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3kw Mixed Spectrum Multi-Strain Perpetual Harvestations: 1on1 with Cannabis


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Hey guys, girls, growers, tokers, dealers, breeders and everything in between. We're here today to follow a mystical voyage through space and time. This is my first grow diary... LOL

So I have about 50 Trident(WhiteWidow X Mangolian Indica) clones, and a bunch of other single plants i will introduce to ya as we go through my interviews with these various cannabis plants.
I use Optimum hydroponics Nutrients 2-part grow/bloom and feed every second day. I use Grozyme, supermax b1 or liquid karma, barricade, purple maxx, gravity, carboload or carbo-boost, bigbud, budblood, organic b.... and a bunch of other shit when i need to aswell. I use 8inch pots and make a light soil mix with promix, extra perlite, glacial rock dust

The trident isnt the highest yielding plant, but it produces extremely fragrant buds that are sticky with loads of resin and tastes perfumey/minty transforming into loads of different flavors throughout her cure. Most people don' actualy believe the bud actualy tastes that way... They think its tampered with, which sucks and also makes this my last run of it in this quantity. This is a 9 week strain, for maximum niceness you can go 10.

Current Status Mid week5 or 34 days 12/12

We'll get some bud shots later.

Here we got 1 BBCheese clone, from the feminised plant. Very vigorous plant.
resinproduction looks good, smell is mild. we'll see how this one develops

We;ll also get to see what happens with this Kalichakra plant on her final voyage through the 12/12. She yields so meagerly, it's almost scary. but the original from seed plant was the best smoke of 3 different fems, so i kept this one, but it never was the same. this is the 3rd and last clone to be budded from the Kalichakra#3

Another Plnat will share it's most intimate moments with the us for the first time... This isn't the best example of it, but i flowered cuttings of my 2 black domina females, they just didnt seem to have taken root properly or something, cause they were stunted for a bit, but #2 picked up somewhat nicely. This is my frist attempt at the strain, which ive wanted for a long time

Well... I really would like to continue as i have at least..ummmmmmmm
at least 8-10 more different strains and phenos....
I leave you with my current offspring Dutch Passions Blueberry



Active member
Well this is off to a great start! :badday:
Thanks for checking it out anyway... I guess i gotta do a little better

So we got a few more ladies to meet. Plus i got some Trident budshots, they're all at 35 days. They are really enjoying the mixed spectrum, it's the first time i've been able to do this. :rasta: :jump: :jump: :rasta:

This lady is a realtive to the trident. I recently popped more beans from my wwXmi looking for males to pollenate the tri with, this is one of the females that arose out of that, i have a clone of her going too. but it's tiny. And the claws on the big lady are much nicer... she's from bean btw

We also get to meet a local JH clone that came to as CherryJack... Very amazing pot. My next run will be Primarily this strain. I'm excited for you guys to see her progress...


Active member
Lastly today we have 2 strains that have been going 12/12 from bean.

We got Female seeds GFxNH, i only popped 1 bean and this is her. I'm excited to see what she turns in to! Also the last pic is a clone i took of her lowest branch... It was the only part of the plant to have this growth pattern...

And the gorgeous OTHxSk freebie. Popped 5, 1 sprouted, and she looks to be a female.

That's all i got for today... Your comments and questions would be nice. People who have recently grown any of these strains, feel free to post any info and pics about them... it would be greatly appreciated. Hope you guys enjoy the pics. I'll be updating daily with new stuff.
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choice selection!! I've heard things about that black jack u got, incredible stuff isn't it ? Keep those trident shots comin too man ,gnarly garden


Yahh the gallery has been hard to please around here lately LOL.
well im totally on board you have some beautiful looking plants and you seem to have a good handle on all the girls so on with the show.
pulls a chair packs a big bubbler and off to the moon.\\

Grow safe


im on board with a fat mixed spectrum show! Im pullin up a seat. We both got white widow crosses under mixed spectrum but mannn do yours look good! that trident looks like a winner.


Active member
Replies!!! NO WAY!!! lol

You guys are great :joint: :joint:

DonChron i think u mis-read... It's a local Jack Herrer clone they call "Cherry Jack". But i have read about black jack and plan to make the cross myself since i have both jh and bd going.. I also have anothet JH pheno i havent showed u guys yet.

Happytree, toob thanks for tuning in guys, i will not disappoint!!


Active member
hey guys.

Here we are, about 2 weeks away from the estimated harvest time. I may let some of them go an extra week or so for a better flush.

Some trident, very greasy right now...

BBCheeese, super resin production... But looks a bit slow, not a single brown hair on her... Very leafy. If something great doesnt happen soon she's gonzo


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Active member
This is B.R.

Black Domina 2


WXP, (widowXpowerplant) clone gifted to me by Vince514, its a cross he made a little while back... Excellent strain, except for the autoflowering... It really needs 24hrs of light. I love her pine cone shaped colas, and great stone.


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Active member
I got 4 Jack ladies in my garden, these are some random shots... These ladies will take a little longer... but they're for me!!! :muahaha:


This WidXSag 1, first cutting to flower from the mother. (so are bd2 , bbc) I really like this one.. smells very citrusy and looks like a good producer... can't wait to run her properly...

Some OTHxSk pics... she is almost 50 days 12/12 from seed.... and a long way to go :rasta:
The last pic there, on the left is the cheese, and the trident is in the middle, thats an average size tri plant and the oth for a comparison




seeker of greater knowledge
EXCELLENT Grow wayzer you make me proud brotha!! :wave: their lookin GREAT.......the tri's are filling out like sick ......i know what ya mean about the lowers. :bashhead: but what can ya do?? next time you know what to do there killer..... that hash pic in the last post(i was gifted a chunk for my b-day..thanks wayzer :wave: )was excellent smoked super smooth and kinda woodsy crazy shit......hey wayzer those jack's are comin along good there buddy............... can't wait to see some swollen calyx's MMMMmmmmm........
the widXsag definitly looks like a keeper....you know i wanna bud of that......
yo that black dom#1 it looks like it needs a long lasting presence in your garden for sure a keeper pheno........the seconds nice but not #1........
that cheese....that fuckin cheese is gonna be some dank shit if you let it go a bit longer........
Wow thats a nice pic of the WXP there bro you do me proud big boy! :jump:
that othXsk#1 looks beautiful no burning no nute defs nothing but goodness outta that one..........she's gonna be sick............can't wait to try out all those untested varities......MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm.... :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: .......peace bro keep up the good work....i'm suprised your thread dosen't have more views and replies maybe the viewers are wipeing their drool first and typing second.......I KNOW I DID...............peace.... :laughing: :muahaha:


seeker of greater knowledge
I Personally think this thread should get some more exposure.....imo......
sorry wayzer i coulden't resist to post some pics of the tri of my own and some wxp...............
the trident at 35 days 12/12

and the wxp.....@35 days 12/12

...see ya around 514 wayzer........ :wave: :spank: :spank: :muahaha:


Active member
wow, there's soo much going on in your grow it's confusing! Your plants look beautiful though. Your trident canopy looks very flat, is that without SCRoG?

BTW, I thought you were Maj Pothead for a while because you guys have the same avatar


Active member
Vince you fuckin sweet bastard! You know ur getting a grab bag of goodies at the end of this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad u enjoyed the hash.... Your wxp is really nice man.. i just wish i could get that same SMELL from mine!!!!! Gotta try the SL next time around... Glad you enjoyed the pics bro and i appreciate ur support :respect: :respect: :respect:

Greenpenguin, ya thats without a scrog. Some were topped more than others to maintain the height. thanks for checking me out :joint: :joint: :joint:


Active member
Thanks sensimillah! I try too keep em healthy!

speakin of sensimillia, i cut down a branch a little early to taste, cause it smelled niiiice....
i'll be back with some pics!


seeker of greater knowledge
hey wayzer where's the updates i need some photos i cant wait anylonger.........gonna rent a car and come over to the house you bastard:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

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