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400 Watt or 600 Watt HPS?

In Cali, power costs can add up quick.
My over-baseline rates top out at $0.47/kWh.

As for your lighting, most hoods throw a rectangular light footprint.
A 600w is a nice 3x4 spread.


New member
Even though the closet is 8x4x7 i will only be growing in a 3x4 or 4x4 square ft area. I like the idea of 2 1000 watters in there but i have to keep this small because of my concerns with getting caught. Yes i am paranoid but i have been caught growing 3 years ago in my backyard and i am currently still at the same address. I already put up 1in styrofoam all across the walls and ceilings and lined it with reflectix insulation to block out the heat sig from a flir camera. I am growing in my basement so i do hope that helps to. I'm i crazy for even trying this please let me know on this one


Weedomus Maximus

Mainly i am asking if it is worth the extra 200 watts of light for quality in the finished product for a plant getting no taller than 2ft.

A 600 has almost twice the light intensity of a 400. Above is a 1.5' tall plant grown under a 600 - +3oz dry/cured. Good luck.



What type of ballast do you guys run with your 600? I was thinking quantum ballast.

I would go w/ what you can afford, shop around you could prolly find a 600 lumatek w/ a reflector and cords for around $450 to $500 somewhere. I got a cpl 600's from HTG supply w/ reflectors and bulbs along w/ the cords for like $400 each they run great and I have yet to have a problem with them. All in all it's all about what you want to spend. For sure your going to wanna get something air cooled . Good bulbs are A must IMHO also. hope this helps good luck :tiphat:


Ouch! 450 - 500 $ for a lumatek digital setup....

In the UK its roughly £175 for Ballast, Bulb and Reflector.

Deffo the way to go tho :)


You need to do that math again. For that to be accurate, you'd have to be paying ~$0.35/kWh. Currently, the highest energy rates in the entire country are in Hawaii, and they're only paying $0.26/kWh. My 1kw only adds $25 to my bill, for reference.[/quote]

Im sorry for 12hrs a 400 w lighting system at 26 cents a kwh for thirty days runs at 43.06, This is staight out of a manuel. I have just ordered this light I do not I have it yet but I was curious on how much it was going to cost me to run. Time will tell. If you are only paying a lil over 20 bucks a month to run your lights then that means for a 1k your only paying 6 cents a kwh 12 hours for thirty days. Im not doing the math I am just looking at the owners manuel and it has example for almost every wattage..


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Wait, so you are in Hawaii? Awesome! I just picked that because it has the highest listed rate :D

Yeah, I'm pretty lucky where I'm at, $.06/kwh was my cost. Just went up to $.08 this latest billing cycle. Still good though :rasta:.

I'm still confused by that chart you mentioned, because @ $.26/kwh, it still doesn't work out to $43.06.

(Wattage x Hours per day)/1000 = Daily kWh

400 x 12 = 4800 watts used per day
4800 / 1000 = 4.8 kwh
4.8 x 30 = 144 kwh/month
144 x $0.26 = $37.44 cost per month

Manuals aren't made like they used to be, apparently :yoinks: :D



A 600 has almost twice the light intensity of a 400. Above is a 1.5' tall plant grown under a 600 - +3oz dry/cured. Good luck.


Thats what you call, Making good use of light :dance013:

Great job Simon, Lovely plant :good:

What strain is that?


Off the subject, but wondering if you got those from DGT? If so, was the service/shipping OK? Am planning on those and the chem 4 and OG. Thanks


New member
8ft long 4ft wide 7ft high

you should do a 400 with that space.. you actually gonna need a 2-1000w or 2- 600w. that's a big space you working with. y would you use a 400. do you have heat or electrical issues?? everyone's dream is to run 1000 if they can. heat and other issues are the reason y we run 400. you'll get fat nugs


Wait, so you are in Hawaii? Awesome! I just picked that because it has the highest listed rate :D

Yeah, I'm pretty lucky where I'm at, $.06/kwh was my cost. Just went up to $.08 this latest billing cycle. Still good though :rasta:.

I'm still confused by that chart you mentioned, because @ $.26/kwh, it still doesn't work out to $43.06.

(Wattage x Hours per day)/1000 = Daily kWh

400 x 12 = 4800 watts used per day
4800 / 1000 = 4.8 kwh
4.8 x 30 = 144 kwh/month
144 x $0.26 = $37.44 cost per month

Manuals aren't made like they used to be, apparently :yoinks: :D
Because a 400 watt light system pulls 460 watts per hour not 400 kinda like gb they just round. Im not in hawaii I was just figuring worst case cost..


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Dude, are you kidding me? So you were basically just making shit up? Or is it just that you can't admit to being wrong? Because everything you've said in this thread has either been wrong, or flat out imagined.

A 400w system uses 400w. It's kinda why they call them 400w lights. I built my 400 by hand, and have put it to the meter. Guess what? It actually uses 400 watts :yoinks:

So first you say it is going to cost you $50 to run a 400, and you were wrong.

Then you say it's going to cost you $43.06, and you were wrong.

Now it's not 400 but 460, and oh, by the way, you're not paying the rate you quoted.


Nothing wrong with not knowing something, that's why we're here. But for pity's sake, know what the hell you're talking about before you try to offer advice.

You just jumped in here and said a 400 costs $50 to run per month, which is ridiculous. Worse, you gave that erroneous information to someone who is just starting out, who might actually have believed you. If that wasn't enough, when you're corrected, you keep coming up with stuff to justify it.

You were wrong, and gave bad advice, period. Just man up and admit it.

Go pick up your electric bill, check your rates, and do the damn math yourself, I've even given you the formula. No guessing, no worst case, no charts. You'll actually know what you're dealing with, instead of half-assing it and making yourself sound silly.



Dude, are you kidding me? So you were basically just making shit up? Or is it just that you can't admit to being wrong? Because everything you've said in this thread has either been wrong, or flat out imagined.

A 400w system uses 400w. It's kinda why they call them 400w lights. I built my 400 by hand, and have put it to the meter. Guess what? It actually uses 400 watts :yoinks:

So first you say it is going to cost you $50 to run a 400, and you were wrong.

Then you say it's going to cost you $43.06, and you were wrong.

Now it's not 400 but 460, and oh, by the way, you're not paying the rate you quoted.


Nothing wrong with not knowing something, that's why we're here. But for pity's sake, know what the hell you're talking about before you try to offer advice.

You just jumped in here and said a 400 costs $50 to run per month, which is ridiculous. Worse, you gave that erroneous information to someone who is just starting out, who might actually have believed you. If that wasn't enough, when you're corrected, you keep coming up with stuff to justify it.

You were wrong, and gave bad advice, period. Just man up and admit it.

Go pick up your electric bill, check your rates, and do the damn math yourself, I've even given you the formula. No guessing, no worst case, no charts. You'll actually know what you're dealing with, instead of half-assing it and making yourself sound silly.

Whay are you being a dick, Everything I have put on here is from the owners manuel for light I just ordered, Why are you so High and mighty did you say that you run 1k and know your saying you run a 400w, I didnt look back and check what you did say and after the last post my area runs from a high of 29.5 to a low of 10.6 kwh and the owners manuel said for 1k system it actually pulls 1100wCOST PER KW/HR
EXAMPLE: 6 HRS X 460 WATTS* ÷ 1000 X $ .04 PER KWH X 30 DAYS = $ 3.31​
10 HRS X 30 DAYS
12 HRS X 30 DAYS
14 HRS X 30 DAYS
16 HRS X 30 DAYS
18 HRS X 30 DAYS
* A 400 watt lighting fixture uses 460 watts per hour.​
[FONT=Futura Condensed,Futura Condensed][FONT=Futura Condensed,Futura Condensed]For use with Sun System[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Futura Condensed,Futura Condensed][FONT=Futura Condensed,Futura Condensed]® [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Futura Condensed,Futura Condensed][FONT=Futura Condensed,Futura Condensed]1, 2, 5, 6, 10, & Gro Pro™.[/FONT][/FONT]​

Let me see this is right of the owners manuel which you might have if you didnt build it yourself smart ass I dont post shit that much and your dickhead ass reminds me why, I havent just been posting I have been answering your interrogation. so anything else, or are you gunna go bug someone else..Oh so can suck it..


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Whay are you being a dick, Everything I have put on here is from the owners manuel for light I just ordered, Why are you so High and mighty did you say that you run 1k and know your saying you run a 400w, I didnt look back and check what you did say and after the last post my area runs from a high of 29.5 to a low of 10.6 kwh and the owners manuel said for 1k system it actually pulls 1100w

Let me see this is right of the owners manuel which you might have if you didnt build it yourself smart ass I dont post shit that much and your dickhead ass reminds me why, I havent just been posting I have been answering your interrogation. so anything else, or are you gunna go bug someone else..Oh so can suck it..

I run a 1k flower and a 400 veg to answer your question.

You don't know about the subject, your quoting from an owner's manual (that is irrelevant to any other manufactures light) for a light you haven't even run yet. Ordering something does not mean you know anything.

I don't need an owner's manual, because I built my lights, by hand. I was able to do this because I actually do know what the fuck I'm doing, and have actually done it before.

I haven't interrogated you one whit. I corrected your incorrect information, and you attempted to justify why you weren't actually wrong, and I responded.

It wasn't until you had completely changed what you had originally stated, that I lost my patience.

And, *newsflash*, what you said first is still wrong.

Just sit back, and learn. If you're going to offer any advice, make sure you have done it. Otherwise, offer it with the warning "I haven't done it, but this is what I [heard] [read] [saw]", and cite your source.

Do not come in and present ignorant statements as fact.


Took you long enough how many times did you go over that response, and from the beginning I stated where I got the info from and that I just ordered it, I dont like to argue over the web, because people like you talk crap, you are sitting behind a computer just like me I am on here to learn what I can and I take all that with a grain of sand, because nobody knows it all and what works for one person might not work for someone else, so why dont you stop acting like you know it all, I hope that is working out for you being so clever, take care I am done arguing with you, no one ever wins these types of things..