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4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200Watts)


Well I tell you what if you are between 30-40 oz with this system on your first aero run, my hats of to you good sir. That would be a very nice showing.

All we can do is grow on and find out. With 9 plants and a 4x5 net do you have any guesses as to what I may yield? Like you said, this IS my first Aero rodeo.

I'd certainly consider 30 ounces a success.


oh i'm definitely watching this grow play out. been wanting to go hydro specifically aero soon and this has been very informative/inspiring

best of luck and keep up the good work!


Thank you. Trry it! It's really not that hard to get set up properly. It's pricey, but I believe it's going to be worth it.

I appreciate everyones feedback.


I have a friend who had a system simular setup to this but bigger. thats the beauty of this design. you can take it up or down however your situation goes, extremley modular!. he has a 8'x8' system w/ a 100 gallon rez. the way his empties back into the rez is diff. but everything else is bascally the same!! no hydroton is very nice!!!


I have a friend who had a system simular setup to this but bigger. thats the beauty of this design. you can take it up or down however your situation goes, extremley modular!. he has a 8'x8' system w/ a 100 gallon rez. the way his empties back into the rez is diff. but everything else is bascally the same!! no hydroton is very nice!!!

I agree with you. The system is very easy to take apart and move if needed. I'd love to see pictures of your friends setup. I bet it's killer! Thanks for stopping by!


hey great system 420fied..cant wait to see some huge plants...CHEERS! + REP


ill see what i can do about pictures, he is exremley parinoid...i havent seen the system in a while,& i ususally ge too blasted to pay attention while i'm there. next time i'll atleast get a better description when im over there. mabey can sneak a few pics with my camera phone.

by modular I meant that it can be made to any room shape, expanded, or contracted as needed.from 400 watt to 10k or more all on the same design.

i think he runs 4k in 1 room(the 8'x8') & 2400(4x600) watts in the other :smile:


All we can do is grow on and find out. With 9 plants and a 4x5 net do you have any guesses as to what I may yield? Like you said, this IS my first Aero rodeo.

I'd certainly consider 30 ounces a success.

Well if you ask 10 folks you will get 10 different answers because all of the variables and NO RUN is ever the same or doesnt hit a few speedbumps along the way.

With that said if the genetics are right and with your 5 week or so veg... I mean if everthing goes right and room permitting I dont see why you wouldnt reap at least 30 oz and maybe more

You will not have Co2 this run correct?


Correct, no Co2 on this run.

Today was res change number 2. Room temp is 70, res temp is 66, PH is 5.8. and the PPM is 400. Feeding them AN sensi grow part A&B.

Today is day 7 from the very first root popping through. They really grow fast.




I love how you go clone to harvest in that system. Nice attention to detail, everything is nice and clean. Im sure you'll have a plentiful harvest.


I've lowered the 600 from 40 inches to 24 above the clones now that they're good and rooted. Being a longtime soil grower, I am amazed at how much faster they grow in Aero.




I'm amazed at how quickly they are growing. Astonished actually. These clones didnt even pop roots until the 10th. In 10 days they have exploded. If I chose not to scrog these, I'd have to start flowering them within the next week to keep them at 36 inches when finished. My veg time without the scrog net would literally be 15 days, which amazes me.

I just turned the 600 off and took a nice color shot of them. They certainly don't look like clones anymore. They are turning into little bushes. I love their color. I couldnt be happier than I am at this point for this grow. I can't believe 3 or 4 of the largest clones are pushing 9 inches already.

Soil? l-o-l

