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3rd I's Outdoor 09'



Simply amazing...Mad respect to that grow for sure. What a delightfull assortment of flavors. I must say this is def one of the best gardens i have had the plesure of seeing!

great job!!!!!

keep up the hard work!!! it pays off in the end!!!!

3rd I

youngones...MajLeeStoned....clunk...theJointedOne...La Buena Hierba...thanks for the kinds word everyone

THC123...thanks bud...looking mighty fine in your neck of the woods too :D

Some pics from my recent indoor harvest

Casey Jones



One of my SSH phenos

Chem DD


Snowdog Kush cured


Active member
If I may ask....who is the breeder of the early skunk? I'm realy hoping its not sensi..please tell me its not sensi....krk


Active member
nomaad...sorry bro nobody gets to visit, ever...rules ya know...i am living a very secluded life at the moment...no friends, i don't associate with any one except family and a few select people, no girlfriend/wife, no alcohol, no fucking around.....lonely sure but better then having a roommate...plenty of herb though :D...a December vacation will be in order

I hear you... I have lived the monastic life for long periods of time for various reasons over the years. Always an element of detox to it, whether it be from substances, people or a toxic society itself. If it serves the purpose of improving security, all the beetr. At least you've got a seriously nice spot to do it in.


Active member
I'm fallowing your early skunks..I reread your project and see they are from sensi...first question have they hermed at all? I ask this because joe chronic is not liking them...having herm problems..?..nice job.... hope there going to work out for ya...krk


Are you using anything for insect or pest repellent?

*Edit: I got your reply from page 7. Cool. :D


sorry bro nobody gets to visit, ever...rules ya know...i am living a very secluded life at the moment...no friends, i don't associate with any one except family and a few select people, no girlfriend/wife, no alcohol, no fucking around.....lonely sure but better then having a roommate...plenty of herb though ...a December vacation will be in order
RESPECT. Bro, I am on a similar wavelength, I just wish the owner of the property felt the way you do. Keep up the good work:joint:

3rd I

krk...thanks...i haven't noticed any balls on mine...will take a good look though...flowered a few clones of a couple different phenos indoors that didn't show any herms...so i don't know...sucks for joe i know he liked them, used to anyway

nomaad...yep ya gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes plus i operate better with the least distractions possible

sanchez...serenade for a while, safer 3in1 for 3-4weeks, spraying w/ OG JMS stylet oil for the next two or three weeks depending on strain

JITAMON...thanks bro...you in cali...take em for a ride up/down the 580 to hydrofarm and ask if he wants to move in across the street...might change his mind...good luck this year

A little Bubble


Active member
Finest outdoor thread I've ever seen.Your strains are primo and you sure do them justice..thx for sharing it with us..peace BL


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
3rd I
Howzit brother..?? WOW they are blowing up.. I cannot wait to see these gurls in another coupla weeks.. Great work.. peace.



I can't get over the impressive selection of varieties that you have, 3rd-I. Beautiful, happy, healthy looking girls.
After harvest, I'd love to hear your comparison of the Blue Moonshine and the OTM. I had an OTM that I now miss dearly. As the OTM seeds are no longer available and the BM are, I'm curious how they compare.
FWIW, I'm also living by those same rules through November. Fortunately, like you said...."plenty of herb, though". Plus, the girls have been keeping me company.
Be well.

3rd I

Buddle...OrganicMeds....thanks for the support guys

sackoweed...yep starting to explode now...:D

Shangri-la...hey man thanks for stopping by...for sure bro will be talking about the OTM and BM...veg wise the BM looks very similiar to f-13 and if they weren't labeled it would be hard to tell them apart...OTMs are unique

edit: There were no balls present on any of my Early Skunks

3rd I

Hey gang just wanted to check in...no pics this week...sorry...just not enough time...didn't make it into the patch til afternoon

I brought in almost 200lbs of guanos...i took one 20lb bag of Primal Harvest and one 15lb bag of Rainbow Mix Grow...mixed them very well in the tote...then added 15lb bag of Rainbow Mix Bloom...mixed again...then i bagged it up into individual hole packets of a cup and a half of guano mix...saves a lot of precious time

They were pretty thirsty with the heat we had last week so i double their water...went through a 1000 gallons...thankfully with top dressing the guano was able to go from stream straight to hole without having to mix any nutes, much faster....was gonna setup automated watering with rez's but with all the rain early in the year i didn't do it...whatever it's good excercise for my six arms and six legs....however i'm sore as all hell...haha

I broke off from watering when the sun fell past the tree line to start spraying with JMS oil...i used 30ml JMS per gallon of water...went through 35 gallons and i didn't even get everyone done before it got to dark to work anymore...walked out in the pitch black...back home around midnight

Anyway they are starting to go full steam ahead so next week i promise to do a full update...in early, out late...so i have plenty of time for pics...so much to do also...next week i'm going to focus almost all day on pruning and then spray one last time with oil...





Mother's of Outdoors clones (before pruning)

Mother's of Outdoors clones (after pruning)


classy grass
Looking great 3rd I! You're staying on top of things and it shows. Hear ya on the long days...AND the vacation in December :) Your CJ looks like mine...stinky trainwreck diesel, soooo good. How are they doin outside?

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