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4k maybe 6k


Thank you guys :)

yea this is my first time doing sea of green so we will see if its worth it or if i should go back down in plant count and space them.

umm the controller is a sunlight supply 50 amp lighting controller http://www.sunlightsupply.com/p-11315-50-amp-lighting-controller.aspx

i actually got the controller for 3 clones of Recon, i lucked out. My friends uncle was hired by a realtor company to come and clean out a house they had purchased. well they got there and it turned out it had been an old dairy farm converted into an illegal multimillion dollar indoor grow. they had about 30 of these controllers mounted up where the task force had only cut the main 6 gauge wires that fed the main power. around here when they raid you, they just destroy your stuff or so they think haha. So I'm not sure if they came from the factory wired correctly or if someone had them rewired but i checked all the wiring and all the sizes are correct.

Got My CO2 hooked up yesterday, first run using CO2 cant wait to see the benefits


Very nice setup. I have always wanted to run Chem's Sister.


Today is Flowering Day 29...

Here is a longer shot

4x4 Table



ghost in training
I'm jealous :)

They look pretty big. How tall do you think they are.

How do you like the co2?
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I'd say they are about four feet haha. i wasnt intending on them being anywhere near that, in the past ive never had a strain strech like this Chem. They were getting to close to the lights so like two weeks ago i had to remove the tables for the trays and just put them up on cinder blocks with a drain to waste through 3/4" black tubing hooked to the ebb and flow fittings. they probably grew another foot or two after i switched over, probably doesnt help that the 4k over the tray is giving more than enough light haha. so next run that i do with the SIS i will have to flip them at a much shorter height. Can't wait to see how this strain does outdoors this year. I'll probably do at least 12 of her.

The CO2 seems to be working haha. The nugs seem to be swelling up a lot more and it seems its speeding up the process more. ill Know for sure when on the next run of my Grandberry(Ken's GDP x DJ Short Blueberry male) since that was the last one i did and i didnt have CO2.

Wasn't paying attention to the time and the lights shut off on me while i was in there so i snapped a pic. Tomorrow is the Beginning of Week 5/10..


haha yea they got almost a month of veg and then when they hit the 12/12 i think they grew even more than when they were in veg. i had to take care of some things out of town and my brother was supposed to cut them down from 18 but never did. i was only wanting 2 weeks at most.gotta find my old phone for pics i got about 4 p's dried. Now im looking for some new cuts ;)


awsome grow ,now thats how yu do it.i came over from riu.gonna bring my mendo purps and lemon og grow over here this forum,jus purchased 40 3 gallon sqare smart pots.i use the same perilite OF mix as well,70/30..great job my friend.keep it up.rdr.


ICMag Donor
I dunno maybe its the way i raised but to chalk it up as a loss makes you a bitch. Once word gets out that dude did it to you every other guy is gonna try to take advantage of you. Times like this is what makes or breaks your reputation. do you wanna be the easy come up or do you wanna be the guy that no one fucks with? Be a man and go get what is rightfully yours. If you guys dont agree thats on you, obviously we know who hangs out in the soft circles cuz my dudes wouldnt let me kick it if some shit like that went down and i didnt stand up for myself. Its not about the money or the equipment its the principal of the point. If he can steal from you and get away with it why can't the next man that's hungry espically if he knows your not gonna do anything and let it slide.
Obviously if your a square or a hermit crab then let it go, if your out and about through the city and you fuck with a lot of people makin moves then you need to smash him cuz if not some real dudes are gonna eat you up. Nice guys dont last long in the game

Love how you talk so big and bad in a MI thread - telling everyone to bust guns - and be thug...and get themselves into worse trouble...

..all while admittedly saying you would let the dogs handle "your business"...

While you go play court and Mr. Proper in your own thread...

Get real...



yea when your subpena'd to a hearing you have no choice dip shit. and also if you read they didnt even steal anything they broke two plants that were left outside to die. the cops woke me up because they needed permission to enter my backyard. I was in court for 1 day which was only a restitution hearing to determine how much the cost of the plant that destroyed was. I didnt sit though any trial nor have any lawyers. whether or not it was a $1 or $10K made no difference. If this would have been during season i would have shot the shit out of them after my dogs mangled them. Whats wrong with sicking my Pits on someone did i forget to mention that in the other thread because if you would like i will go put in there just for your crybaby ass. So before you try and make accusations make sure you know the whole story smart guy


ICMag Donor
I'm not making any accusation - I'm simply stating for the record the difference in your persona vs your reality. Your lack of value for human life gives very clear indication your underlying purpose for cultivating this great plant...

Nothing wrong with that... Lots of folks do it. (dead end bangers, illegal immigrants, the greedy) ;)

All kinds of different folks in this world - it's what makes it go round. Suffice to say we simply approach life differently...hopefully the OP in the other thread benefits from both opinions having been expressed so passionately...

Cheers mate!
