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49 killed in mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand

Rocky Mtn Squid

Building 7 - BBC Announces Collaspe BEFORE It Happens

Building 7 - BBC Announces Collaspe BEFORE It Happens





Active member



I was hoping one of you would post that video. Nice work.

The video posted by RMS is the defining evidence for the 911 truthers of it being an inside job. The video makes you 3 look even more silly than you already do.

I encourage everybody to watch the video.

The video shows a BBC reporter in a hotel room with the NY skyline to her back. The cameraman is videoing her and the Twin Towers in real time as it unfolds.

The truthers believe the BBC was in on the 911 conspiracy along with the reporter and cameraman. Why? Because she claims a building collapses when it really didn't. This is the defining evidence needed for the truthers. She and her cameraman according to the truthers knew when the buildings were going to collapse. It has never been disputed that the reporter did in fact claim of a building collapsing when it hadn't yet. But hey to a truther the BBC denies this.

Now with her and the cameraman in on the conspiracy according to the truthers one would think they would both know the NY skyline and what building was what so they could be the first to report on the buildings collapsing. With both so deeply entrenched and having rehearsed the buildings collapsing and how they would report before anybody else the cameraman might have had some hand signals to inform the reporter the second the buildings were collapsing since they are in the background as she speaks. But they didn't. So again please watch the video and the reporter who clearly has no clue what buildings they are viewing in the background.

This video is the big fish for the truthers that proves to the three posters above without a doubt 911 was an inside job.

Truthers remind me of the flat earthers. They deny mountains of evidence and cling to one or two little pieces which they think blows the lid on everything.
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Well-known member
damn right it's a big fish !!!

cats outta the bag,,, the people know

and more importantly,,, they know the MSM is full of shit and not to be trusted for a second,,, thanks Jussie and friends !!!


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
This info crediting BBC with releasing fed information ahead of time calls for remarkable stupidity on the part of people who believe it and apparently on the part of those who plotted the whole thing. What explanation is there that someone so well organized to carry this out and keep it secret would make the error of feeding information to news agencies to be reported by small time journalists/reporters?

BTW jet fuel is diesel-kerosene.


ICMag Donor
This thread is a perfect example of why this type of content simply doesn't belong on this site.

Political and religious mumbo jumbo simply ruin the sociodynamic of this site.

You guys have crucified one of the best members on this site - BurnOne - whose threads have helped THOUSANDS of people and whose careful moderation of the organic forums have allowed that section of the site to flourish and even give birth to several real world companies, all because of the information they learned here.

Our personal opinions on such matters, our feelings on such matters, should NOT lead us to a point of ridiculing one another. For being a bunch of open-minded counter culture free thinkers - a lot of you sure do seem pretty stuck in the idea that the government is your friend.

The same government who has lied, framed, beaten, murdered and imprisoned our families and some of the members of this very site.

I'm not posting in this thread to address my personal thoughts. Some of you simply aren't mature enough to handle open dialogue and discourse without becoming inherently venomous and idiotic.

So many people I'm disappointed with in this thread. Not because of your personal opinions, but for how you have chosen to speak to one another.

I'd be 100% behind the idea of removing all political and religious crap from these forums again. Let's not forget, such topics invite over-sight and data collection crews to find people who fit the pattern for extremist behaviors. Being that most of us are outlaws - you might want to think about how much information you are sharing by revealing your opinions on such topics.

I have a strong feeling, many of you participate in very similar conversations in other places online and all you are doing is tying a nice pretty little bow and sticking a name tag on your data footprint.

Most of you would be well advised to walk away from the keyboard to go burn one.



Active member
Perhaps people would not pile on burnone if he did not spread bigoted , fascist, propaganda on this site. I dont see you calling him out for that. How is it acceptable for him to use this platform for that purpose? Again , using your logic if a respected member who has helped out thousands with grow advice, starts spewing islamo-fascist jihadi propaganda, we should cut him some slack? Disgusting you are excusing him for spreading homcidal , genocidal propaganda. If you care about burnone, you should call him out on it.
You can criticize someones shitty ideas and worldview and still appreciate other good works they may have done.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
This thread is a perfect example of why this type of content simply doesn't belong on this site.

Political and religious mumbo jumbo simply ruin the sociodynamic of this site.

You guys have crucified one of the best members on this site - BurnOne - whose threads have helped THOUSANDS of people and whose careful moderation of the organic forums have allowed that section of the site to flourish and even give birth to several real world companies, all because of the information they learned here.

Our personal opinions on such matters, our feelings on such matters, should NOT lead us to a point of ridiculing one another. For being a bunch of open-minded counter culture free thinkers - a lot of you sure do seem pretty stuck in the idea that the government is your friend.

The same government who has lied, framed, beaten, murdered and imprisoned our families and some of the members of this very site.

I'm not posting in this thread to address my personal thoughts. Some of you simply aren't mature enough to handle open dialogue and discourse without becoming inherently venomous and idiotic.

So many people I'm disappointed with in this thread. Not because of your personal opinions, but for how you have chosen to speak to one another.

I'd be 100% behind the idea of removing all political and religious crap from these forums again. Let's not forget, such topics invite over-sight and data collection crews to find people who fit the pattern for extremist behaviors. Being that most of us are outlaws - you might want to think about how much information you are sharing by revealing your opinions on such topics.

I have a strong feeling, many of you participate in very similar conversations in other places online and all you are doing is tying a nice pretty little bow and sticking a name tag on your data footprint.

Most of you would be well advised to walk away from the keyboard to go burn one.


I completely agree with this, this thread was not started as a discussion on religion or politics or anything of that ilk, it was allowed to go that direction. I appreciate the allowance of free speech on here, but when a reporting of a horrific event and a chance for people to give condolences gets turned into a podium for hateful rhetoric, it's pretty hard to see. As a citizen of NZ who knows people who lost family in this event I'm disappointed and saddened by the way this thread went. It's made me view this whole site differently and I wish it didn't happen.
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Active member
Forget the bbc WTC 1 & 2 buildings already collapsed probably just an error...still pretty damn weird

There is way too much evidence thats messed up just the physics of it....64% free fall....smooth all the way down ...then poof into a cloud of dust

Even controlled demos have a stop and start ...This just goes in one shot all the way down....no way

And molten metal flows for weeks under the site....mirco spheres of iron dust and Thermite

What steel was not immediately disposed of... small pieces they missed were turned to swiss cheese and melted into thin scrolls

This was a super smooth, super high tech, take down of multiple super structures holding mega computers with restricted access

What exactly got destroyed in the wtc complex?

No investigation?

Who was not at work that day? Who was? where were they? What do they do?

The passengers...who are they? Talk to everybody they knew and get the real flight manifest...goodluck

And in 2011 when the truthers and architech and engineers for 911 ect start to really get close and hit a nerve......

Boom! nevermind we got him Usama bin laden ...Its over Go back to whatever you were doing

We can now officially close the book on 9/11

Have you ever seen an interview with usama bin laden ? Does he seem mad? At all? Does he seem like hes out for vengence or something?

have you seen the video at his compound where he's got the remote control and the little tv with a blanket around him...probably eating bowl of cereal

I dont know......This is the guy???

Are you sure?

The names are difficult to pronounce the customs are misunderstood and the history of the mujahideen, Al-qaeda. Taliban can be confusing.....

It involves a lot of reading and documentary videos

Everybody can make up their own mind

...frank I really hope youre not planning on picking up burnone's cross

Its not like a big suprise...just can't come with this kind of attitude

These were innocent people 50 people and this guy thinks because of 9/11 or whatever its like payback? or self defense?

Not going to fly.....Thats some pseudo patriotic bullshit and hes full of it

Hey, i got plenty of respect up to now organics and 'powdered dolomite lime' Oh, there are some classics in there....bongaloids guano tea or whatever....

He will be back...maybe he needs to Burn Two?

but whatever, look @ the reality The fucking government is LYING to us.....

Some people go off and believe the lies Then think they are patriots

and that's tragic


ICMag Donor

Oh, so what you are saying is someone's PERSONAL OPINION is too much for you to handle? In the land of freedom where free speech is the paramount of the society, you can't handle someone speaking freely? You get to damn someone because they offended your sensibility?

I don't have to agree with someone. I don't have to disagree with someone. Such opinions are irrelevant to the purpose of why I use this site. I disagree with PLENTY of people on this site all the time. I call plenty of people out on this site - for issues related to or pertaining to CANNABIS and the related industry.

I'm perfectly okay with zelot neo-nazis, black thugs, latino runners, asian overlords, jewish jewelers, just as much as I am okay chilling with WASPs. You want to know why? Because I'm not so high and mighty that I think I have the right to judge ANYONE.

It funny - using YOUR logic - and spewing more self-indulging banter and hate towards a singular person is okay, simply because your feel justified in your position. However, for all the tolerance speak - you seem to be rather intolerant of those who are well, intolerant. That in and of itself is a hypocritical situation to find yourself in.

It's funny. Hate speech is still hate speech even when it's directed towards someone engaging in hate speech.

There is nothing about you that is tolerant. You're just acting on the predilection of modern social cues that tell you to be outraged about something and nothing more.

Not a single one of us is in a position to actually KNOW anything. You sit here with your suppositions and logical quandaries for the sole purpose of justifying your own self-superiority - that is, you think yourself superior for not thinking others as inferior. Again, fallacy.

I defend BurnOne - because all that matters to me are his contributions to CANNABIS. Period. End of story.



Active member
Too much for me too handle? I just called him out for spreading bullshit. I never called for any kind of censorship of burn one, so what are you even talkin about? He has his right to his shitty opinions, i have the right to call him out on it. He is sreading violent bullshit, calling for murder of my neighbors AND their children.

Edit: i would add you are the one implying there should not be political discussion on this site, only canna related. So you are the one calling for censorship.


ICMag Donor
It's called content awareness. The site was better before. Do notice my primary reason given was security related.

But sure. By all means. Dive head first into your next self-contrived rabbit hole. I'll not be participating. :tiphat:



ICMag Donor
And I'll say this as well - I just read the post where GN discusses his decision to allow political and religious topics to exist instead of getting them all binned - I actually have to agree with his intentions.

I just wish people would focus on the issues, regardless of what is said, and cease with ad hominem attacks. It's perfectly okay to disagree with someone - but keep it about the issues and not about the individual.

We shouldn't be losing extremely valuable members of this site simply because of a difference in the way we think.



These topics can get extra emotional for some people. I'm pretty chill and enjoy reading the different views and having discussion. Hopefully burnone and others can cool down and grow from this. If not, it would probably be best to avoid these types of threads in the future. No need for hate, violence and insults.


Well-known member
This info crediting BBC with releasing fed information ahead of time calls for remarkable stupidity on the part of people who believe it and apparently on the part of those who plotted the whole thing. What explanation is there that someone so well organized to carry this out and keep it secret would make the error of feeding information to news agencies to be reported by small time journalists/reporters?

BTW jet fuel is diesel-kerosene.

Here ya go,,, perfect example of how drills go live

Nein Elven War Games - corbettreport


Do yourself a favor and watch this,,, not for me or anyone else,,, but yourself

because the condescending tone you offered in your post is not fair to people that have done their own due diligence,,, and many had alot of this information within months of the event,,,

and regarding the complicity of the media and the "small time journalists/reporters" of the BBC, as you called them, LOL ,,,

not sure what to tell you, bro,,, this is not new stuff,,, maybe you gotta step away from the microscope once in a while and look at what is happening in the broader scheme of things,,,


Well-known member
Ive been here a long time.probably before OG went down. and ill say this place has changed alot.and while i dont agree with some things,i try not to take it personnel.this is the Tokers Den.This supposed to be the section that doesnt have to relate to cannabis.i think maybe some people shouldnt come to this section if this is gonna cause people to get riled up.i know it would be a great loss if certain members decided to not come to this site at all if thats the case.i know its happened before.But i also like that we can express our opinions more than we could before so...thats all im gonna say.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And I'll say this as well - I just read the post where GN discusses his decision to allow political and religious topics to exist instead of getting them all binned - I actually have to agree with his intentions.

I just wish people would focus on the issues, regardless of what is said, and cease with ad hominem attacks. It's perfectly okay to disagree with someone - but keep it about the issues and not about the individual.

We shouldn't be losing extremely valuable members of this site simply because of a difference in the way we think.


In my fifty five years on this earth I have never seen or experienced
the shitstorm that’s happening seemingly all over the world,,,
I believe the reasons for allowing a “ speakers corner “ at this
point in time was a nesseity as other threads were getting affected
by people’s need to express there feelings BUT that don’t make it
ok to type offensive shit about other members,,,
“ speakers corner “ is needed but in NO way,shape or form does this
It make it ok to be vile to each other,
We all seem to have views that are ok for some and not others and
vice versa,,,,
At the end of the day then a little more kindness to
each other would be nice,
I think Tony Blair is a traitorous piece of shit and now we find out he had been advising France 🇫🇷President Macron on how to deal with
the uk on Brexit,,
Hang the bastard,, I pull the lever,
Save your anger for scum like him',,,,s2:tiphat:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
GS; You are right. I apologize to you for being condescending. However my question still stands about how such a well executed and long term secret plan would be entrusted to a satellite reporter. [small time indeed]

I am fully aware that this shlock has been circulating for a long time. My skepticism does not mean a trust in the government version.

Brother Nature; I hear you. What happened was horrific-evil.

Remember when we used to look forward to getting the best hashish in the world, made by Muslims?


ICMag Donor
Something - in the back of my mind makes me think of all these Judeo/Christian/Islamic = Abrahamic religions as some sort of modern allies that actually control most all powerbases throughout humanity via finance and the threat of an eternal hell in the world today. They have now and throughout history had the populace spiritually and financially within their control - and that's the way they like it - well, so it seems.

What is so ridiculous is that all of these 'Faith's' evolved from Abraham - and much of the texts of their holy books are similar, or exactly the same - so it would not seem stupid to suggest that they have, at the highest levels become allies - to keep the converted converted - so keeping their jobs as Priests, Rabbi's and Imam's etc secure for centuries....

The most powerful family I've heard of thus far are the ALDOBRANDINI's...
They are breeders of Popes and control a lot of the worlds finances.
I'm pretty sure that these are the folks that are, for lack of better terms, IN CHARGE of the world. Well... them and 3 or 4 other associated families like the Rosthschilds.

I can't be positive at this time but I'm thinking these families are involved with the Ashkenazi as well. More research is needed.