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4400watts in a 1 or 2 bedroom house need advice


For what its worth, I've had a call from the electric company but it was for the opposite reason. I converted my house to gas heat at the beginning of fall one year, and the electric company sent me a postcard the next spring asking why my electric usage dropped so drastically.

To add insult to injury, they could have cared less about my excuse, replaced my meter and billed me $800 extra saying the meter was broken and they used my previous years usage to determine that it was ($800) broken! The public utilities commission took their side and I had to pay it. True story.

So I would say, they do watch changes in usage up or down.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Personally speaking I would never grow 4400 in a 2 bedroom, then you have to add fans and other electrics. Your just asking for trouble, if your known to the police to supply weed or ever become known they will most probably check your power accounts and see what your running. Why not get a bigger house? If you don't have the cash then downgrade your grow and do the 4400W when you have the cash to get a bigger grow house.

Always use timers to turn house lights on/off to make it look like your living there, if your driving to the grow house park your car a couple of blocks away, neighbours will become familiar with your comings and goings, enter your house through the front door and leave via the back. Just be safe and use common sense



fuck the ticket, bought the ride
A house where no one drives up to it and no one ever leaves wouldn't be suspicious? I say it's safer to live in your grow house...


just a quick update for those who might be wanting to know how much a 4400+ watt grow electric bill cost. my bill just came in today and it was $391 in my state its .18cents per kwh and for about two weeks my lights were on 24hr then i set them to 12/12 plus the energy i used just living in the house. so for all those people saying its going to cost 1000bucks a month, you guys were way off. i also ran my lights on 240v instead of 120v


Active member
just a quick update for those who might be wanting to know how much a 4400+ watt grow electric bill cost. my bill just came in today and it was $391 in my state its .18cents per kwh and for about two weeks my lights were on 24hr then i set them to 12/12 plus the energy i used just living in the house. so for all those people saying its going to cost 1000bucks a month, you guys were way off. i also ran my lights on 240v instead of 120v

240v dosent save any 'wattage' or power. just allows more juice to flow through smaller wire.

my 8-9kw useage, shit even 10kw hasent taken me above 1k$/mo, socal.
most i ever saw was about 850$/mo.


Now that that drama is overwith...lets see some pics of the new setup, norcal!
sorry broham i dnt have any camera to take pics im mainly on this website to learn and give info when i can

240v dosent save any 'wattage' or power. just allows more juice to flow through smaller wire.

my 8-9kw useage, shit even 10kw hasent taken me above 1k$/mo, socal.
most i ever saw was about 850$/mo.

yea my electrician just told me that it does not save energy but im just happy as hell that it was only $391 because i had already saved 3000bucks just for the bill. but thanks for the info on that 8-9k system because after this grow op im going to do a 15light (4 or 5 bedroom) with four 1k and 11 6k plus fans, a/c etc its going to be around 10-11k so my bill should be about $1000.if you dont mind me asking how big was your house you did your 8-9k grow in ?


I wouldn't think 4400 is a lot of watts for a 2 BR house. I've easily had a 2200KWH bill in a 2 BR house before, and that was just living there. No grow. Glad things are workin out for ya.


Heat will probably be your issue...

As for the haters - STFU.
yea my lights go on at night and i have two a/c units in the room plus co2 so low 80's should be find. yea ima let the haters hate cause they dont have the balls to grow big.
I wouldn't think 4400 is a lot of watts for a 2 BR house. I've easily had a 2200KWH bill in a 2 BR house before, and that was just living there. No grow. Glad things are workin out for ya.
yea im not worried anymore but the next grow is another story 15light's 600watts :{ im alittle worried about that plus my boy just got all 3 of his house's raided by the cops last week and he only had a total of 361plants (around 100+ plants per house) which is about the amount ima have in my house....98 in flower room and veg room will have alittle more then that but they will be very small baby plants so two lights should be fine until i put them in flower room for a few weeks of 24hr light. i heard my boy was stealing electricity thats how they found out.
No worries. Keep us updated if you have the time. I'm curious to hear how it all goes for you even if you don't have any pics.


i sure will bro


Active member
yea my lights go on at night and i have two a/c units in the room plus co2 so low 80's should be find. yea ima let the haters hate cause they dont have the balls to grow big.
:yeahthats ...lol classic grower...go big or go home.
its more addictive then smoking!!
...anyways.. there are certing tweaks you can do when you have 3+ hoods...usualy involing banks of lights ...i turn one bank on an hor and a half before the rest...2kwh x60=120x.18=$21.60 not too much money, but later on in the crop you can turn up the night...13 hours...only last 2(14x2kwh=28*.18=$5.04)...all without sacraficeing yield....
and with the a/c's working less thats about 10% savings or $30... not alot but it helps.
if you had quantium ballasts you could dim the bulbs ontop of flopping.
its the controlled growing conditions that increase growth not light. plants can take a couple hours to react to sunrise.........


:yeahthats ...lol classic grower...go big or go home.
its more addictive then smoking!!
...anyways.. there are certing tweaks you can do when you have 3+ hoods...usualy involing banks of lights ...i turn one bank on an hor and a half before the rest...2kwh x60=120x.18=$21.60 not too much money, but later on in the crop you can turn up the night...13 hours...only last 2(14x2kwh=28*.18=$5.04)...all without sacraficeing yield....
and with the a/c's working less thats about 10% savings or $30... not alot but it helps.
if you had quantium ballasts you could dim the bulbs ontop of flopping.
its the controlled growing conditions that increase growth not light. plants can take a couple hours to react to sunrise.........
hey thanks for the kick a$$ info im going to try that out. how is that bud candy working for you? i just got some, they say it carboload and sweet leaf mixed into one i hope it has some extra special stuff in it so i have something to look forward to other than the same great products that i have already used.


living somewhere cold helps. Many electric heaters run on 1,500 watts. x the amount of rooms that would be heated in winter... = fill it with lights! a big light in a small bedroom heats it up nicely in the winter, and you could have an electric heater chillin in your room as cover

another thought is for every amount of light used for illegal purposes, have similar amount of light on something legit. That way if questions are aasked then you can show them and send them home some of your delicious tomatoes, basil and jalapenos


living somewhere cold helps. Many electric heaters run on 1,500 watts. x the amount of rooms that would be heated in winter... = fill it with lights! a big light in a small bedroom heats it up nicely in the winter, and you could have an electric heater chillin in your room as cover

another thought is for every amount of light used for illegal purposes, have similar amount of light on something legit. That way if questions are aasked then you can show them and send them home some of your delicious tomatoes, basil and jalapenos

yea man i wish i did live some where cold im fighting with heat right now. i have a 15,000btu ac plus another smaller ac and my room is still 90plus this heat is freakn killing me right now. it was fine until i took my 400wtt out an put in a 1k light

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