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Hi guys! I started my new grow, the gals are Spoetnik#1 (ParadiseS), NorthernLight(WhiteL), 2bagseed and I'm waiting for some SourBubbleXBubbleKush F1!
I work in a 60x30x70 vege-box with 100w CFL, 95x55x130 bloom-box with 250w Hps.
The nuts are Biobloom,TopMax,BioHeaven and molasses!
Now they are in a 2.2L pots with good soil, clay, lapillus and perlite, and they will be transplanted (in 10l) and moved in bloom-box as soon as there will be no more space in vege-box!!

Vege-box into Bloom-box

4 little gals!
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Genetics' hunter
It will be a nice thread ;)

I'm tagged, can't wait to see growin' SourBub x BubbleKush :D


Hi guys! Some news for you....

The gals are 11days old, and they are growing well! I moved all under 250w MH!
One of them was transplanted in another pot, and now it is out to get some healty air!
I'm still waiting for the Bubble, and i can't wait more!!
I think I'll make a perpetual and after I will moved the Bubble with the others under 250w!

See u soon! Good sunday!! :wave:


Active member
I want to see a little relative of mine! ;)
MH rulez for vege...
Damned italian postal service!!!


Hi guys! Some news...
Yesterday I transplanted NL and SP#1 in a definitive 10L pot's, adding mycorrhizas!
In the coming days i will transplant the other 2gals, if they will be female!
Now they are 1day at 12/12 with 250Mh...in 2week i think i will change with 250hps!
Why so early?? Because I will add other 2 bagseed and other 2 SourBubblexBubbleKush when seeds arrive...to test 12/12 from seed (and because i have no more space to have too bigger plants!)!
Tonight some picts!


Active member
i'll wait with a little of trepidation those pictures :D
.... mychorrhizas???? Who is the fuckin member who gave you mycorrhizas? ;)
anyway don't worry they are 100% bio and free of ogm or other bullshit!!!


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
They're looking great bro :)
scusa se te lo scrivo in italiano,ma faccio prima :)...
sbaglio o hai una RH un pò bassa?cerca di aumentarla un pò in qualche modo,aiuterebbe molto le piante a rimanere in forma e crescere più velocemente adesso che sono in vege.
Se non puoi comprare un umidificatore,usa degli stracci bagnati,oppure fai delle miniserre con del cellophane in qualche modo o al limite aiutale spruzzando sopra e sotto le foglie svariate volte al giorno...e soprattutto se davvero hai un RH bassa cerca di non far asciugare molto il substrato.
Se c'è poca acqua la pianta tende ad aprire gli stomi per assorbirne dall'aria...ma va a finire che ne evapora più di quanta ne entri...
L' RH è importante...non dimenticarlo ;)
Good luck :wave:


5° day bloom under 250MH! I got up a little moisture because low and lowered temperature a little...
Now the values are ok and seems to like them!

In 9 days i will change Mh with 250Hps!
Tomorrow i will put 2seeds (bag) in a pots and other two (WhiteWidowXSantamaria) in water for 24h!
See u soon!