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400 Watt or 600 Watt HPS?


New member
I would really appreciate anybody who has an opinion on which light setup would be most effective for a strain that grows no taller than 2ft in height.


Active member
Interesting question, mainly because it entirely depends on the way you grow, do you flower it at 4" tall, are you going to SCROG it?

If you're simply asking 400w vs 600w, obviously 600w. Either way.. 2ft in height is up to you... you're going to have to keep it small, LST, SCROG, whatever..


New member
The strain is endless sky and Iranian short season. Both will grow to a finished height of 2ft. I am just curious if the 400 watt hps with hortilux bulb will be able to make the buds become dense and compact enough and not loose and airy. I will not be doing a scrog.


New member
Mainly i am asking if it is worth the extra 200 watts of light for quality in the finished product for a plant getting no taller than 2ft.


From what I have learnt a 600W has the best light spectrum or more available lumens out of a 400, 600 and 1000W HPS.

Denser buds will be formed under the extra 200W, Really tho its down to your grow room. Do you have to worry about temps or burning your plants with the bulb?

Cool tubes increase the amount of available lumens too I have heard.


I looked up the specs on my 400 w that I just ordered and its gunna cost at 50 a month to run that, I wish it would be lower..


of coarse the 600 will be better, and your not looking at watts you should be looking at lumens which the 600 is definatly going to have more of than the 400. and you are definatly going to have tighter buds from it also and for the couple extra cents its going to cost to run it, it's for sure the best way to go IMHO.

To get tighter buds it isn't just the light, proper ventilation is a must also but that is a whole different question in it's self hope I helped w/ your question.:ying::ying::ying:


I looked up the specs on my 400 w that I just ordered and its gunna cost at 50 a month to run that, I wish it would be lower..

Wow are you serious? What is the cost of your electric? I run about 2500 watts total in just lights that's not including scrubber, fans, pump's, ect.... and my bill only went up about $85.00 from normal use a month that's running everything on a 120V line and I plan to jump to A 240V line here very soon to save a few more pennies lol. But I guess It helps to have A electrician as a very good personal friend.


New member
No 1k club for me. I am worried that to many amps may be running on one circuit if i did that. Man the 400 watter is taking a beating in here.
The reason you need huge bulbs is to penetrate the depth of a 3 foot or 4 foot plant. But when you have a smaller plant you need to send the light a smaller distance. I think for a two foot plant I would choose a 430 son agro. But if you already have a 400 I would just use that. Unless you want a large amount of plants and intend to fill up your whole floor space, then you would need to raise up a 600w.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I plan to jump to A 240V line here very soon to save a few more pennies lol.

Switching from 120 to 240 won't save you any money at all. 2500 watts is 2500 watts, no matter the voltage. You can run more lights on a 240 circuit because of decreased amperage, but it doesn't effect consumption at all.

Pac-Man said:
No 1k club for me. I am worried that to many amps may be running on one circuit if i did that.

Eh? The smallest average residential circuit is 15A, with 20A being more common. A 1kw only uses 9 amps, so unless you've got something else pulling some serious wattage, your concerns are unfounded.

Also, you'll need to rework that space. 8x4 is perfect for 2kw, (4x4 being optimal for a 1kw) anything else and you'll need to section off that space. You're looking for a minimum of 50 watts per sq ft, which would mean 3x3 for a 600w light.

K-pax said:
I looked up the specs on my 400 w that I just ordered and its gunna cost at 50 a month to run that, I wish it would be lower..

You need to do that math again. For that to be accurate, you'd have to be paying ~$0.35/kWh. Currently, the highest energy rates in the entire country are in Hawaii, and they're only paying $0.26/kWh. My 1kw only adds $25 to my bill, for reference.


Thought i would chime in on this one, since i just got the bill in the mail. I am running a 600 for flower and a 400 for veg. We do laundry every day, have a dish washer, use the oven to make food. I paid $125.12 for my electricity last month, and the lights were a shinin every one of those days.

Your power bill isn't what is going to get you cought unless you have serious watts hung. Even one 1kw isn't much on the bill, they have you trained with propoganda.

Go with the 600, you will be happy you did.
