactors, which 90% of the French grid is run off of, we wouldn't have such a high demand for oil. The last time the US built a reactor was over 30 years ago...

So go ahead and blame the oil companies, buy into the sheeple-speak of the liberal media - you are only perpetuating the problem. Only objective, critical thinking will save us from shit like this.
We can't kick oil, anyone who thinks solar, wind, and electric are viable alternatives is plain ignorant/brainwashed (or both). They simply aren't refined technology, and it's arrogant to think because they exist, that they are the answer. The energy loss on solar is gigantic, and the output is pathetic.

Ethanol is a negative energy source, more gasoline is burned in production and delivery than there is ethanol produced. Not to mention it burns dirtier than gas, and the land utilized by the industrial producers is quite often ruined.

If we could drill in places like Anwar, a virtual wasteland, we wouldn't have the need to drill in these more risky areas.

If we could use clean coal technology, we could lessen our demand for oil. But nope.

If we could harness natural gas, we would again lessen our dependence on oil. Again, nope. Libs say nay.

If we could build nuclear reactors, which 90% of the French grid is run off of, we wouldn't have such a high demand for oil. The last time the US build a reactor was over 30 years ago...

So go ahead and blame the oil companies, buy into the sheeple-speak of the liberal media - you are only perpetuating the problem. Only objective, critical thinking will save us from shit like this.

Maybe you got $$ invested in oil...but Solar is a "proven" technology. http://mysolarmall.com/solarpowersupply.aspx is something I have been considering awhile.

Before you go showing your "ignorance" spouting a bunch of nonsense and calling those of us that, actually, have done the research, ignorant...I suggest you spend a few hours researching solar...

Ya know....here again is a shining example of a person that should have listened to the old adage "better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're a fool, than to open it and prove em right"!!:wave::wave::wave:


Active member
The gulf of mexico is dear to me, and this whole thing literally makes me sick to think about. I am a grown ass man, the only time I've cried in years was at the birth of my son, this brings a tear to my eye. I think "we", as a civilization, need to go back to a simpler way of life, though I know this won't happen. Like a few have said previous, I also believe nukes are the way to go, I think we're smart enough to figure somthing out for the waste. I also think people Really need to think about solar/wind turbine at home, you don't have to run your whole house but if EVERYONE could offset a few hundred watts with clean energy(which can be expanded as finances allow), it would GREATLY reduce the overall demand on power distribution facilities. My wife and I have a goal, in five years we want, no scratch that WILL be moving out of the city, to a more simple life. I want to be as self sustaining as I can be, and I am a far cry from a "hippie".


Cannabrex Formulator
We can't kick oil, anyone who thinks solar, wind, and electric are viable alternatives is plain ignorant/brainwashed (or both). They simply aren't refined technology, and it's arrogant to think because they exist, that they are the answer. The energy loss on solar is gigantic, and the output is pathetic.

Ethanol is a negative energy source, more gasoline is burned in production and delivery than there is ethanol produced. Not to mention it burns dirtier than gas, and the land utilized by the industrial producers is quite often ruined.

If we could drill in places like Anwar, a virtual wasteland, we wouldn't have the need to drill in these more risky areas.

If we could use clean coal technology, we could lessen our demand for oil. But nope.

If we could harness natural gas, we would again lessen our dependence on oil. Again, nope. Libs say nay.

If we could build nuclear reactors, which 90% of the French grid is run off of, we wouldn't have such a high demand for oil. The last time the US built a reactor was over 30 years ago...

So go ahead and blame the oil companies, buy into the sheeple-speak of the liberal media - you are only perpetuating the problem. Only objective, critical thinking will save us from shit like this.

Mebbe we could try curbing our extreme gluttony and infantile greed first?

Naw...that would be too fucking radical......I mean, without 72" LCD TV's, SUV's and McD's, Homo sapiens would doomed, right??

You can keep quoting Ted-fucking-Nugent with your "sheeple" commentary till yer blue in the face.....but the present paradigm WILL change, and the wanton rape and exploitation of our only home in the name of profit, greed and immediate gratification WILL stop.......when we have depleted it all, and there is nothing left.

Mother Earth don't care...she will wipe us off like the pesky fungus we have become and start anew...


Active member
Not only will this have an environment impact but the financial disaster implications are staggering! Put the money from that area together and it would be the third largest Economy in the WORLD...

Obama just closed all the comercial fishing in the Gulf!

This is like having England just shutting down over night!!

Think about the impact on generations of fisherman and their families...gone!

U think unployment is bad now? Just wait till the fallout starts from this! No fish, shrimp, or clams = no fucking money! Yes it really bothers me to see those poor birds and that is what the media is focused on right now but just wait...

Think about some poor fisherman and how all of his charters are canceled and how he is going to lose his boat, house and all his savings...
Not only will this have an environment impact but the financial disaster implications are staggering! Put the money from that area together and it would be the third largest Economy in the WORLD...

Obama just closed all the comercial fishing in the Gulf!

This is like having England just shutting down over night!!

Think about the impact on generations of fisherman and their families...gone!

U think unployment is bad now? Just wait till the fallout starts from this! No fish, shrimp, or clams = no fucking money! Yes it really bothers me to see those poor birds and that is what the media is focused on right now but just wait...

Think about some poor fisherman and how all of his charters are canceled and how he is going to lose his boat, house and all his savings...
6th largest economy


We can't kick oil, anyone who thinks solar, wind, and electric are viable alternatives is plain ignorant/brainwashed (or both). They simply aren't refined technology, and it's arrogant to think because they exist, that they are the answer. The energy loss on solar is gigantic, and the output is pathetic.

Honestly its our utilization of the power that is pathetic, and imho anyone who thinks we will progress less because we have less energy is plain ignorant.

.. If we do something to more efficiently utilize the energy we already have, we wouldnt have this ridiculous need for waist energy.

The culture revolvs around consuming as much as possible as fast as possible and constantly producing massive amounts of waist that is not utilized.

If you cannot see the inefficiency in our way of life, the amount of waist that is produced. Then I dont see why you descerve that standard of living. Because its a priveledge and not a right. If you think so then look at the state of affairs on the rest of the planet.

Ffs man, have a look at the garbage belts that is floating around off your coasts over there.

Look at native tribespeoples around the world, they use every f'in bone in the animals they hunt, ever bit of whatever they take.

Look at yourself, you shit where you eat, and eat where you shit.

The big problem is that this culture consumes everything like a fucking locust swarm. And it doesnt stop at any borders. Its like a fucking biblical plague.


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
We can't kick oil, anyone who thinks solar, wind, and electric are viable alternatives is plain ignorant/brainwashed (or both). They simply aren't refined technology, and it's arrogant to think because they exist, that they are the answer. The energy loss on solar is gigantic, and the output is pathetic.

Ethanol is a negative energy source, more gasoline is burned in production and delivery than there is ethanol produced. Not to mention it burns dirtier than gas, and the land utilized by the industrial producers is quite often ruined.

If we could drill in places like Anwar, a virtual wasteland, we wouldn't have the need to drill in these more risky areas.

If we could use clean coal technology, we could lessen our demand for oil. But nope.

If we could harness natural gas, we would again lessen our dependence on oil. Again, nope. Libs say nay.

If we could build nuclear reactors, which 90% of the French grid is run off of, we wouldn't have such a high demand for oil. The last time the US built a reactor was over 30 years ago...

So go ahead and blame the oil companies, buy into the sheeple-speak of the liberal media - you are only perpetuating the problem. Only objective, critical thinking will save us from shit like this.

And to think Ford and Diesel never intended their autos to be run by gasoline......Imagine the world we would live in today.



The loss of oil is 100 times more than the 5000 barrels and is far more dangerous for the oceans around the world than only the Gulf of Mexico

Mother of all gushers could kill Earth's oceans

Imagine a pipe 5 feet wide spewing crude oil like a fire hose from what could be the planets' largest, high-pressure oil and gas reserve. With the best technology available to man, the Deepwater Horizon rig popped a hole into that reserve and was overwhelmed. If this isn't contained, it could poison all the oceans of the world.

"Well if you say the fire hose has a 70,000 psi pump on the other end yes! No comparison here. The volume out rises geometrically with pressure. Its a squares function. Two times the pressure is 4 times the push. The Alaska pipeline is 4 feet in diameter and pushes with a lot less pressure. This situation in the Gulf of Mexico is stunning dangerous." -- Paul Noel (May 2, 2010)

Last night we received the following text in an email, author not identified. I passed it by Paul Noel, who is an expert in the field. His response follows thereafter. In calculating the gallons required to kill the oceans, remember that oil goes to the surface, where life is concentrated.

The Oil Mess


The original estimate was about 5,000 gallons of oil a day spilling into the ocean. Now they're saying 200,000 gallons a day. That's over a million gallons of crude oil a week!

I'm engineer with 25 years of experience. I've worked on some big projects with big machines. Maybe that's why this mess is so clear to me.

First, the BP platform was drilling for what they call deep oil. They go out where the ocean is about 5,000 feet deep and drill another 30,000 feet into the crust of the earth. This it right on the edge of what human technology can do. Well, this time they hit a pocket of oil at such high pressure that it burst all of their safety valves all the way up to the drilling rig and then caused the rig to explode and sink. Take a moment to grasp the import of that. The pressure behind this oil is so high that it destroyed the maximum effort of human science to contain it.

When the rig sank it flipped over and landed on top of the drill hole some 5,000 feet under the ocean.

Now they've got a hole in the ocean floor, 5,000 feet down with a wrecked oil drilling rig sitting on top of is spewing 200,000 barrels of oil a day into the ocean. Take a moment and consider that, will you!

First they have to get the oil rig off the hole to get at it in order to try to cap it. Do you know the level of effort it will take to move that wrecked oil rig, sitting under 5,000 feet of water? That operation alone would take years and hundreds of millions to accomplish. Then, how do you cap that hole in the muddy ocean floor? There just is no way. No way.

The only piece of human technology that might address this is a nuclear bomb. I'm not kidding. If they put a nuke down there in the right spot it might seal up the hole. Nothing short of that will work. [See Paul Noel's ideas above.]

If we can't cap that hole that oil is going to destroy the oceans of the world. It only takes one quart of motor oil to make 250,000 gallons of ocean water toxic to wildlife. Are you starting to get the magnitude of this?

We're so used to our politicians creating false crises to forward their criminal agendas that we aren't recognizing that we're staring straight into possibly the greatest disaster mankind will ever see. Imagine what happens if that oil keeps flowing until it destroys all life in the oceans of this planet. Who knows how big of a reservoir of oil is down there.

Not to mention that the oceans are critical to maintaining the proper oxygen level in the atmosphere for human life.

We're humped. Unless God steps in and fixes this. No human can. You can be sure of that.

Answer from Paul Noel

I really do think that the situation is getting further and further out of hand.

By yesterday morning, the nature of the crude had changed, indicating that the spill was collapsing the rock structures. How much I cannot say. If it is collapsing the rock structures, the least that can be said is that the rock is fragmenting and blowing up the tube with the oil. With that going on you have a high pressure abrasive sand blaster working on the kinks in the pipe eroding it causing the very real risk of increasing the leaks.

More than that is the very real risk of causing the casing to become unstable and literally blowing it up the well bringing the hole to totally open condition. Another risk arises because according to reports the crew was cementing the exterior of the casing when this happens. As a result, the well, if this was not properly completed, could begin to blow outside the casing. Another possible scenario is a sea floor collapse. If that happens Katie bar the door.

Possible Fix

I do not see any good possibilities from humans further fracturing the rock particularly at higher levels. That is the cap rock that is holding the deposit together.

I do see a possible use of explosives for favorable outcome. If a properly sized charge were applied in a shaped fashion around the drill pipe at some distance from it say 5 feet or so it is entirely possible that an explosive charge could pinch the pipe off similar to a hydraulic clamp. The resulting situation would vastly reduce the spill. Once you clamped off the pipe much more substantially say down to 1 foot or less opening the resulting pipe could be charge cut above the location and a tapered pipe fitted to it to collect any leaking oil. The end result would be to contain the spill and dramatically control any leaks because drill mud could then be entered into the pipe fitted to the exterior. In the end, the pipe could be controlled that way. The size of a charge to do this would be a few pounds not megatons.

A nuclear detonation carries the real risk of giving us the full doomsday scenario on this well. I just don't like doing that. There is no coming back from the brink when you do that one. If it works, which I see as unlikely, great. If it doesn't work, there is now a maybe a hole 1/4 mile across leaking oil. That looks worse than any possible outcomes otherwise.

Oil Deposit Capacity

The BP people are not talking, but this well is into a deposit that easily could top 500,000 barrels production per day for 10 or 15 years. Letting that all go in one blast seems more than foolish.

The deposit is one I have known about since 1988. The deposit is very big. The central pressure in the deposit is 165 to 170 thousand PSI. It contains so much hydrocarbon that you simply cannot imagine it. In published reports, BP estimated a blow out could reach near 200,000 Barrels per day (165,000) They may have estimated a flow rate on a 5 foot pipe. The deposit is well able to surpass this.

The oil industry has knowledge of the deposit more than they admit. The deposit is 100 miles off shore. They are drilling into the edge of the deposit to leak it down gently to be able to produce from the deposit. The deposit is so large that while I have never heard exact numbers it was described to me to be either the largest or the second largest oil deposit ever found. It is mostly a natural gas deposit. That is another reason not to blast too willy nilly there. The natural gas that could be released is really way beyond the oil in quantity. It is like 10,000 times the oil in the deposit.

It is this deposit that has me reminding people of what the Shell geologist told me about the deposit. This was the quote, "Energy shortage..., Hell! We are afraid of running out of air to burn." The deposit is very large. It covers an area off shore something like 25,000 square miles. Natural Gas and Oil is leaking out of the deposit as far inland as Central Alabama and way over into Florida and even over to Louisiana almost as far as Texas. This is a really massive deposit. Punching holes in the deposit is a really scary event as we are now seeing.

Rig and Pipe Info

The pipe is a fairly rigid pipe and sticks up out of the Blow out prevention device for some distance before it bends over and kinks off. The distance is not long but is enough to do what I suggested. Explosive forming of metals is a standard technology and under water it is easier. The charge focuses very predictably.

Imaging a long straw that is 1 mile long and has kinked over in several locations. This is about what you have. I have seen the submarine photos from early on. Just a really big straw. It has about a 1.5 or 2 foot diameter drill pipe in the center with about a 10 inch hole down the center. I am not exactly sure on the drill pipe size. The casing here is very thick steel. It has to handle massive pressures.

The rig is quite some distance away from the well. It may be a 1/4 mile or more away. It sort of bent over and then kinked the pipe as it went down.

I guess the size here sort of bends the imagination. This rig has a deck area of about 3 to 4 acres. It had a crew quarters on board that had about 120 people in it. (Imagine a big hotel here.) The hotel on the rig was about 4 stories high. You just cannot imagine until you see these rigs how big they are. If you want to see one go to Mobile Bay. Gulf High Island 2 and other rigs in the area can be seen clearly for 90 miles from Pensacola Florida. The towers go up 1100 feet. You can take the ferry right between two rigs if you go from Fort Morgan to Dauphin Island. There is no comparison to these rig anywhere in the world. They are the biggest ever built bar none.

Controls That Should Have Been In Place

By the way, I am not against drilling it, I am just against doing so without proper controls.

1. The rig that was drilling was not a US Flagged rig. That means US Inspectors were not allowed on board the rig to inspect it. As a matter of National Security under the GATT the USA has a right to demand US Only in various technology. The USA should never allow a foreign flag vessel to drill for oil in the US Economic Zone (200 mile limit).
2. Acoustic automated shut of devices should be required.
3. I think US Federal Inspectors should have to be resident on and inspecting rigs like this 24/7.
4. I think that the drilling should be required to do some smaller holes that deliberately miss the main deposit that test the structure before main drilling operations happen.
5. Careful procedures should be in place to set up wells before they hit the main deposit. The well casing should have to be inserted well before the drill hits the deposit and it should have to be cemented in at least 2 weeks prior to finishing the hole down to the oil or gas. This is to give the cement time to set. The casing should have ridging to make this cement have a tight wedged grip on the miles of rock around it. This is required because the lift pressure on a pipe in this case could easily reach 20 million pounds of lift. This is an insane amount of up pressure. Even at 70,000 psi it would lift about 140 million pounds. (almost 64,000 long tons!)

Haste from Economic Pressure

I suspect that the series of disasters we have seen in mines around the world and in the USA regards coal and oil are the product of pushing the crews and developments too fast due to the high economic pressures. This happened the last time (Sago and others) when the economic pressure started rising.

The economic pressures on the energy prices are stunning. Everyone is trying to keep their economy going. You can measure the economic output of a nation directly with the energy consumption day to day. The USA dropped its energy consumption in the current downturn (depression) by about 24%. It is now rising again. We are about 19% down and rising. The current situation is that the developments in oil/gas and coal are not keeping pace with what is going to be the demand shortly. They cannot even hope to meet the demand.

This is why I said that Alternative Energy is the only hope.

They can push the pedal to the metal (figuratively speaking) and there is not going to be a speed up much. Since human demand is going to force increases in supply towards 3 times the current level in less than 30 years, we are looking at a big hole with no hope of fixing it.

Air pollution world wide is reaching levels that are at the limits of the environment to take the demands. This increase in energy has to come from somewhere else.

Nuclear power doesn't have the potential. It turns out to run out of fuel in about 30 years. Worse yet solving the problem with nuclear doesn't do anything but boil away scarce fresh water supplies. All combustion does this. The only solutions are ones where the energy comes from somewhere else. Solar and Wind are good options. As you are also aware, the hard core alternatives are there in magnetic power etc. This has to come.

The alternatives to drilling US Waters for oil if we solve this with oil are to depend more and more on hostile powers for oil. Funding your enemies is insane. Drilling in US waters risks ever increasing threats of what we have going on right now.

The collapse of rock structures is even more scary. Mexico has one entire state that is being held up by nitrogen injection wells that would sink if that gas is released. This is not funny stuff. I know I get punched by the "know nothings" out there with political agenda, but I will risk it. If you will note the Oil and Gas people pretty much don't say anything against me. They know. I have been to some of their events and they actually like what I have to say. They cannot say it for fear of their jobs.

If one estimates the cost of a barrel of oil from the Middle East, the US Armed Forces cost added in would drive it to about $2000/barrel. If people paid this at the pump they would be demanding what I say with force so high you couldn't hear anything else. If you factor in the cost of spills and such domestic oil probably costs $500/barrel or more. This is just insane.

# # #

Paul Noel, 52, works as Software Engineer (as Contractor) for the US Army at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. He has a vast experience base including education across a wide area of technical skills and sciences. He supplies technical expertise in all areas required for new products development associated with the US Army office he works in. He supplies extensive expertise in understanding the Oil and Gas industry as well.

Born in Lynnwood Washington, he came to Huntsville Alabama, when his father moved to be part of NASA’s effort to put men on the moon. Neal Armstrong may have gotten the ride, but his father’s computers did the driving.

Paul is also a founding member of the New Energy Congress.





Well-known member
Mebbe we could try curbing our extreme gluttony and infantile greed first?

Naw...that would be too fucking radical......I mean, without 72" LCD TV's, SUV's and McD's, Homo sapiens would doomed, right??

You can keep quoting Ted-fucking-Nugent with your "sheeple" commentary till yer blue in the face.....but the present paradigm WILL change, and the wanton rape and exploitation of our only home in the name of profit, greed and immediate gratification WILL stop.......when we have depleted it all, and there is nothing left.

Mother Earth don't care...she will wipe us off like the pesky fungus we have become and start anew...

Right on my brother these ignorant bastards think all we need to do is keep on drilling and the target keeps moving. First its completely safe to drill off shore now its the liberals fault because drilling off shore is risky coward I guaranty these same people were all for drilling off shore man.

Cowards rather than admit they’re wrong lets displace the guilt. Rather than see more money and or changing building codes to have geothermal and solar and many other technologies they have to have a Mc mansion with a 35k kitchen and fuck the rest of the world in fact fuck you all I got mine . They only care about ME its never the bigger picture. So we have to drill for more oil because I need to make ME happy.


Well-known member
We can't kick oil, anyone who thinks solar, wind, and electric are viable alternatives is plain ignorant/brainwashed (or both). They simply aren't refined technology, and it's arrogant to think because they exist, that they are the answer. The energy loss on solar is gigantic, and the output is pathetic.

Ethanol is a negative energy source, more gasoline is burned in production and delivery than there is ethanol produced. Not to mention it burns dirtier than gas, and the land utilized by the industrial producers is quite often ruined.

If we could drill in places like Anwar, a virtual wasteland, we wouldn't have the need to drill in these more risky areas.

If we could use clean coal technology, we could lessen our demand for oil. But nope.
If we could harness natural gas, we would again lessen our dependence on oil. Again, nope. Libs say nay.

If we could build nuclear reactors, which 90% of the French grid is run off of, we wouldn't have such a high demand for oil. The last time the US built a reactor was over 30 years ago...

So go ahead and blame the oil companies, buy into the sheeple-speak of the liberal media - you are only perpetuating the problem. Only objective, critical thinking will save us from shit like this.

Talk about an oxy moron here’s one for you "clean coal”. Have read about the technology its cleaner coal not " clean coal" that’s all just in the marketing and talk about waste of money it takes a butt load of money and it’s still not clean.

Why do we keep wasting our time and money on non-renewable energy I just wonder if someone has a very powerful lobbying machine that pays off politicians, you think.
I wonder how much lobbying money is being spent on renewables compared to oil and coal. If that money went something productive rather than bribes we wouldn’t be in this situation.


Active member
this is a very scary situation, im not even worried on the hit the oil and gas industry is gonna have. I ask now if there is a higher power involved please help. this could be very bad news for humankind. ive been in the offshore industry for about 10 years and with this little bit of knowledge i can say this is scary enough to completely threaten every single person in the US's way of life. Lets hope there is a genius out there that can save us from such an ignorant fuk up!

by the way, bp owns some of the most dangerous plants in the world this does not come to any surprise that this were to happen on their watch. they bid work and contracts to the lowest bidder, so in essence you get what you pay for.
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