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4000 watt air cooled DIY ebb & grow


Hey Sands.....Make sure that your first feed is after lights have been on long enough ta burn off residual humidity buildup from 12 hrs of lights off , as well as the last feed at least 30 minutes or more before lights off to evaporate as much humidity for the same reason before the dark period begins........

I`m sure you`ll see increased foliage with more feed cycles with ample drying out time between......

Good luck and take care......DHF.......
DHF I was lookin over the thread and wanted to let u know the plants only have a 1000 watts over them right now they will flower under 4000 watts.


full lyght veg...

I have two rooms and my new reflectors have not arrived as of yet. They are doing well with the increased feed regimen. As soon as the new reflectors and my new ballast gets here they will move. The beauty of this system is being able to move each bucket.


Also I dont know if I mentioned this before but I am def going to scrog these girls. The more I think about it the more I cant believe more ppl dont do it. The fact is it just makes sense. If I can have a couple colas every few sq in then I will be cheesed as a moth@#fu@&er.

The girls are on a 4x6 mat right now and need to fill out 7x13 so I will be flipping the switch next week hopefully on the 18th. Im going to be using 4 C.A.P. xxxtreme 6in reflectors.


ruger 500
i have a ebb and grow setup going right now with dp ppp ,and a chiller can be found on craigslist ,thats where i got mine ,its a nessity,good luck ,i wish i could score some lvpk ,cant wait to see that when its done


Oh...Ok........I`m sorry ....That`s why I was sayin they shoulda been bigger under 4KW........Thing`s can only get better.....

Shove da juice up their ass and watch em explode.........Once they go in the bloom room , they might stall from a lil bit of lumen shock , but should adjust quickly with regular feedings in the smaller buckets.....

They only drink more in mid-late flower so get ready for top-off`s and add backs.......

Good luck Bro......DHF.......


Lights are here

Lights are here

So I went to D to pick my lights up Karmel over at Aurora hydro hooked me up fat. Picked up 4 magnum xxxl 6in and a couple ballasts. The switch will happen on wed still trying to get the frame figured out but,

:dance013:I think they are ready.

I have 4000 watts for 7x13 space. I was wondering if i should expand the width to 9 feet to make it 9x13 but Im not sure.


Cant find my camera

Cant find my camera

Ok I cant find my camera but I wanted to give an update. I switched everything to the flower room and found a broken lamp and ballast. I will go to D this week to get those replaced. other than that I ended up getting three lights set up with out fans but my 12000 btus keeps it at about 83 degrees. Cant wait to get everything going.


In a bubble
Hey Sands! Nice to meet you.

I saw all of that bright light and just HAD to come in here and see what was going on. I'm just finishing up my first ebb & gro.

Looks like you've got a GREAT garden going! Nice job!!

I hope you don't mind if I hang out and watch.



YAY I found the camera 28 Days Flower

YAY I found the camera 28 Days Flower

It has been a long time since I took pics. I am relatively new to this site but, the drama here makes it easy to stay away. Plus the new laws in my state suck. I will finish this grow report But dont think Im going to stick around after.

Everything is going well except my light mover broke, anyway here is the pics



Fuck Entropy.
Sorry to hear about the drama...

My little corner has been pretty chill...

From what little I've limped along beside discussions of what's going on out there in terms of changing law, it definitely seems to be making things tough.

Certainly contrary to the intent of initial law.

No one seems willing to acknowledge that you cannot legislate the physiological response to something as complex as the human ganja relationship. One man's medicine is another mans poison, even within the diversity of mmj. One strain helps some with severe pain and increases their functionality, and puts others straight to sleep. One grow technique manifests this quality, while others approaches emphasize others.

MMJ cannot be mass produced, cleanly taxed, and still address the individual experiences of the individual user.

Again, sorry to hear about the drama that got on you.

Thanks for the update.

Good luck finishing the ladies out.


Sorry to hear about the drama...

My little corner has been pretty chill...

From what little I've limped along beside discussions of what's going on out there in terms of changing law, it definitely seems to be making things tough.

Certainly contrary to the intent of initial law.

No one seems willing to acknowledge that you cannot legislate the physiological response to something as complex as the human ganja relationship. One man's medicine is another mans poison, even within the diversity of mmj. One strain helps some with severe pain and increases their functionality, and puts others straight to sleep. One grow technique manifests this quality, while others approaches emphasize others.

MMJ cannot be mass produced, cleanly taxed, and still address the individual experiences of the individual user.

Again, sorry to hear about the drama that got on you.

Thanks for the update.

Good luck finishing the ladies out.
I actually havent had any drama but I try to read these threads and they are filled with drama stupid shit lol. Drama free thats me


In a bubble
Beautiful Sands! Nice job.

Do you ever flush your system in the middle of your grow to prevent build up in the medium?


Thanks BS I do flush every 2 weeks. I did it the first time just to see but they seem to like it. I run drip clean so I dont see much build up.


In a bubble
Great! Thanks Sands. I just ordered some drip clean recently and will be using it for the first time. So it looks like I'm on the right track there.

When you flush, do you flush for 2 full lights-on/watering cycles? Or ???


Great! Thanks Sands. I just ordered some drip clean recently and will be using it for the first time. So it looks like I'm on the right track there.

When you flush, do you flush for 2 full lights-on/watering cycles? Or ???
I just do 24 hrs and I see a ppm increase by about 250 - 350 ppms over night. I dont get much change after another 24. If you have not flushed at all you could flush 2 cycles or maybe even change the res halfway through the cycle depending on how far you are along. My two cents anyway hope to help.