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400w HPS - Bagseed - Soil

So i thought I deleted these, but didnt. They show the the fast development. one was approx 48 hours ago, the other is 24 hours later. You can see the leaf in the middle of the top pic change remarkably over night (its just below center in the second pic). And the color of all the leaves is fairly accurate. Quite light indeed.


I do as you say when the plant is awake. Light nute flush at proper ph.

Hope you're right and she's back to herself in no time.

Im freakin' out here man... haha


That's Just an N and P deficiency from what I can see, probably along with other underlying deficiencies that haven't come to the party just yet lol.

Doesn't look pretty, but she will pull through not a problem without affecting yield too much. Even a semi-dry, damaged leaf can perform its function.

Id say you would be in serious trouble if she wasn't as healthy as she was when you started flowering, strong green plants like that can take alot of abuse!
Cheers for replies, was really helpful. I think I could bring it back to full glory now...

But possible disaster has struck. ITS HERMIED! Found a few bananas. Fk!

What are my options? Do I have any?


New member
Try to remove all the nanas and wait.... if its a real hermie it makes no sense to grow it out i think.... but sometimes there are just a fiew nanas in the beginning and after removal they flower like normal ladys would
which you the best dude
After a thorough inspection, I can say there is more than a few bananas. Just when I think I've got them all, I look a lil deeper and I find more.

I initially only saw 4 clusters on two branches so was hoping it was localised. But they're everywhere. There is no way I can get them all. And if that's how many popped up in the last day or two, I shudder to think of how many more will be on the way. I mean, im am at best only half way through flower.

To complicate the matter, I just put another plant into flower in the tent 3 days ago. So I don't want that getting pollinated should it turn out to be a female.

Shit. Shit. Shit.


Active member
do you have any light leaks? this sucks. although if you have no other plants around, a seeded fully mature plant will make better smoke then an immature one. i would leave it and harvest when its ready. just be happy to take out bananas as you see them and smoke some seeded bud.
Of course that would be better, but by doing that I might be condemning two plants to seed since I've just started flowering another.

Fkn dilemmas, oh I hate them...

And I don't think I've got light leaks. Well I didn't think so. Now its seems quite obvious that I might.


Man that shit fucks your day right up hey....

I'm my experience with hermies from light leaks (3 different strains) they halt new calyx growth and resin production to a certain degree whilst the stress factor is still there, then once removed have about a week of no growth, then onto the calyx's swelling.

Looking at your pics, if it were me and the nanna situation can be controlled, I would keep going. Even though not many new calyx will grow, the existing ones will still swell up nicely and the resin glands will mature. Not sure about everyone else, but early picked bud with clear trichs gives me a yuck, jittery high.

Will defiantly need to sterilize the tent for pollen afterwards though....Hmmmm hard decisions huh, crap position to be in, feel for ya man!


any idea what kinda bud u pulled the seed out of?

but anyways.. this is the reason its worth buying clones or seed.. hermis fuck shit up..
Man that shit fucks your day right up hey....

I'm my experience with hermies from light leaks (3 different strains) they halt new calyx growth and resin production to a certain degree whilst the stress factor is still there, then once removed have about a week of no growth, then onto the calyx's swelling.

Looking at your pics, if it were me and the nanna situation can be controlled, I would keep going. Even though not many new calyx will grow, the existing ones will still swell up nicely and the resin glands will mature. Not sure about everyone else, but early picked bud with clear trichs gives me a yuck, jittery high.

Will defiantly need to sterilize the tent for pollen afterwards though....Hmmmm hard decisions huh, crap position to be in, feel for ya man!
Yea I can't imagine it would have a lot of worth when it comes to smoking. I mean its at least 4 weeks early. Coukd i make hash mahbe? Im just about to go have a look at her, so I'll see how many new ones popped up over night. If they keep on coming (and why wouldn't they) I don't know if I can be fucked pulling them all off every day. Especially since I'll inevitably miss some and get seeds anyways. And then I'll have to sterilize...? Dang... So yea, leaning towards culling her and starting a new.

any idea what kinda bud u pulled the seed out of?

but anyways.. this is the reason its worth buying clones or seed.. hermis fuck shit up..

I can't actually remember the bud it came from. It was a long time ago. I had the seeds for seven years actually.
And yep, this will be my last bagseed grow (besides the other one from more recent that I just put into flower). This is why im not totally inconsolable about this. Im kinda excited to start on some proper genetics.


Then chop that bitch up haha ;)

Hmmm I dunno.....Every time I pulled them and trashed them for a few nanna's, I always wished I didn't a week later.

Most of the commercial crap we would get is probably pulled way early anyway, the pistols just brown off in the drying process....so not a total loss?

You seem like a pretty keen grower, time to get into some of those nice seeds you have and find yourself a keeper ;)

Could you throw up a pic of said male parts? Just to make 100% sure they are what you think?
Yea I think shes got to go, unfortunately.

Im charging the camera batteries as we speak. Ill try get a decent pic of some male parts when they're ready. But I have absolutely zero doubt. Classic bananas. Unmistakable.

But on to bigger and better things from here...

Now to decide what to grow for the next round.



I would try that AK-47 selected pheno you have, might be interesting ;)

And I can't recommend Kali mist or White Russian seeds highly enough if your looking to make an online order!
So I think Im going to save the Tutankhamon for when I get a bigger tent. Im thinking im just gonna do a short veg multi strain grow. Thinking of running The Doctor, WWxBB, Critical Sensi Star, GLP, plus the Big Bang I started recently. Might go a two or three week veg at most...keep em small. Then I'll see what I like from that batch and grow it again, but bigger and better as I'll have a new tent after next run. Sound like a plan to me...whatcha reckon?

I'll look into qwiso...tbh I've never heard of it. But sounds interesting upon first impressions.

Gonna chop the plant in a few hours...should be interesting.

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