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4-5lb trees. How to get there? DWC? EFB?



Hi all awesome informative forum here. Been well entertained this week :yes:

I'm Currently using coco (65l bags) and veg typically for 3-4 months. Pulling 1 - 1.5lbs per plant reliably irrespective of strain. I can flower here outdoors with 12/12 daylight all year round. But im getting tired of the coco thing and am considering dwc for the indoor outdoor method.

I want too shoot for 4lb+ per plant and run less plants. I imagining it could be achievable given dwc's reputation for rapid growth. But frankly Im a nub in need of guidance.

My caravan is currently already setup to veg plants too 5ft and Im not planning to be skimping on chillers or air if i go ahead with dwc.

Skewing a bit I'm also considering Ebb and flow buckets. Thats as far as Ive got with efb's.

So with either DWC or EFB is 4 + lbs per plant achievable given they are well looked after and have been vegged enough? Its gotta be right?

Using dwc I was thinking 30L buckets for veg and 60L for flower. Almost bought them today but hung back.

So yeah I guess Im in the early stages of making this happen but I want to try and get it right the first time, particularly for either method getting the bucket/tub sizes correct.

I'll be starting a diary on the on the grow here also as it comes too fruition.

Please some educated or not opinions!

A humble thanks :)


Below for dwc what do you reckon? they come in black and have interchangeable lids between the 30 and 60 liter sizes.


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stone fool
You will come closer to achieving your goal with Ebb n flo buckets than dwc, and have an easier time doing it.


I personally vegged for around 2 months in DWC using the strain Dreamgoddess (dreamweaverxgodbud) and pulled nearly a pound off of 2 plants... so I would imagine that would be pheesible with a longer veg and an indica dominant strain. Also way proper lighting and airflow would be a must, replicate nature and you will be rewarded is what I was taught!
4-5lb trees are ambitious under any circumstances, but for a first time DWC or EFB setup it's quadruply so. The longer it goes the more likely something will go wrong before it finishes so starting out with a 5-6 total month plan is brave.

Sorry, no real experience with that size indoor plants but if you end up going for it post a diary coz that'd be a fun read. =)


Non Conformist
Do a search for Krusty' freedom buckets or jus freedom buckets, and also for Teresa and her tree grow methods. Good luck man! BC


I think it is possible with DWC but it would have to be done with "buckets" in the 95 to 100 liter range. I have thought about doing the same thing for about 10 years but didn't have an outdoor area to make the attempt.
I was planning on taking 55 gallon water barrels and cutting them in half and making lids to go on them. The sheer volume of roots that would come with a plant that big would easily fill that space I think. They do make 25 gallon water barrels that would probably be perfect for what you are trying to do.
Another issue is mass amounts of air and I would also have at least a 500gph pump in there to keep the nutrients circulating around.
Then comes the feeding problem. And by problem I mean keeping up with what a plant that size would uptake per day. From many years of doing DWC indoors with plants in the 4ft. range at finish and I know that they were drinking an average of 2 gallons of nutrient each per day during flower and producing around 6 ounces of bud. So you would be looking an uptake of possibly up to 15 gallons per day for each plant. That is a LOT of nutrients!

As far as a giant Ebb&Grow setup goes I don't think that it would work as well with such large plants and you would have to have huge containers with god knows how much hydroton or CoCo and then there would be the resovior. Good god, it would have to be several hundred gallons to do the job.

Whichever you choose I can't wait to see it in action.

Amstel Light

I I have thought about doing the same thing for about 10 years but didn't have an outdoor area to make the attempt.
I was planning on taking 55 gallon water barrels and cutting them in half and making lids to go on them. .

yea i have thought about it to, a little less than 10 years tho hehee..
in my outdoor dwc i envisioned burying a plactic 50 gallon drum to combat the heat issues. if you could pull off a dwc in the south with a 50 gallon drum and vegged that long i think it would be more than 5P per plant:2cents:


I did outdoor DWC one year with a couple tomato plants and actually the heat wasn't as big an issue as I thought it was going to be. I covered the outside of the units with panda plastic with the white side out and the plants thrived. This was in south Texas so there was plenty of heat to be had with the summer temps over a 100 every day. So I think that in a more temperate zone it wouldn't be an issue. I have another DWC unit that is made from 6" pvc that I have wanted to use outdoor, or better yet in a greenhouse. It recirculates and what I was going to do to combat the heat was to use a normal 55gal black resovior barrel like the ones for the Ebb&Gro systems and have 1/2" poly hose coiled around the inside with sprayers pointing down into the barrel and then have a fan mounted on the lid blowing down into the barrel so that I got a swamp cooler type effect. I plan on setting up that system, which is in my storage unit right now, at my new location soon and seeing how it works. Should be interesting.


Smokes, lets go
4-5 lb trees? indoors? did you discover a new type of fertlizer? new type of light? growing in a warehouse?

i never heard of anyone pulling 4-5 per plant indoors ever.... I pulled 2.5 oz per plant in ebb n gro buckets, with a 2 week veg, with 2kw 24plants yeilded me 4lbs


Hey RR.....There`s a guy at another site with a lot bigger bottom containers and a very fast recirculating DWC not unlike the " under current " system, but more plants with more vertical bare bulbs along with vert bulbs in cooltubes for one helluva hybrid system..........

Double D`s @ Tee H Cee Farmer dot com has been growing 4 lb plants after dialing his system and environment but it`s like a souped up krusty bucket with bigger drains and faster flow.......It`s really all in the strain and what you already know howta do with whatcha got..........

Ya`ll take care and good luck....DHF.....:joint:


New Tree Room.....

SYK's Killer Bucket System (KBS) Suggestion/Discussion Thread

Freedom Buckets...


5 gal bucket in 10 gal tote. any of the above methods. any media (coco, soilless mix, organic soil, etc)... w/ @ least 50% perlite, pumice, lava rocks, bark, etc. should be very porous & have lots of air space room. can also run any of the porous medias @ 100%, or mixed in portions.

veg under 1ks.
vert. bare bulb.
mh & hps.
24/0, 22/2, 20/4. no less.
...not 18/6...

6-8 weeks veg in same containers... depending on light levels. & plant#'s... in a 10x10x8-10 room, 4k, 2-4 plants, veg for 45-60 days. flower for 60 days. end.

dont need any larger container.... 4-5# doable in 5 gal w/ roots going into 10 gal tote... very manageable. recycle totes are very rigid & sturdy...

excellent dehumidification...
there will be @ least 10 gallons of water coming out of that room a day - in veg... if not, there are issues. can indirectly measure uptake of trees by how much they transpire (water in dehumidifier) daily. in flower, will have easily 10+ gals a day coming out.

excellent air circulation...
fans on 24/7... to carry away all of the water leaves push into atmosphere...

5x5x5' per plant...
& room to perform maintenance. may have to crawl around if dont measure how big plant will be 1st...:D...

pruning a must... will have to snip off all inner growth, nearly daily... especially if have c02 going... too much useless vegetative growth. it is possible to have a huge tree that was not trained right & lots of smaller flowers... train like huge scrog... or inner growth wont get light due to large exterior canopy...
have stakes, yoyos, etc already in place... ceiling strength to support weight, if yoyo'ing...

dont overgrow!...
trees & low #'s are good... but a waste if not trained & maintained thru this long period. there comes a point where the plant is sexually mature & ready to go. waiting further for more fruit will make it suffer.

hope this helps. enjoy your garden!


4-5 lb trees? indoors? did you discover a new type of fertlizer? new type of light? growing in a warehouse?

i never heard of anyone pulling 4-5 per plant indoors ever.... I pulled 2.5 oz per plant in ebb n gro buckets, with a 2 week veg, with 2kw 24plants yeilded me 4lbs

I think you misread RiverRat's original post. He is vegging indoors and then moving them outside to flower.

RiverRat:"I'm Currently using coco (65l bags) and veg typically for 3-4 months. Pulling 1 - 1.5lbs per plant reliably irrespective of strain. I can flower here outdoors with 12/12 daylight all year round. But im getting tired of the coco thing and am considering dwc for the indoor outdoor method."

So in this case it is very doable if he is vegging them huge indoors and then moving them outside to flower them out. And Mistress I guess you misread RiverRat's original post too, LOL!

Or who knows, I could be the one who read it all wrong and am just stupid.


I won't be able to grow out doors for some years yet I suspect. But I am currently putting together my next grow which I am using a 32 gallon container for one plant with 600w and 1500ppm CO2. I'm hoping for 2+lbs.


Geez thanks every one.

Ive considered the whole kit and kaboodle today. I read till my eyes bled arriving this afternoon on DWC. Seems the most simple and clean way. I guess there really havent been any monster plants grown using it yet that I know about. So the outcome is unknown but going what can be acheived by 20 liter buckets all one should have to do is upscale everything. Makes sense right.

That was this afternoon though and after checking the last link out from Aerohead(thanks mate) Its up in the air once more. An awesomely fine example of a tree finishing at 3lb 10 ounces with a poultry 9 week veg. Its the standard we should be looking too.

Gotta say I dont completely understand the finer points of his KBS/DWC bucket system though but have asked the question regarding it. Does anyone else understand it fully?


I grew krusty buckets for over 8 yrs RR.......Guess you missed my post bout Bro at another site pullin 4 lbs per plant regularly with a new and improved faster flow DIY DWC setup with bigger bottom containers.....

Krusty buckets are a major pain in the ass and there`s improved techniques available with some more eye-bleeding research.........LOL......

This site`s software won`t allow a link to other weedsites as it comes up all ******* so you can go look at DD`s setup @ TeeHCeeFarmerdotcom and see how he grows monsters .........

There`s no reason to even attempt to grow DWC indoors and move it outside to get em bigger.....The proper strain and environment will do it inside .......RH , rootzone temps, and major air exchange and or a/c for ambient room temp control has to be dialed , as well as bein ableta dehuey with larger units like Santa Fe`s for optimum yields and quality product without powdery mildew/budrot , etc. at choptime.........

I stand by stapling chickenwire to the ceilings so you can tie off from any angle needed for massive cola support like I did for lotta yrs....That was a Krusty tip btw.......Plant yo-yo`s pissed me off but lotta folks have good luck with em.........

Big plants are WAY do-able but you`ve gotta get readyta tend them bitches......You`ll only get out of em whatchas put into em......Mistress told it well about cleanin out suckers and gettin rid of inner flarf for proper air circulation and inner light penetration preventing popcorn as well as to promote more outer budsites that absorb lumens more efficiently and produce accordingly........

RiverRat.....Big plants just don`t spit out the nugs without knowin howta make em do so........You`ll need Silicablast for inner-stem wall strength to prevent fatass limbs from snappin under their own weight even if they`re tied up......I went ta more plant numbers and less maintenance for keepin it simple but that`s just me.......

Take care......DHF.........:joint:


I grew krusty buckets for over 8 yrs RR.......Guess you missed my post bout Bro at another site pullin 4 lbs per plant regularly with a new and improved faster flow DIY DWC setup with bigger bottom containers.....

Krusty buckets are a major pain in the ass and there`s improved techniques available with some more eye-bleeding research.........LOL......

This site`s software won`t allow a link to other weedsites as it comes up all ******* so you can go look at DD`s setup @ TeeHCeeFarmerdotcom and see how he grows monsters .........

There`s no reason to even attempt to grow DWC indoors and move it outside to get em bigger.....The proper strain and environment will do it inside .......RH , rootzone temps, and major air exchange and or a/c for ambient room temp control has to be dialed , as well as bein ableta dehuey with larger units like Santa Fe`s for optimum yields and quality product without powdery mildew/budrot , etc. at choptime.........

I stand by stapling chickenwire to the ceilings so you can tie off from any angle needed for massive cola support like I did for lotta yrs....That was a Krusty tip btw.......Plant yo-yo`s pissed me off but lotta folks have good luck with em.........

Big plants are WAY do-able but you`ve gotta get readyta tend them bitches......You`ll only get out of em whatchas put into em......Mistress told it well about cleanin out suckers and gettin rid of inner flarf for proper air circulation and inner light penetration preventing popcorn as well as to promote more outer budsites that absorb lumens more efficiently and produce accordingly........

RiverRat.....Big plants just don`t spit out the nugs without knowin howta make em do so........You`ll need Silicablast for inner-stem wall strength to prevent fatass limbs from snappin under their own weight even if they`re tied up......I went ta more plant numbers and less maintenance for keepin it simple but that`s just me.......

Take care......DHF.........:joint:

Thanks DHF yes I think I missed your post. Is it still around? Also I checked out doubled's grow a couple of times. Ill have to again and again to get it too sink in. One thing is he trying to contain the roots within those tubs, not allowing them in the res?

I really don't have a choice as for the matter of flowering outdoors. I live in a small humpy and veg up my plants in a smallish trailer with no real xtra room. How ever I am in the process of stripping out a large trailer and installing a greenhouse roof too cut down on power from 8am to 4pm, running lights after these hours. This is too be the new veg van allowing me enough room for 6 huge vegged plants without being too cramped in there. The plan is to flower in a greenhouse which is yet to be built. I could always look for a massive trailer, put a greenhouse roof on it and use it for flower. It would attract less attention than the greenhouse for sure.
The chicken wire idea is gold.
