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42nd Annual Hash Bash

Mt Toaker

Well, its that time of the year again. This is the oh so special 42nd Annual Hash Bash, Started in 1972 to support John Sinclair for his arrest of possession of 2 joints. Hope all who are going have a safe and fun time, remember DO NOT SMOKE on U of M's campus. Last time I went they announced it before they even started to speak, immediately after they announced that cops started picking people off on the outside of the crowd ticketing them, I did not see them going inside the crowd to bust people. Outside of campus its pretty much free game, whole town is puffing down. There is a bar who lets you blaze herb in it, ONLY herb that is. The first quarterly meeting for Michigan's NORML is being held this weekend too right in Ann Arbor for all to attend. I figured I would link some festivities to whoever is attending this wonderful event. Any one who is attending have fun and BE SAFE.

Probibly the most official link for the actual Hash Bash event: http://www.freedomactivist.net/hashbash.html (you can find driving directions here)

The Hash Bash site NORML puts on:

Hash Bash on Facebook:

Big event part of Hash Bash is Ann Arbors Monroe Street Fair: http://www.monroestreetfair.com/

And for the hell of it, the Wiki for Hash Bash if you are just interested in the history behind it:


Hope all who are attending have a wonderful time! Jolly Pumpkin has excellent Sour Beers if you are into that, 42° is an excellent head shop I suggest checking out. If you want ideas on places to eat n what not feel free to ask or PM me.


Well-known member
DAMN! sounds like a blast... all have fun and watch unu steps :)

ps.: could anyone ask dj if the opportunity arises, if there is a timeline for his re-release of velvet, heaven, moonshine??? please!

Mt Toaker

Well, after U of M's game yesterday the whole town should be even more exciting to be around since their final four game is the day of Hash Bash I believe.

Mt Toker

Hash Bash was great for who ever was wondering. Ed was yelling about how we live in a police state, DJ Short talked about how you can grow 1 million grams of resin producing material and said that after legalization the future is in extracts not bud.


Grower for Life
what happened to your post count? cant go into chat?


Mt Toker

Moppel I had a huge miss-hap by changing my e-mail to a non-verifiable account. I did this because I realized the e-mail was not in use by me for a few years now so I figured it wouldn't matter. So now I omitted the a in ToAker and spelled it correctly this time. Soo sadly no rep, no posts and I can no longer access that account which kinda hurts because of the gallery I had going there. Haven't checked to see if I can get in there publicly though. I think I can. Biggest bummer is all the subs I had are forever lost and I have to go back and find them again, not many were active but just sub'd for the info on the page. Wish a mod could just go correct my e-mail on that guy so I could still get in there.


just don't molest my colas..
Bummer dude. What a loss. Maybe a mod can help.

Anyone else cringe a bunch while Ed rosenthal was speaking?? He sounded ignorant. Maybe even drunk.


I didn't even listen but if any of you guys where at the cultivation station booth I was posted for a few hours over there smoking SFV, and passing them around :D


Active member
Ed Rosenthal pushing books on people.

He said to me,

Ed: Have you read the book?
Me: Yah when I was 17.
Ed: This is not the same book! There are techniques in here that you have never heard of!
***As a crowd gathers behind our conversation
Me: Name one.

He then completly ignores me and continues to slang his ground breaking practices to everyone with-in an ear shout. Man he grinds my gears.

He didnt even remember that a year before he invited me to his private get together in Denver to discuss CBD oil and rare CBD rich strains that he knew I had acquired from a lab that I once worked for. Funny stuff really.

Mt Toker

Yeah Ed was wild, he was yelling at the fair too. Wish I woulda hit up that SFV RespectGreen, I talked to a really interesting guy who was making weed pop, or soda for those of you who might be from other than Michigan. Guy was telling me how he started with a glycerine extraction but went many steps further and lost me in the conversation really quick, but he said he was putting things in the drink that would allow your body to more readily absorb the canabinoids. He mentioned how there is something in mango that basically 'gets you higher' and he had that same compound in his pops. Stuff tasted really good.

True story here from the puffin bar at the fair:
Old man "put it out or get out or get out"
us "really people have been blazing all day here"
Old man "yeah and I've been telling people to stop that shit all day, its not legal here or anywhere in the country so cut it out"

So we put it out, then buddies go to the bathroom and saw him with a VAPE PEN sitting there. Buddie goes to talk to him and Old man says "yeah I wish it was full of hash oil"

Old guy was just fuxin with us! Damn seasoned stoners. . .