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4k maybe 6k


Hello all :)

Been a silent reader on here for awhile never posted any of my stuff or anything and i figured since my clones have rooted and im gettin ready to do another cycle that i would document it.

Mothers - Chem Dog's Sister. Recommended by the owner of oaksterdam as being the highest potency available at this time so i grabbed me 6 :)

9 days into veg:


3 weeks later my mothers have been under my 1000 watt MH on a lightrail 3.5

I still like to use the Domes and tray for my cloning process. Ive made an EZ cloner from here, I've bought an ez cloner, tried the bubble cloner.. but for me i get rooted clones just as fast as with aeroponics and dwc but it is a lot less to deal with. i fill the bottom of the tray with perlite leave the dome closed for 7 days making sure the humidity is always near 80-100 % then two days of acclimating the clones and the 10th day ive got roots.



now i need to be hanging my two 1000's in my 5' x 7' walk in closet. i use the green quantum balasts that are adjustable so for my mother/clone room they will be turned to 750 watts each so ill have 1500 watts on a lightrail for my mothers and clones. the mothers are currently in my main room because my mother room was used as a drying room from outdoor harvest time and havent gotten around to puttin all the mylar back up yet but now that my clones are rooted its time to get the mother room set back up.

here is a picture of some of the clones i havent planted the others in cups i have 60 clones with 100% rooting:)


For the garden i have two different trays that ill be using. i would have liked them to both be the same exact size but when you trade another patient for medicine you cant be too pickey. the first tray is a 4' x 4' (inside tray space) and 5' x 5'. For Soil, I use Fox Farms Ocean Forrest , Fox Farm Happy Frog, And wayyy more perlite. i use about a 1/4 ocean, 1/4 happy frog, and about 1/2 perlite. i think the plants thrive a little more in this mixture because the added perlite helps the plant breathe as well as it helps from the nutrient build up. makes flushing more effective for me also:)

lol and those laundry baskets arent full of clothes. ive still got popcorn nugs and shake in everything that could hold it haha

ill have some more updates next week. i need to get my 60 clones in there 3 gallon grow bags and i need to hang my other 3 lights. I'll be running 4k watts, 6k if i can find my other 2 1k's.

Have a nice day everyone, and remember......


Well-known member
Premium user

Very nice and clean looking garden, nice genetics too. Sounds as if you have done this before. With all the cuts are you going to s.o.g. them or have you just taken that much to have the best for flower? Plants look really healthy. I wish you the best of luck but from the look of things, luck doesn't play a roll. Seems you have it handled.



Looking good... I'll be watching you... I just got an EZ cloner... It works great for me, so far... I've had problems with taking large amounts of clones w/ a dome...


been busy lately, had some court dates to attend. Couple months back the cops caught a couple guys in my back yard tryin to steal the last three purple kush that i had because i wanted them to go at least the ten weeks. woke up to the cops banging on my security door telling me they have three black males at gun point and can they come. i told them no and showed them the side gate haha. A Neighbor had seen them jumping the fence and called 911 which i guess works out because if i would have woken up they would have met all six off 85lb plus American Pit Bulls. well one of he plants was destroyed it was a small one luckily. They got charged with Grand Theft, Conspiracy, and another charge. Went to court yesterday for the probation and after about an hour of being grilled by the two different Public Pretenders i was awarded $1,000 in restitution. Its amazing how far the law has come :)

i have managed a little progess towards my 4/20 smoke not as much as i would like. I need to hook in the breaker for my 8 light controller tomorrow.

Used some of the wood i had left over from outdoor season to make a table for my other tray. somewhere in the process of moving i am unable to find it.

Checking to make sure the legs are gonna be square and also marking them so i remember which two are the shorter legs

Halfway through making the table we realized that we werent gonna be able to put the legs on outside the hallway wouldnt allow it


First tray 4x4 (1kw)


Second 5x5 (1kw)


Ill have some pics up tomorrow after i finish the lighting controller an some other stuff.


ghost in training
Looking Dammn good bro. That's a pretty crazy story lol I'm glad it worked out in your favor! Grow on :joint:

Nice drill. I use the same one


Starting dark period before switching to flower this friday and getting the room sectioned off for co2 and hanging up the other 3 lights
here are some pics from the last week havent had time..


long pic after taking off a bunch of leaves to let the lowers fill in the gaps



long view from 4x4





sorry some of the pics arent coming out as good as they were before.. one of my younger females decided to turn my blackberry into a chew toy


Week before flowering they had grown a little faster than i had planned so i had to scrap the holders for the tray they were getting way to close for my liking.

heres a pic from couple days before i scrapped the tables (still getting the cords situated in the picture so the hoods arent all straight yet):

Got 9' x 5' tent for my seedlings, clones, and moms. ill get a couple pics tomorrow from inside:


here are some pics from today

Chemdog's Sister - 9 to 10 weeks flowering

Flowering Day 20:



Active member
Nice cartel, looks like a real nice set up... Did you build that controller yourself?