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3000W SCROG/Fully Automated/Gavita's/Iponic 600.....Let the fun begin!!!



I think that he is suggesting super-cropping them. This is where you crush the
stem until it gets weak and falls overs, but stays alive and attached.

I have done this and it both made the branch run to the side, but it made a very
strong knot where I did the pinch.

Good luck,



have a look at the link below regards training ,super croping ,monster croping its all in there.goodluck


Active member
Thanks guys. Majority of my training last round was super cropping and it created a ton of tops plus my canopy was perfectly even. For some reason I kinda forgot that I super cropped last round to control stretch. :whee: dumb ass!!! LOL!!!!!

I just finished off super cropping all the tops that were taller than the rest. Will continue doing this everyday until the end of stretch. After super cropping I gave plants a foliar feed of canna boost. :tiphat:

Thanks again everyone for all the help!!!


You will be fine on the stretch they look like Kush in structure so the stems should be fairly thick if that was Og you would have to double trellis and stake.. But listen to Big Green and super crop the shit out of them don't be afraid of choking a bitch out and showing them who's boss they will just reach for the sky after that... I have said it 100 times Fasilitor will not stop stretch it will just make them stack big time...I flipped a bunch of OG's same time as you at 12 " some are 5 feet tall... So I'm double trellising them..


Active member
You will be fine on the stretch they look like Kush in structure so the stems should be fairly thick if that was Og you would have to double trellis and stake.. But listen to Big Green and super crop the shit out of them don't be afraid of choking a bitch out and showing them who's boss they will just reach for the sky after that... I have said it 100 times Fasilitor will not stop stretch it will just make them stack big time...I flipped a bunch of OG's same time as you at 12 " some are 5 feet tall... So I'm double trellising them..

Thanks jack. Ya I choked those bitches out :laughing: crushed the shit out of the stems and then folded them over. I'm sure by tomorrow they'll be standing right back up again and I'll just choke them right back out!!!!:biggrin:

You are correct, this strain I'm growing is rockstar kush. I'm really hoping to not have to double trellis as I have no real way of doing that with my rolling tables.....

Understood. Fascillator DOES NOT stop stretch!!:tiphat: from 12" to 5 ft tall in a little over a week of flower is some crazy growth!!!!!!

Any recommendations for the canna boost? What strength do you foliar at??? Last two times I've used it I've sprayed at a dose of 4ml per litre.


Active member
Those look awesome dude! At this point little should derail your crop. Even a stray broad, spider, RA, FG, or anything, you can out grow em and win. Just don't use any chems going forward. If you're really paranoid get some predators and stay proactive. I would recommend that's all you do from here forward unless you are already infested, but you're not.

Ya no chems. I will only do a preventative chem spray in early veg and that's it. Plants really don't seem mind the heat treatments at all. I did one right at the flip to 12/12 and next day they grew like mad. Think I'll do another heat treatment at the end of week 3 and after that cross my fingers that they finish up problem free....

Thanks java, appreciate the good vibes!!!!


Well-known member
Ya dont even have to bend them over just crush the stem and it will slow them a tiny bit but will make for some huge colas. Do it everyday until 30 days bloom


So I'm double trellising them..

A double trellis:




P.S. Ignore the dimensions. The above is for muscadine.


Active member
Ya dont even have to bend them over just crush the stem and it will slow them a tiny bit but will make for some huge colas. Do it everyday until 30 days bloom

Good to know!!! Thanks bud!!! Would you pinch the same stem the next day just an inch down?


Active member
dam led i litterally walked u thru it last round on croppin 2 weeks into flower wtf man pay attention lol
lower lights, cropin stops stretching fck even drop temps listen to jack led
dont just crush tops i think u seen plenty of my buds ???? LED ??? an i showed u how to make them from cleaning lower larf crap keepin tight nodes bla bla bla here to remind u again shit load of 1 oz buds plus :moon:


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Active member
I knew you'd give me shit Doc!!! LOL!!! Your lessons are not forgotten. Just misplaced for a bit. But there back!! Hahahahaha.


Well-known member
I never add epsom with my aptus feeding. Just Base and aptus. I figure there getting enough from the rest of the feedings


Active member
yo LED epsom is a quick fix when you don;t have cal mag and i bet you do have cal mag ???? lol ad cal mag every feeding @ 2 - 3 ml per lt


Active member
yo LED epsom is a quick fix when you don;t have cal mag and i bet you do have cal mag ???? lol ad cal mag every feeding @ 2 - 3 ml per lt

Thanks doc. Normally you'd be right but with H&G nutes they have plenty of calcium already in there base. What they are lacking is a bit of magnesium why we use Epsom salt. If I were to use calmag plants could potentially be getting too much calcium creating other lock out issues. :tiphat:


Active member
I never add epsom with my aptus feeding. Just Base and aptus. I figure there getting enough from the rest of the feedings

Thanks big green. I've been adding Epsom even when feeding Aptus. Maybe from here on out I'll omit the Epsom when feeding my aptus.

What are you feeding your plants now? Still 7 ml per gallon of base? I've still been giving them 6ml per gallon of the base. Been a while since i checked runoff. Will check that on the next feeding. Over the past few days as plants grew closer to lights I noticed plants directly under the light starting to become a lighter green. I raised lights another few inches today. But wondering if I increased feed to 7ml per gallon if that would darken them back up without raising the lights? Hopefully stretch is coming to an end as I can only raise my lights another 5-6"!!!!!!:dance013: another day and I'll be starting week 3. I'll update pics in another day or so.


Well-known member
Last rez mix was 6 ml a & b. This week I will bring it down to 5 ml a & b.
Not sure about raising ppms to bring the color back. If you raise em high enough they will green back up. My had the same problem just had to raise the lights


Active member
Ya. I just raised lights. Think ill just stick with my 6ml per gallon.

Finished pruning under the canopy this morning. 2 hours today and 1 1/2 hours yesterday. Found something im not to happy with. I was pruning the far side of my tables today. On one table I found near the base of the plant what appears to be a black spot???? Then on the next table I found one plant, again near the base what appears to be some white mold eating away at one of the stems!?!?? I'm currently brewing a tea which will be ready tonight. Was thinking of taking some fully concentrated tea and spraying those areas with it. Anyone have any other suggestions?? I will take some pics of these areas when I go to feed my tea tonight.

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