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50 to 60 oz per plant


root grafting is possible, but difficult to achieve. healthy stock, +. even regular side-veneer grafting is not simple process - but doable. requires cleanliness, very healthy & disease-free plants & compatible tissue, that dont reject donor stock.
2 different main plant stems, sharing same root system?


this may be helpful:
r00t gr@fteng (external link);)

maybe try regular splice, or tongue & whip gr@ft. see how difficult it is to keep donor alive as it bonds cambium layers.

link above describes method (in thred) where root matter is taken from existing plant & placed into wedge on scion. planted & grown.

should be able to attach scion(s) to existing root system & gr0 many plants. not easy, but doable. healthy, vigorous stock probably most important factor - along w/ no-rush of gardener for host-donor to bond. may require 4-6 wks...

50-60 can be done by gr@fting many plants onto single root-stock system - or growing 1 large plant... either way, 50-60 wt plants requires tyme & not easy...

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