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400W Medicine Cupboard


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The one I have going now is in soil, was fed organics first 5 weeks then 2 weeks of chemical feeding, since then been on water, she is somewhere around 50-odd days, gonna take her around 60, didn't keep a record of when she went into flower, but I'm pretty sure it was the same time as the first KC, which was 13th November, which would be 51 days today.The triches are a mix of cloudy and clear and amber, still too many clears for my liking, but I expect in5 more days she will be about done. To be honest, she is getting the chop when I run out of the Mango I'm currently smoking (which is damn delicious I might add) and that is gonna be somewhere between 3 and 5 days from now.

Next run of the Appalachia will be in coco, I have a nice one vegged into a small bush with a few tops waiting to go in and a couple more rooting, I'll make sure I pass her on for preservation.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
certainly didnt mean to imply you don't have the knowledge mate... only that I don't and still grow half decent buds :)


Active member
Some pics of the Mango I chopped last week. I think she was at 60 days, triches said she was ready, she had about 9 days of flush. Could perhaps go 65 but I was out of smoke so down she came. I measured the runoff after putting a litre through the pot after chopping her and the EC was 0.8 so there wasn't any salt buildup going on, so I'm pretty sure the leaf crisping was down to PH. Last time I has leaves doing similar things was due to ph fluctuations in dwc. Would take too long to iron out the reasons for the ph issues with all the crap in my organic regime. Perhaps if I'd added lime or calcified seaweed to my soilmix I wouldn't have had problems with ph?

Anyways, it's academic now, the buds smoke really nice and clean even after 1 week of drying, taste is divine, not the most potent but a very nice smoke nonetheless. I think this one could yield big in coco so I'm gonna run it at least one more time. I'd expect to get at least 30g from a decent yielder grown to this size in coco and I think I got about 15g, maybe less out of her this time, not impressed.









Active member
certainly didnt mean to imply you don't have the knowledge mate... only that I don't and still grow half decent buds :)

Oh I know you didn't mate and I only have half the knowledge - the 'book reading' part, that's only half of what you need to make it work though, the other half is years of accumulated hands-on experience. As a wise old head said to me about organics 'the lower yield thing is largely a myth, but it ain't easy, takes a lot of work'. Yeah, takes time and you better get used to the smell of decomposing faecal matter!

Coco for me!


Active member
Here's some pics of the dried Mango. Even without a cure it's very tasty, tropical fruit, actually does taste of mangoes.






None of AN's stuff has any kind of organic certification either, it's not OMRI certified for the US market and has none of the EU certifications either. Some alternatives to AN that are OMRI certified:

guana Grow ~ Bio Bizz's Bio-Grow OMRI Reg.
Iguana Bloom ~ Bio Bizz's Bio-Bloom OMRI Reg. They also have organic growth & bloom boosters - all OMRI Reg..
or a 3part OMRI Reg.
Nature's Necture Nitrogen, Phosphoris, Potash

Enggy's Seaweed ~ Bio Bizz's Alg-A-Mic (OMRI Reg.), Vitax Seaweed Extract or Maxicrop
Pirahna & Tarantula ~ Rootgrow mychorrizae
Carbo Load ~ Raw Dextrose powder from a homebrew supply store or Molasses
Enggy's Fulvic ~ Grotek's LXR Gold (OMRI reg.), GH's Diamond Nectar, Vitalink Fulvic
Enggy's Humic ~ Grotek's LXR Black (OMRI reg.), GH's Diamond Black, Vitalink Humic
Voodoo Juice ~ Green Planet's Root Builder (OMRI Reg.)

Organic B ~ Techniflora's Thrive-Alive (Green - is the organic version)
Sensizyme ~ Hygrozyme aka Grozyme (OMRI Reg.)

Hesi is good stuff, I'm using their Coco base nute now cos I had half a bottle left over from my last coco grow, then I'm gonna switch to Canna COGR Flores as I got some dirt cheap on ebay.

If you wanna do coco and wanna be organic, personally I'd go for this line-up:

Canna Bio Flores
Canna Bio Boost (optional)
Canna Bio Rhizotonic (optional)
Plagron Alga Bloom (1.5-13-14)
Vitax Liquid Seaweed
Vitalink Liquid Fulvic
Liquid Silicon (AN Barricade, Hydrogarden Budlink, Vitalink Silicon, any silicon will do)
Cannazym, Atazym or another good enzyme product

That little lot is organic as long as you don't split hairs about whether liquid silicates strictly qualify, and will piss all over a soil and organics grow for yield and will match it for flavour. If you wanna get fancy you could add some liquid bat guano for extra taste enhancement and a bloom booster like AN Big Bud (the powder, not the liquid) or Grotek Monster Bloom, although just the Canna Boost is enough to get great results. Several folks I know who grow great gear in coco, cup winning gear, swear by the b'cuzz coco bloom stimulator in preference to Canna Boost, not tried it myself but will be doing when I run out of what I'm using now.

Personally, my coco regime is partly organic, partly not, I'm using this regime currently and liking the results a lot, it's the same regime I used to use with coco, just changed a couple of the products:

Hesi base nute (usually Canna Coco A+B)
Dutchmaster MAX Bloom (probably the best humic/fulvic product, has P and K in the form of phospholipids)
Kay's Seaweed Extract (local brand, kicks ass)
Molasses (NAF Horse Feed)
Hydrogarden Liquid Silicon
bcuzz soil booster (beneficial organisms and enzymes)
Agralan Revive (beneficial organisms)
BAC Bloom Booster (got a freebie, just using it up)
Plagron Alga Bloom (nice PK booster)
No Mercy Liquid Bat Guano (adds flavour)
AN Big Bud powder (another freebie)
House & Garden Roots Excelurator (freebie again, but probably the best root stim on the market)

I give the Alga Bloom from when the first buds form, slowly increasing the dose of alga bloom and decreasing the Hesi base nute, slowly reducing N and increasing P and K, aiming to cut out N by two thirds of flower. I start giving the Big Bud powder from mid flower. Everything else is every watering apart from the bat guano which is one a week from mid flower to add a bit of flavour and the Agralan Revive which is once a week. Flush for two weeks, three if you really want to maximise taste, but that will cost you 5-10% yield. I givethe Roots Excel for first 10 days of bloom while they root into their bigger pots for flowering.

Most cup winning buds of the last decade were grown in coco, I just can't think of any bad points. You can reuse your coco half a dozen times so no disposing of soil at the end of every grow, it's just awesome stuff. The way you can tweak your regime ad infinitum with hand watering to sit different plants is also a great feature if you grow loads of different strains at the same time like I do.

some real nice info there!!:yes: i dont think i will like growing in an inert medium, simply because i like the buffer of the soil, i like mixing up stinky shitty teas n throwing things in, i hate measuring out things, i do everything by eye these days, yeah i have problems, but most of the time it goes ok...sugar peak/earth juice i like using, it sets tepind tap water to 6.3 if i dont bubble it, it seems to rise a hell of a lot when ya do bubble, and i used like a 5th of a bottle of nitric acid just to keep it under 7 for a week...i got 80% phos. acid now though which is lethal. Im gonna use the coco to make the soil more homey for the roots, not as a medium but a conditioner...i miss my tricoderma snuff powder.:flu:

Its defo a case of horse for course.:yes:



Active member
For sure Bean, it's all about what works for you - what you can make productive with your skills in your setup. For me, it has to be coco. In the past I had a lot of success with dwc but it's fraught with issues in cabinets, so since not having a room for my buckets anymore I've found coco is the best for me with my small cabinet setup.

You might want to try a couple of pots of straight coco and feed them organic teas, it does work, organic hydro. You can add worm castings and perlite in a 60/25/25 mix if you insist on a non-inert medium, but straight coco worked better for me. I have done organic coco and it worked a treat, but yield was maybe 25% less than using my usual coco regime and while tastes were enhance a tad, I put that down to molasses and bat guano and adding those to my coco regime gave me the same enhancement. I put the lack of yield with organics in coco down to the difficulty of matching the kick of a chemical pk booster, I used bat guano for my P, kelp, molasses and chicken shit for my K and while it produced nice flowers of a decent size with great flavours, the chemical PK boosted buds had all the same qualities but were a fair bit larger.


Active member
I decided to chop the Appalachia, I needed the space in the flowering box for the last of the Bubblicious which has caught up in growth since I put in the LEDs.The Appalachia has a few ambers but could have gone another couple of days. Nice plant, smells lovely, loads of frost but small buds. I expect I won't see the potential n this cut till I run it in coco and get it right. By the looks of it, I'd say this is the Green Crack pheno.









Active member
The KC S1s are getting very purple now. The leafy one looks stupidly white from resin, this one isn't lacking in resin either and is really purple.



The cut of that one is a week or more behind and is not quite so purple.





Just starting flushing the bigger ones, will start flushing the smaller cut in a few days, aiming to chop these in about 2 weeks.

Looking forward to making hash from these, lots of nice bulbous heads to remove.



Active member
I'm shit out of luck with my Bubblicious. The three that have been in flowering a while are all male!

This is the biggest of the three, this one showed sex first:


This is the other really indica one, only slightly smaller and has only just shown sex:


This is the spindly one, the balls appeared yesterday but were tiny, today they are obvious:


A group shot. The two big ones are on the right and the spindly one is on the left. The last of the four that was a bit behind and has only been in flower 3 days is in the middle with a small reeferman G13 cut next to it. Losing all three Bubblicious is a blow, was hoping for a good yield from those and now I am gonna have a gap in my grow while I get something else ready to take their place.



Active member
Day 10 of my UV experiment, I can't see much difference in resin production at this point. Also, there appear to be no ill effects at all from the UV. So far, I have to say, it looks to be having minimal if any effect, which was pretty much what I expected. There is still plenty of time left for me to be surprised however.







Active member
Where did everyone go? Feel like I'm talking to myself 'ere!

Got a problem with the 60W LED Veg light - plants are growing too damn fast! They have grown up to the light and I need to cut them back already. Oh well, will mean a few extra cuttings to root.

There is a little bit of crisping on a couple of leaves, I think this is heat stress from the LEDs, the panel is pretty hot so it's radiating a fair bit of heat If this continues to be an issue, I will fit a small fan blowing across the canopy.






im here

every1 else is either out or in bed

bit of a shame your gonna have some empty space in there.

ive been looking at some highlands/mexican strains. this your 1st time with it?

throw a fan in there. i have always got a fan blowing across the top of the canopy


Active member
When I find a fan the right size I shall. I am thinking a 120mm 12v PC fan would do the trick nicely. I think I have one in a box of junk somewhere!

I've got two Mexican strains, one is the Highland Oaxacan Gold, grown by Elevator Man from seeds gifted from High n Lonesome, said to come from Oaxaca in 1978, I have that cut and it's a stunner, yields enormous.

The other one I collected myself on holiday, it's from the Yucatan and is fairly typical of the red hair type Mexicans.

I just need a lime green type Mexican and I'll have a nice set of loco weeds.

Tp fill the empty space, I have some Durbans that are nearly big enough and one OG Kush/Afghan x Oaxacan (from an accidental pollination, there was only 1 seed) but those need a bit more veg time really. I topped em tonight so they bush out a bit before I flower them.

I don't have any rooted cuts that are anywhere near being ready to flower sadly. I have a load in the tray rooting, but things are hard to root here at this time of year, and I'm taking a load of new cuts tomorrow, but there is gonna be a gap in the flowering space for a coupe of weeks. Just praying the last of the 4 Bubblicious is a female!

I'm gonna buy a pack of Female Seeds Bubblegum I think, I really want a good Bubblegum female, I love the taste, it's a great anti-depression smoke and it yields immense. I'll keep the best male Bubblicious and cross it to the best Female Seeds plant then I'll have all the Bubblegum seeds I need to find the special one. I'm not shelling out a load of notes for Serious Seeds Bubblegum, all phenos yield big but it's not that easy to find a keeper, and at their prices, I need to be guaranteed to find that keeper in a single pack.


Take A Deep Breath
I've turned my veg lights on 24/0 because of lack of heat!

What strains are the plants over-running the LED's?


Active member
Two Africans, a Mexican and a Mango.

My HPS and the LEDs are actually doing a decent job of warming my house at the moment, surprising how much heat they do generate.


i always thought the better tasting mexicans yield less

why not top whats in the cab, put some others in there and delay flowering a little? this way you will probably get a more even canopy.

or just stick with what you got, and spread them out?

either way be sure to show us some of the finished product


Active member
I took a shitload of cuttings this morning, the plants that had overgrown were actually the OGKA x Affie male and female, the Africans and the Appalachia so I took a load of cuttings of all of those.

I discovered I don't have cuttings of both the KC S1s, both the cuttings I have rooted and growing are from the leafy #2 pheno. So I decided to cut down the small KC #1 cutting so I can reveg it. It has a few ambers, but still a load of clears, so a tad early, but it's more important to reveg her than let her get 100% ripe. Yield is tiny but the resin is incredible.









Active member
The resin is in a very thick coating and a fair few trichomes have purple veins in them:






You can see the purple trichomes on the bottom edge of this leaf:





