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300w Bozily Led


Elite Growers Club
Here's a 300w Bozily Led!!! I'm gonna use this for my mother room, clones. It seems to be a pretty bright light. It kinda has more of a HPS look. But I plan on moving the light/plants to a bigger area soon. I had a shop light on these plants and put the Bozily 300w Led in its place. Were hoping to do a full grow thread with a 800w Bozily. These lights have the built in timer settings. But I'm just using a timer, but the light has the option. Any questions or anything just ask, I'm just kinda testing the waters with the 300w.


Elite Growers Club
Some more pics, yes I definitely plan to open that space up, that's just a lil space I've got 2plants and 3-4 clones. It would also be great supplemental light. Or get you 2-3 or these. It doesn't run that hot, and doesn't have a fan, but I'd have to say get you a fan blowing toward it. A cheap oscillating fan. These seem to be pretty good budget lighting. Like I said guys I've not used LEDs that much and has a die-hard hps/mh guy. But it's getting easier with LED lighting.


Elite Growers Club
That lanky plant is my mom San Fernando Lemon Kush, that I just harvest some of. And the other bushy plant is a Lemon Tart untested I'm gonna get a few clones from to run. But Sweat Seeds nailed it on that SLK, it's a miracle I took a clone from her. I'll post a pic of the SLK I just harvest. I've got a few clones that I'm making moms from......These lights are very compact, they fold in half, easy to hang, lightweight. I've kept my plants within 1ft or closer with no fan and there ok, I wouldn't recommend not using a fan though. You can never have enough lights, fans, extension cords when your growing.


Elite Growers Club
My San Fernando Lemon Kush from seed. The clone/mom is the lanky plant in the other pics. I've never seen SFV turn purplish, and never ran the Kosher so I'm guess it's more Kosher. It's definitely got that lemon sfv taste.


Elite Growers Club
Here's a few more pics of the light!! And few clones. Just got a jaky setup here testing out the light. I'm working on my grow room and plan to build a new area for mother plants. I'm probably eventually add this light to my flowering room once I start back up.


Elite Growers Club
I wanted to let you guys know the Bozily guys told me there working with Amazon doing some restocking and things the next few wks. So I'm not sure if that price in the link is right. Because the one I've got I think was 79$, I think. But she told me that and I wanted to let anybody know that's Led shopping.

As expected the plants are starting to look better from the more intense lighting. I'll probably take some cuts from them soon. I definitely wanna start taking some cuts off my SLK and repot her in a larger container. But I'd like to have me several good clones I can run when I start backup. I've got a pretty big outdoor run that's making me feel my age lol.....but indoor growing has always been my thing. It's not hard controlling mother nature lol.

Another thing I just wanna be clear, my #1 priority is giving us icmag guys honest info. If there's something I'm testing and have problems with I'll definitely let you guys know.


Well-known member
Hi ,

your San Fernando Lemon Kush is really pretty ,
like it ,

eager to see what your Led gonna do .



Elite Growers Club
Ok I was checking and they've got the price corrected, it's $69 with free shipping and a $5 off code looks like. So about 65$ to your porch, and everybody knows Amazon is fast shipping. That link on post #2 gives you all the info, specs on the light. I honestly didn't have time to figure out how to set the timer that's built in, it's a little confusing and I've got extra timers that's trusty I prefer using. But there's directions that explain, and they have a great customer service I can say that. There really good about answering messages and helpful, that goes a long way with me.


Elite Growers Club
Hi ,

your San Fernando Lemon Kush is really pretty ,
like it ,

eager to see what your Led gonna do .


Yes thanks alot, I'm gonna keep her and get some clones going. I've got several cloning machines I haven't used that I'll probably mess around with.

I'm very eager also to see how the LED does also!!! I'm looking to do a full grow thread with the Bozily 800w. So hopefully we can all see a full grow with Bozily Leds. I'd at least like to have several decent sized plants to do a grow thread. If you had several of these 300w I think you could do good with. It's definitely got a more sunlight look/HPS style, but it says full spectrum?? So these should be ok for most everything. I can't really say until I'd do a full grow, what I think about it in seedlings, veg, flowering stages.....But so far the plants have started to grow better and everything. I think these could be good budget lights or small cab type stuff. Like somebody looking to just grow a just a plant for meds or something, these 300s would be good. They don't give off much heat, which I like. I'm kinda wondering about the spectrum??? I guess more so if I was using them to Veg how would they do. I'm definitely an old hortilux HPS guy, but I've been testing several LEDs for the first time, and so far really like LEDs


Elite Growers Club
Man the mother plants and everything has took off. I also planted 3 clones I'm growing to be mothers. I took about 6 cuts off the SLK, 1 cut from Lemon Tart. And I'm trying to get a Biker x Sherb IX and The Melon cut.....but them being in early flower it may be hard


Elite Growers Club
I've got the fast roots cloners out, the 7 site and 3 site. I took 6 SLK, 1 Lemon Tart. And in the 3 site I'm trying to get a Biker x Sherb IX, and Tha Melon!!! I'm pretty green with these machines, I'm practicing really. Once I get these,going I'm gonna,try my 36 site hortipots areao cloning machine. I've used the 3 site and did pretty good.


Elite Growers Club
I'm not sure if I've got my cloners dialed in, but the other plants are growing good. I transplant 3 clones that was already rooted into bigger pots. The Bozily is really helping new growth pop up everywhere. It's gonna be exciting do a,full grow with 800w. I think the 300w and 800w have the same spectrum, I'll have to ask them to be certain.


Elite Growers Club
At first I kinda,had my doubts, but I'm getting lots of growth from everything. Some clones I transplant haven't missed a beat. I found a Chocolate Nightmare fem very small outdoors I'd forgot about that's from exotic genetix. But it's a female, I'm probably gonna try to grow the CN up and get some clones, so I've got it placed around the Bozily 300w. I'm still just playing with those cloners. I've never really been good at cloning, when I was younger I believed I could do better growing from seed. But now I've got older and like pheno hunting, I guess that's what it's called lol. I've just liked to run a lot of different strains I guess to kinda see what I missed during my break from growing. And if you got a friend or so to help you with elite clones, and seeds. But testing and tinkering, the lights seem good early on, as testing is far from over. The fast roots cloners seem decent. I did root some cuts awhile back, I'm not promising these will root, but once you get the water level right there pretty good. I'm probably gonna get my aero cloner out and practice with it, I had it overfull I guess because it's getting to much water on them lol. I used to just snip to clones and put them in small cups of soil. But I really wanna get the hang of the aero cloner. Maybe I'll get a few more cuts and tinker with that.


Elite Growers Club
Ok I switched over to my Hortipots aerocloner it's the small 35 site, Those fast roots clones are good, The collars on that 7 site on are so tight, I kinda think they were affected to that also. So I fixed those, I just cut a lil bigger hole in them. I thought i posted a pic of this cloner but must not have. I at least thought I took one, I'm gonna try to post it