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400W Cab - SSB indoor mix and their babies - Soil in European City



Plus some seeds i made with them :bashhead:


Welcome, and feel free to add any advices comment etc... :jump:

I play hydro normally but summer town is just a pain
Didnt bought a water chiller yet...

First babies

Potting shot

Babies in their new pots

The 2*4 behind are moms, i still keep another copies in the grow mini-cab

Added those 11 babies; btw it's like a perpetual 12/12 area with constant new plants in it... Next step is to apply it in HYDRO ! I think about some perlite start; ill see that in few months maybe.

That growing correctly, only using some hydro nutes (CANNA flores) at 1/3-14 of normal dose.

Some closer pics:

Ice "pheno sherry" that getting crasy in hydro F48

Comparison 2 Sisters F26

P1 & P3

P3 seed F28


30 days 12/12

45 12/12
30 for the upper right

~50 12/12

Dunno why they are yellowing that fast... On the other i prefer that than super dark green "NutesFull" leaves... :nono:
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Hey ty exploziv_gbb
Btw i made the comparison by some curiosity, especially about seems a fact that purple buds seems smallers than greens ^^
Maybe i got some deficiency or over nut due the purple... branchs btw
(what the fuck! i'm limited on 10 post/day!)
Nice results, thanks for sharing.

A friend show me the idea, what don't build a rectangular "bed soil" with four boards for seedlings ? Use a liner of swimming pool...
I will construct it for replacement of my "rectangular pot" soon. I take some pics for you.

I discover past years than clay balls are not usefull in small pots (less than 20 liters), they limit the elasticity of the soil (dry->wet states) and stole space for roots. i invite you to make a comparative test on two pots : one with clay, the other without.

So, i read in another post you can't treat male for the hormonal balancy. Have you tried this or it's just theorical?

My best vibes to your crop


pure dynamite
I use clay balls on the surface of the soil to limit the evaporation. they are very usefull as they almost double the period between waterings. what use they have mixed with the soil?


Hey TY for bumps :smile:

Btw the deficiency was confirmed by a friend; oh i was really low in my nutes; -only- using canna flores [hydro...] at 1/4 of normal dose... Will upgrade to 1/3-1/2 for next watering.
Got 3-4 L of soil / pot with multiple plants in it, what a joke i know... I tested in this way... I would try COCO too :jump:

I was looking for start seeds in hydro bubbler like this:

I though about a start in 100% perlite and letting them stretch a bit before add into the swimming pool; fixing them with some electrical wire .... :spank:
Seems fools but works when made paying attention.

Anyway you are certainly right; with liner it would be alot easier to watering them, im curious about your future pictures.

Oh guys sure its dicutable about thoses balls!
I made this because my original soil was very dense and i didnt had any perlite, plus still have all thoses balls without use (damnit growshopers!)
Plus thought about max oxygening but require more often watering...
So i tried with, but will not do it again.
Certainly better to just have them on the surface yes...

About males treat i didnt made any test...
I read that a male reverse was done with "gibberellins" to reverse a male in to female (tobbacco inc. was a very serious source). Just google it.
I also remember about 1 post (other forum) about adding ethylen to promote flowers {but no proof, any bullshit can be wrote, or simply disinformation for some old reasons...}
Whatever if i had real motivations to test that i would lookin for all reverse that have been done with others plants documents and then a test with ethylen. Plus ethylen is relatively stable i suppose and certainly not that hard to obtain. Plus this;
I would clearly test ethylen on some males, and then fail, maybe ? :smile: .

Hey Ice 12/12 since may 04:

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About males treat i didnt made any test...
Just do it for me bro"


In fact, with this simple test i can't make for "reg' seeds raesons" (i have some interrest, i assume), you can prove that a herm' male and a herm' female posses the same herm' hormonal balancy, or not. It can be very interresting to follow for me, i can learn from it.

best vibes


Anyway if i try a day i will tell you kk...

Update :smile: Increased nuts for 1/4 to 1/2 of normal dose but will see effects in few days maybe, praying to not burn something, seems the babies does not need same amounts :/

day 30

day 47

day 53




Those 4 plants are P1,2,3,4 cutted today were in hudge deficiency that was not fixed due the flush.. Next others will be a bit better maybe.

54 days

Trich macro, the P3 is the most sticky

The P1 is the most potent



Btw greenfuel posts were all deleted .....???........ ^^

Also the ICE at F56 and this small one that grow very slowly, crasy slowly btw ^^

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F 47 days

1rst day flush with BioNova Vitrasol 0.75ml/L for 5 days then only ph fixed water for 5 last days.




Hot part: smoke test and then eventual reveg








50 days





What is used:

- culvita.nl soil
- nute; hydro canna flores
- nute; hydro GHE tripart
- vitrasol bionova 4 flush
- domestic water & ph down

:wave: :wave: :wave:


Active member
lookin great man! bet those testers were quite the headrush, lots of cloudy trichs it looks like. loving the coloring of those plants, keep it up!


Hi tngreen, ty reply, oh yes my hours are a bit hard actually; im doing a blind test right now, meaning i dont know the ID of weed i test into the vaporizer.
Im starting my third test now and it's seems ok, yet, hmmm ... :nono: :nono: :nono:


ty :smile:

some more then
flowering 52 days
the small purple one ~30 days i think








bud pictures

bud pictures

Those buds are beautiful!! Wonderful work and who cares what they are called. I call them beautiful!! Damn Nice job!!


oh y ty rafe m8 im very happy to hear it was nice photos :)
I dont know their name, some unknow indoor mix * indoor mix ssb 2005 ...

btw the vap test on all the different plants didnt gave clear result, it seems requiered to have them in a jar ~1 month to get the full potency and aromas etc...

it will try to regenerate all btw and then have the time to try all in peace :smile:


Remarks or Questions or Discussion are welcome i will take a look on your diaries later :) just feel free.
So 7 plants in 3 pots (3-4 Liters / 0.8 Gallon of soil each)
Cutting the buds, and trying to regenerate them, since a smoke test cant be OK by testing with fast harvested weed; oh have to wait something like 1 month dry-curing to really be able to check it correctly.
7 Plants re-poted for the 125W reveg, some had low branchs others not, we'll see.
