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400 watt club...


heres the transplant and then two weeks of flower

heres the transplant and then two weeks of flower









First Half of my First grow

First Half of my First grow

Heres a Hashberry from Mandala that I recently harvested:






Mr. Durden :joint:


Hey all, been a while since I posted, but I recently upgraded to a 400 so it gave me some inspiration to take pictures!

Setup is a small budbox. 75x75x160cm.
Got 8 ladies in there, planning to get a utility shelf for the tent and throwing another one in there. They are about 3 weeks into flower.

Got a whole mix in there, White Rhino, Church, Big Bang, and Cannatonic.

Not sure what this is... easier for me to tell once the buds are forming. My guess is Big Bang or Church.. any ideas?

My original 250 setup, still running, same mix except lemon skunk instead of the cannatonic.


Hey thanks Planit Growit :D I like the Hashberry pretty good. Its got a skunky rotten fruit smell during flowering and after its dry it has a sour apple/fruity smell to it. The stone is pretty good too, nice and chill. Its got a good body effect with a little cerebral activity too. You can still function and carry on conversations but if you smoke too much youll crash pretty hard after the high and need a little weed nap afterwards LOL :smoke: Thanks again for the compliments, peace.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Hey thanks Planit Growit :D I like the Hashberry pretty good. Its got a skunky rotten fruit smell during flowering and after its dry it has a sour apple/fruity smell to it. The stone is pretty good too, nice and chill. Its got a good body effect with a little cerebral activity too. You can still function and carry on conversations but if you smoke too much youll crash pretty hard after the high and need a little weed nap afterwards LOL :smoke: Thanks again for the compliments, peace.

Mr. Durden :joint:

hi Mr.

I read any document about mandala strains and he recommended EC about 0,8. ehm here is http://www.mandalaseeds.com/html/fertilizing_.html it is tru? how much bigger EC you use? very thx for anserwer mén and very najs picture :) cmon more zoom! :) :yoinks:


Sup teddy :wave: I read that same doc but that was half way through this grow and I had been feeding her according to the back of the GH 3 Part Flora series bottles and she seemed to be doing fine so I didnt change anything. Now Im not sure, cause I dont have an EC meter, but I think that the schedule on the back of the bottles is a little over 0.8... but like I said I cant be sure. Oh yea and I added 15ml sweet leaf and 5ml cal-mg per gallon too. So I definitely think its over 0.8, probably closer to 1.2-1.5 I would guess but that is total uneducated guessing. Sorry I cant answer the question better and thanks for the compliments :smoke: Peace.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Sup teddy :wave: I read that same doc but that was half way through this grow and I had been feeding her according to the back of the GH 3 Part Flora series bottles and she seemed to be doing fine so I didnt change anything. Now Im not sure, cause I dont have an EC meter, but I think that the schedule on the back of the bottles is a little over 0.8... but like I said I cant be sure. Oh yea and I added 15ml sweet leaf and 5ml cal-mg per gallon too. So I definitely think its over 0.8, probably closer to 1.2-1.5 I would guess but that is total uneducated guessing. Sorry I cant answer the question better and thanks for the compliments :smoke: Peace.

Mr. Durden :joint:

Oukey i understand.
dont say sorry thats ok. you grow very nice "girls" EC have every genetics a littl diferent. In this time i have selection AFGHAN*1 from seedman. Very nice mothers 5 different phen of 20seeds and very very user friendly difficlt of grow. ph 5.-7? dos not care ! heh afghan is a strogn head. for now i soil 1.9 with "metrop" and girl scream more!more! :D so hehe :nanana:


Well here is my golden ticket into the 400 club. I hope to do better next time but this is not to bad for my first successful run with the 400. Lost one to high heat last summer but a heat shield and separate venting system for the lamp took care of the temps.

This is last week and they will be taken down some time next week when the amber gets to the level I like.




The front row of purple is Mossys Jem the rest are some home brew plants from the last few years projects. I think the next time I do this I can get almost twice the yield.


Thanks LolaGal, it's a cheap 1mp camera but I guess it still works for the web. The buds have a smell of train wreck and cantaloupe. I'm looking forward to this harvest as this will be the first time I have been able to get them this ripe.


???? ???????:?9-THC
NYCD Polyploid special... week 7 - 12/12

NYCD Polyploid special... week 7 - 12/12

I think I fell in love with a plant :canabis:

just lovely...









Consider me the newest member to the 400 watt club, i just started my first grow not the first but the first on my own just sprouted the seeds and put them into plastic cups yesterday waiting for them to sprout then im going to put them under my 400 watt mh for 18/6 schedule for a month then flower. I am running True Blue and C88 along with some bag seeds none from shwag or mids though all seeds all from high quality bags im come across over the last 8 or 9 months


Here my new clonnin/ vegging/ mother closet in process...

Here my new clonnin/ vegging/ mother closet in process...






New member
whats up guys I was just got my 1st 400w ballast and bulb (used off fellow grower) but I'm in my last 2-3 weeks of flower so should I switch over to my 400w now from 240w of fluoro tubes or just wait until next flowering cycle because I'm still going to veg under cfl although maybe not these tubes who I might donate to a friend who is just starting. Suggestions would b greatly appreciated thanks peace and safe grows to all.
whats up guys I was just got my 1st 400w ballast and bulb (used off fellow grower) but I'm in my last 2-3 weeks of flower so should I switch over to my 400w now from 240w of fluoro tubes or just wait until next flowering cycle because I'm still going to veg under cfl although maybe not these tubes who I might donate to a friend who is just starting. Suggestions would b greatly appreciated thanks peace and safe grows to all.

Finish the flowering with the 400w - trust me, it'l make a difference!

-Use the fluro tubes to start the next lot vegging and you'll be 2-3 weeks ahead!

1 crop every 8-10 weeks from then on! :woohoo: