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The cat that loves cannabis
ABC.com only has the 5 most recent episodes available(V) to watch, so I will have no clue what happened in the first 3, bummer.
I'm going to see if I can find them somewhere else.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
the first episode is just introductions lol, you could probably read an episode guide somewhere and get more out of it :joint:


B. Self Reliant

Glad sayid is finally dead. That dude has added nothing but a strange & creepy vibe for the last few episodes! Sun & Jin. . . now that's another story. Not how I envisioned them going down!


The cat that loves cannabis
Nobody is dead till they are dead after the finale, besides, all three are still alive in an alternate time line/reality


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
sun and jin finally get back together after all these years, only to die together, quite poetic :joint: drowning must be a terrible death, too

sayid finally redeemed himself, which was cool.. i kinda of laughed a little when he grabbed the bomb and ran away lol, it just looked funny...and then he blew up! hurley kept saying "what about sayid? what about sayid?" and jack goes "there isn't any sayid left" or something lol..



There is no Sayid!!!

Crazy episode, lots of action. If these last couple episodes keep snowballing like this I'm going to need a lot more joints for the finale.

So Sawyer killed Sun, Jin, and Sayid. Shoulda listened to Jack bro! Who wants to bet Locke uses Claire as his tool for killing them off next? They have Aaron!!! SHOOT!!!

Desmond is alive, brotha!


Active member
Back in the Polar bear cages.

Quick question,
The 1st time Sawyer was locked in the cages, and escaped, the Others put some device in his chest. If his heart beat more than x amount per minute he would die or something. That was a few years ago.
Was the device ever removed? Did i miss that episode? Because since then Sawyer has been running alot.
Not to mention swimming outlandish distances for someone who is not an Olympic swimmer. i.e. when he jumped out of the chopper to lighten the load.

Also in the flash side ways we learn that Jack has a son. Has he ever spoken of his kid? And during his pill popping weird beard having drunk stage, he had a kid...?


Was the device ever removed? Did i miss that episode? Because since then Sawyer has been running alot.

Also in the flash side ways we learn that Jack has a son. Has he ever spoken of his kid? And during his pill popping weird beard having drunk stage, he had a kid...?

They never put a device in him, you find this out later in that episode when ben shows him that they're on hydra island and not the main one.

The pill popping bearded Jack is part of the current timeline, it happened before they came back ("WE HAVE TO GO BACK!"). Jack seems straight in the alternate timeline.


The cat that loves cannabis
Also in the flash side ways we learn that Jack has a son. Has he ever spoken of his kid? And during his pill popping weird beard having drunk stage, he had a kid...?
I'm not super clear on where that kid came from either, I think they explained, but I can't remember.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
in the alternate reality, his marriage works out? they had a kid instead of a divorce?



Active member
in the alternate reality, his marriage works out? they had a kid instead of a divorce?


I see what you are saying, but isn't the flash sideways what would have happened if Oceanic 815 had landed. I am under the understanding that everything is the same except they landed instead of crashing.

But does that mean That on the Island Sawyer is a cop? And Myles also...?

I still don't get why Desmond tried to kill Locke.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
then how would you explain how john and his dad had a good relationship in the flash sideways?



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
its just a different reality from the one with jacob touching everyone, i think :joint:....the alternate reality might be what happens to the candidates if they WEREN't candidates?



its just a different reality from the one without jacob touching everyone, i think :joint:....the alternate reality might be what happens to the candidates if they WEREN't candidates?


I think that might be more the case, know what I mean? Here's what I'm thinking is happening:

***Warning*** Terrible plot predictions ahead***

Jacob and the MIB are playing a game of chess. Jacob is trying to protect "mankind" i guess, MIB is trying to escape the island and take over mankind. Jacob can't kill MIB himself, only people from his list of candidates can kill MIB. MIB can't just kill Jacob off, he has to first kill off all of the candidates before he is free to reek havoc smoke monster style :joint: That explains the boy MIB has been seeing kind of... (Jacob is slowly regenerating?) I hope that if one of the candidates finds a way to kill/stop MIB, then the candidates never have Jacob come visit them early in there life which affects them all in a major way. Saywer never gets that pencil to finish his shitty letter to the man that destroyed his family, instead becoming a cop to stop all bad men... Kate doesn't get the stolen lunch box paid for and learns a lesson instead, etc. The new reality is what happens when one of the remaining candidates (or desmond), or a combination of both manages to either kill off MIB or "reset" the cycle with new candidates, etc. I'm not sure if Jacob and MIB are supposed to be "gods" or "angels". Maybe a Devil Vs. God match-up to stall the apocalypse. Who knows. Maybe i've been smokin too much :joint:

What do you think? :smokeit:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
well that's where everything came from! i'm still reeling about that shit... good thing i have the next 10 hours at a mindless job to sit there and think about it :joint:
