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400 watt club...


Still Getting Sky-High
Hello all u grow brothers & sisters, here is my current grow of Superskunk, Afghan & 1 unknown girl but from a good breed. They'r all in the flowering-room taking 12/12 since i got to rush this grow, so as u can see i didn't give them a proper vegging stage, unlike my previous grows....


From 3 Superskunk 2 were males & binned them yesterday, now i only have 1 remaining SS (along with the 5 afghan & the 1 unknown) but no sighns of sex yet... I'm praying it'll turn our a girl...


Still Getting Sky-High
Rollin Face said:
Wow grunt those are all looking healthy, and if their anything like ur last one, it should be one helluva show!

:wave: Hey thanks Rollin Face, due to a very short vegging stage i don't think they'r gonna get as big as the last grow, but i'll do my best to get their best eh :canabis: .
Take care my freind! :rasta:


hey guys im looking to get a single 400w hps for my whole grow. is this straight? also what kind of power does these use? ie. how much more will i notice my power bill go up?
la-jake said:
hey guys im looking to get a single 400w hps for my whole grow. is this straight? also what kind of power does these use? ie. how much more will i notice my power bill go up?

A 400W will draw about the same power as a reasonable spec gaming pc, so even when you take into account fans, extraction and possible heating, it's not really going to make too much of a dent in the electric bill...

I don't know what the power company charges in your neck of the woods, but over here in Blighty it is in the order of 10p/kW/hr*. Assuming a total of 500W for 18 hrs a day (light on during vegging) plus 100W for the remaining 6hrs (just fans), it works out at:

0.5kW*10p*18hrs + 0.1kW*10p*6hrs = approximately 96p per day.

Call it £1 per day / £30 per month. This figure will obviously reduce when the 12/12 flowering starts...

* or it was until yesterday when NPower was the first utility company to announce leccy charge rises in the order of 20%!!!
BTW I'm doing a 400W grow myself in the roof atm, but I don't have enough posts to upload pics yet :puppydoge

Hence the cheeky extra post! (sorry mods!)

All you guys and girls (I hope some of you are!) are doing great with your 400W set-ups. I find it to be smashing size to grow with as it's powerfull enough to give some great yields (I got over 10oz last time!), but small enough to be able to extract the heat easily enough...

Pics will come soon enough, but I'm not going to post pointless one liner replies in threads where I really have nothing to say, just to increase my post count!

Apart from just now of course LOL


Active member
i'm also planning on upgrading to a 400w for my next grow in the States.
If anyone has a rough estimate of the cost of running a 400w'er per month, please let us know!!!

- SubN


Hey Hey:wave:

I find my whole setup runs at about 2 pounds a day on 18/6 there is also a fan on at all times and at the moment I`m running a fan heater at 15 mins on, 15 mins off to keep temps up (3 casey jones clones in the room at the moment) but in 12/12 with no heater it runs at about 1 pound a day.

I would rather give my money to the electricity company for many grams than some fool dealer for a few wet grams at a time.

Hope you get your 400 grows up and running people:kos:


In my area of the USA, cost per kwh is 8 cents, my 400W light with fans cost me around $20. per month when they are on 12/12 cycle. Not bad for what you get out of it.IMHO
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alright cool. thanks for the info nickel. only reason im asking is b/c of my roommate was concerned with the power. thankfully he is a smoker and is cool with me growing.


My 400 cost me bout $25 a month with 3 fans and a set of flos.

Here few pics of my current grow


I love my lil box of sunshine!
STAY HIGH !! :joint:
Hey Hey:wave:

I find my whole setup runs at about 2 pounds a day on 18/6 there is also a fan on at all times and at the moment I`m running a fan heater at 15 mins on, 15 mins off to keep temps up (3 casey jones clones in the room at the moment) but in 12/12 with no heater it runs at about 1 pound a day.

I would rather give my money to the electricity company for many grams than some fool dealer for a few wet grams at a time.

Hope you get your 400 grows up and running people:kos:



Phantom - I'll readily accept that my figure for the cost per kW/hr is dated - I used a rule of thumb that's probably ten years old now!
I can't readily find a bill atm - they get filed in my <ahem> system, and tend to stay there. And the tariffs seem next to impossible to find online without jumping through hoops!

£2 a day still sounds like a bargin for all the quality pot that anyone can smoke though! :joint:


I have been looking at the 400 club for a time . I have a crappy little grow .I go both ways ( set down homophob) I have 2 flower area's one 2 x 6 for DWC Hydro and one 2 x 3.5 for Organic soil for the ones i give as gifts . I use 4 ea 400 watts 1ea 250 and a hand full of cfl I grow only in the winder and spring so if it going to be supper cold I use a 1000 MH as a heater it better to pay for light as heat.Do you think I might fit in the 400 club ?
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Awesome grows everyone 400's really seem to do the trick. I am currently running a 250w in a 3x4 space and I am 3 days into flower. My temps never get over 74 so I was thinking a 400 might be for me but I don't pay my own electric bill its included in my rent and I am nervous my landlord will get suspicious about the electricity usage. I have a buddy who tells me he wouldn't notice since I don't own a tv and a lot of electronics but I do have a fish tank with another 250mh so that some power right there to any thoughts on this? Whats the average usage of power in a large 1 bdrm apt. ?


hey hey 400watters im running a 400hps still pretty low key n inefficient as my budget is slim at the mo and i got busted a few years back i didnt even get 2 sample my first crop :( n the worst thing was it wasnt because of a loose tounge my mother was into things unmentionable n i got caught in the cross fire :( but i got my own place now n im sorted and the opportunity arose 4 me 2 start growing again i snagged all the gear free as my friend had a couple of unknown ladys growing but neglected them dreadfully so i said id take them off his hands an cut him in on the produce soon im gonna put sum cash into a diy cabinet the ruscue plants were a nice smoke not much yield tho due 2 their mistreatment but i took a clone n hav high hopes even tho shes a bit of a mutant ive also got a cheese fem seedling going in there 2 which seems 2 be thriving beautifully no c/filter tho i love the smell of mj in veg so clean an untouched. my plan is 2 hav a cab about 38"x24"x65" with my 400 in but will hav a top compartment 4 clones n seedling with cfls in my idea was 2 put the fan into my fower room blowing into my clone/seedling room then jus hav an exhaust hole 2 my bedroom i thought it wouldnt need a second fan as the clones/seedling like it warmer but correct me if im wrong! all criticism's welcome!!!!! ill sort sum pics out wen the rooms sorted.thanks 4 havin a read. green tumbs 2 every1.
temp :canabis:

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