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4 guys picked the wrong delivery service to try and rip


Bent Member
Seems to be the new thing - to try and rob delivery services. I've heard about 3 or 4 and one guy in Roseville is in the hospital. Bad business model - drive atleast a couple oz to a sketchy neighborhood. can just go there with one or two samples, got to have your full line and enough for the patient to buy an OZ or more of any of your warez. Not to metion prolly has cash from last couple deliveries.


Active member
awesome, its too bad all 4 aren't dead. Hows the law work in cali with their murder charges? Do they get charges with their friends death because they were part of it all?

Man i hate thiefs more than cops and narcs.


High price to pay for a handfull of grass, Myself, I think that if they held the parents more responsible for there kids actions at a younger age, this shit wouldn't be happening, I'm definitely more scared of my neighbors kids than the police!!!! I wonder how I'd sleep at night after killin a kid for any reason. My prayers for the security guard,my prayers for the kids elders,wondering what went wrong!!! America, land of the free and my dead wanabe gang bangin kid. WTF went wrong,


I'm not a proponent of violence but this is how it is supposed to work. If a man points a gun at me and I am armed, that is a dead man and I would have -o- remorse. It is smart that they roll with a security guard, since possessing mj would prevent a self defense case in federal court since your right to bear arms is taken away if you are in the act of committing a felony. Isn't THAT a bunch of bullshit!!! Smart delivery service though. That is how you have to do it I guess.

That all being said, I would agree that ideally you make people come to you and avoid this in the first place.


Dang . . that was a bad idea. Yep, real bullets hurt, not like on ekbok 360 and praystation3
I am not for people ripping others off but sure there has to be some compassion for the guy who got shot dead. These stupid kids get their hands on guns and don't realise what they are doing and end up dead. It's a sad outcome for all involved and rather than turn people off trying to rob delivery services (I thought I was invincable as a youngster, I think most young men do) it will just deny patients of their meds as fewer delivery services will stay running due to higher insurance premiums etc. for the people involved. The world is fucked up and in this instance the root cause is government greed. Can't decriminalise something they can't effectively tax, that's the bottom line.


High price to pay for a handfull of grass, Myself, I think that if they held the parents more responsible for there kids actions at a younger age, this shit wouldn't be happening, I'm definitely more scared of my neighbors kids than the police!!!! I wonder how I'd sleep at night after killin a kid for any reason. My prayers for the security guard,my prayers for the kids elders,wondering what went wrong!!! America, land of the free and my dead wanabe gang bangin kid. WTF went wrong,
they were 18-20 years old I think they should be responsible for their own actions not the parents, not kids at all


plant pimp
he got what he deserved. No compassion for the rippers,they were strapped too yet we are supposed to feel bad he is dead??? Fuck that! He rushed,got delt with and the world is a lot better off w/another ripper gone. Had he not been robbing someone he would be alive! Shit,was he even legal to be in the country???


I am not for people ripping others off but sure there has to be some compassion for the guy who got shot dead. These stupid kids get their hands on guns and don't realise what they are doing and end up dead. It's a sad outcome for all involved and rather than turn people off trying to rob delivery services (I thought I was invincable as a youngster, I think most young men do) it will just deny patients of their meds as fewer delivery services will stay running due to higher insurance premiums etc. for the people involved. The world is fucked up and in this instance the root cause is government greed. Can't decriminalise something they can't effectively tax, that's the bottom line.
Nope ZERO compassion...


ripping is one thing but pointing a gun at another person is different. You HAVE to assume that person is ready to kill you.

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