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500+ out: High Desert guerilla growing Vol.2



This is the timer I use,,,,,,It allows me to have up to 11 hour run times, which is essential when using soaker hose.....Im elated that the native water source hasnt dried up here at this plot...I run 2 days on 1 day off...

Flushing the lines here is very important, the spring adds all kinds of sediment and crap to the system,,,so I have to go up there every fiew days and flush the lines...

You can see that dirty water in the second picture......

If this patch makes it.....I will blow the hell out of it next year...Put out ~500 clones at a foot tall in mid May....OoooooBaaaaaby!,,,,,I could see em bein 5 feet tall right now......Im syched to know about this spot....On my last day of harvest, I will rollup all the hoses, and stash all my gear, so as not to leave it exposed for the rest of the year...

It amazes me how much knowledge is possible to be gained in one season...Just have to be out there experiencing it, living it, ya know, and it will all come to you..Stuff thats soo simple,,,yet sooo important.
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Drip King
Fast_Pine said:
Say, Can males polinate my crop even if I pulled em up?....I just stacked em in a pile near the garden,:confused:
Absolutely, If they can keep wet from dew,etc.
Seen them go a long time just tossed away.
Tear 'em up good.


Fast Pine, Yes, DEFFO,even more so, in the heat as the plants die they will open up & shed significant ammounts of pollen, shagged to death. Bees will be attracted.


Yikes......Well looks like its an emergency trip to the mtn this afternoon.....Shit, another 50 in gas...

Guess ill trash bagg em and haul em outta there....

Good lookin out fellas.

As you can tell, im a rooky seed grower.....Im soo used to clones:biglaugh:


Well-known member
sunnydog said:
Absolutely, If they can keep wet from dew,etc.
Seen them go a long time just tossed away.
Tear 'em up good.

FP have to agree the can pollinate if the stay moist. Thrown on the dry earth probably not but better safe than sorry.

They look real good after one week I am thinking maybe a 1.5 - 2 oz per plant times 135 danmmmm baby. Good Luck.


Active member
oh yeah, i found a male yesterday that i pulled three weeks ago.Growing just beautifully in the brush pile I threw it in..I know better too.Pot is resilient.
FP..this was a male I balled up in my hand and pushed into an empty 1 gal.threw the one gallon into the brush pile.Forgot about it and viola..There he was yesterday..
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Fast_Pine said:
Those things came from you in only a matter of months? Thanks for planting the trees. Those things produce some oxygen I bet. Just think of all the problems that would be fixed if ganja plants of this caliber covered the entire sunny earth. Respects.


Smokes, lets go
wow man just read your thread, those trees are looking nice , hope they make it to harvest it would be awesome. I am looking forward to seeing more.


Active member
Subscribed! Sorry to hear about your setbacks but I hope you'll cover your losses and then some come harvest time. Hopefully your investments this year were paid by last years harvest?


Was just watching the olympics.....They need to make Guerilla Growing an olympic sport.:biglaugh:...

Heres a cat, and some MJ....=)
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i think paddi got some kinda male chunkin thing goin, maybe you could represent our country :laughing: nice pic keeep em coming fastpine! pond still dry on ya? gettin some decent rain over this way but still not enough. what are ya daytime highs runnin now? respect bro....


So, thanks again yall for the info on the males...Went in and got em outta there. Gave me a chance to sex them in the daytime, found a coupple more males,,,so.. Also gave me a chance to get the first daytime shots of the large seedling plot...There are some nice fems there,,Im excited. Now theres roughly 120 females.

As you can see the patch gets ample light,,soil's not too bad. Set up some deer netting recently. So far this is my most remote plot


Harvest plans..

Harvest plans..

Been working with a Trimpro for a wile now...Last fall it became tough to get through our workload.( quite a bit of unfinished popcorn bud). Working in the field brought on alot of challenges. I ended up driving home with no money in my pocket, and 20elbows in a trailer behind the truck,,,so, I need a way to get the dob done quicker, and more efficiently....Finally decided that Aug 15 would be the cut off date. If after Aug 15 things are "looking good" (whatever that means), I wil take the 14thousand dollar plunge and purchace one of the large industrial size machines.

Either the Tumbleweed, or the "Reel pro"..Both are replicas of the original Centurion machine which retails for roughly 25K....so.. These machines are supposed to be able to go through 20Lbs dry in a day. It still takes a good bit of "bucking down" and big leafing, but with very small crew (2-4 people) 20 a day should be totaly possible..Best thing about the machine is, it cant run its mouth to its friends, it doesent get tired and sloppy at the end of the day, it keeps the trim uniform, it wont ask me for beer, wont complain, and best of all, it comes back for work next fall with a smile on its face, ready to knock down another load,,,,,for free!:bandit:

Ive got to allow enough time to get, and test the machine,,,So I must order it early....My BIGGEST fear is if I pay for the machine, and somehow loose my large plot...Will be fuckin broke...

First load will be comming down ~2-3 week in Sept,,so, its comming up quick.:eek:

This is my favorite,,The Reel Pro....Has the longest barrel out of the other machines..The trimm quality is more than acceptable,,,,

She's a beast of a machine....May have to drive out to California to get one..
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Its a gamble,but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, im lucky my hydro store has a few trimming machines in store at all times


U workin with the barell trimmers too brad?....

Yeah, It sure is a gamble...., in this business, what isnt, ya know..
I figure I might be in a worse spot If Idont have the machine, and direly need it..