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+$30 per seed wtf is really goin' on!?!


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
I took my last few hundred bucks and flew to denver to get some of these premium seeds.

I doubt I will be attending another if Im not the one manning the booth.

Fan boy central. Hella profitable.

I learned a lot on that trip.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I suppose there is one circumstance where I'd consider paying big bucks for seed stock. So say a long time respected breeder, spent the cash to fly to some remote hotbed of cannabis genetics, say the mazar i sharif (not too probable these days). Said breeder arrives in "spring" and spends the entire season getting to know a selected plot or plots of plants he/she is interested in collecting genetics of. Then, having spent the time and energy observing and selecting from those plants over the course of the season, gathers precious seed. maybe he gets a few hundred, maybe he gets many thousands. Point is, a whole lot of time, effort, money and risk was spent ensuring the best specimens were collected.
selling those actual beans, with pics and verifiable story line to back it up, would be worth some coin to guys like me. I don't want it if it's been worked yet, to me that cuts it's value down to 60.00 a pack seeds, at least in my thinking LOL

I grabbed some C4 from chimera via seedbay at 60USD a pack. they are old beans now by some standards but reputation of chimera and my memory of a friends C4 grow some years ago make it worth the risk for possible poor germination. By breeder's reputation alone I am taking a gamble on those beans. Last night I dropped another buy it now for 2 more packs of C4 LOL so 30 beans, 180USD (I'm working with Canadian pesos) , so at the end of the day that's about 300 bux for me CND. For 30 beans ;)
chimera messaged me a while back and reminded me that they stand behind their beans , which is good piece of mind.

Bob Green

I suppose there is one circumstance where I'd consider paying big bucks for seed stock. So say a long time respecte breeder, spent the cash to fly to some remote hotbed of cannabis genetics, say the mazar i sharif (not too probable these days). Said breeder arrives in "spring" and spends the entire season getting to know a selected plot or plots of plants he/she is interested in collecting genetics of. Then, having spent the time and energy observing and selecting from those plants over the course of the season, gathers precious seed. maybe he gets a few hundred, maybe he gets many thousands. Point is, a whole lot of time, effort, money and risk was spent ensuring the best specimens were collected.
selling those actual beans, with pics and verifiable story line to back it up, would be worth some coin to guys like me. I don't want it if it's been worked yet, to me that cuts it's value down to 60.00 a pack seeds, at least in my thinking LOL

I grabbed some C4 from chimera via seedbay at 60USD a pack. they are old beans now by some standards but reputation of chimera and my memory of a friends C4 grow some years ago make it worth the risk for possible poor germination. By breeder's reputation alone I am taking a gamble on those beans. Last night I dropped another buy it now for 2 more packs of C4 LOL so 30 beans, 180USD (I'm working with Canadian pesos) , so at the end of the day that's about 300 bux for me CND. For 30 beans ;)
chimera messaged me a while back and reminded me that they stand behind their beans , which is good piece of mind.

Perfect example right there.

Take Chimera. He went to NorCal and sourced as many cookie cuts as he could. Then purchased bud from the cookie fam. After that he took it all back to his lab. Examined the terps to find what cut best matched tge real deal GSC and made the S1s we see on his forum.

Those seeds where $20 a pop sold by the single by the time I found them. It was a bit out of my price range at the time so I passed. But he putt in work and I can see how he justified the price.

Of course I am a Chimera fan as some already know. But he used some solid science that few others are doing. I really like his approach on those. Sucks the 500 sent to SB got lost but another part of the game.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Imo, keeper and elite are two different things.

A plant may be a keeper simply because of an uncommon terpene profile or even its rarity.

Elites are just on a different level.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
what is "certified dank" ?
Chunkypigs OGKB 2.0 sure looks like what people consider dank. Yet his feet are on the ground and his seed drop prices and attitude are totally in check. the guy is having a blast , name up in lights, gets awarded for his hard work and still keeps it real with all us little people. At least that's my observation anyways. His seeds don't cost no 300 bux for 10 , not even close.
I have a cup winner in my stable , from the seeds that were grown to find the cup winner. I paid 60 bux Canadian for the last 10 known to exhist. Only 2 sprouted, but I feel I could have done better. The other variety I have from seed has also been carefully bred from a cup winner and those seeds cost me 40.00 for 10 but have gone up to regular price of 60.00 for 10. CND dollars.
another seedbank I like to go to is the rcm collective. maybe not big name breeders there but there is some killer beans to be had for silly cheap. I've got Tomahawk and Red Heri Fruit Bud inbound and I've been told by a good source they are worth every penny ;)


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Tyne, I hate that we got off on the wrong foot, I love your posts.

Mikell, what world is this you live in? Pay off hightimes? That kind of attitude is hating. Unless there is any proof, that any of the above breeders are paying 50k to hightimes, then you are a hating troll. Period. Could you imagine if you had to spend 50k on every seed vendor.....Seedvault, seedbay, GLG, hightimes, skunk mag. Jeez, just that would be 250k.

Bottom line, those breeders have more skill and knowledge of the cannabis plant than 90% of growers. I will pay for that knowledge passed through their genetics. Others will be drawn to hate, because the know nothing else.

Did you take into account the 50k payoff to hightimes when you said seeds are more profitable than flowers?

I alone don't say seeds are more profitable, anyone here that knows does.

I'm not going to hold your hand and explain how things work. HT is known industry wide for not giving a shit about growers.

Go ask them what an annual two page gloss runs and if they still give a cup with every purchase.

I have a bag of dicks handy when you're done, for your eating pleasure.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Nuthin I can fuck with thats for sure, someone asked be a few days ago about if I am gonna be in a high times cup or why not go get a booth a one... I got 4 kids to feed, thats a big NO from me! They sure aren't on the "overgrow" the world plan ha... Looks like them two pages would be at least 10k. Whats the booth? Last I heard a few years ago it was 5k or something? Thats like my families food budget for the year or something yikes. Others will laugh and not bat an eye at them prices though know!
It's all persepective I guess a little 10kw banger for some is a toy for others its a dream ya know? Half page for a year, easy 20-25k you can buy a house for that in a lot of places damn.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Thats 14 beans man! dont let me give them any ideas for a httc seed bank ha! they probably did the math on their mark ups and it was like $220 but some dude was like just make it 420 man. If I buy a 1/12 page ad in ht i may as well feel like im buying myself a penis pump and suckin down some viagra.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Tyne, I hate that we got off on the wrong foot, I love your posts.

I alone don't say seeds are more profitable, anyone here that knows does.

I'm not going to hold your hand and explain how things work. HT is known industry wide for not giving a shit about growers.

Go ask them what an annual two page gloss runs and if they still give a cup with every purchase.

I have a bag of dicks handy when you're done, for your eating pleasure.

it's all good man , I just needed some time to grow on folks being a new guy and all. I can be kinda opinionated sometimes and don't mind the odd grounding. we're all in this together :tiphat:


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Would'nt be much of a jungle without a few rams knocking horns.

I may also in some circles be known as an opinioted ass.

See above.


Active member
Nuthin I can fuck with thats for sure, someone asked be a few days ago about if I am gonna be in a high times cup or why not go get a booth a one... I got 4 kids to feed, thats a big NO from me! They sure aren't on the "overgrow" the world plan ha... Looks like them two pages would be at least 10k. Whats the booth? Last I heard a few years ago it was 5k or something? Thats like my families food budget for the year or something yikes. Others will laugh and not bat an eye at them prices though know!
It's all persepective I guess a little 10kw banger for some is a toy for others its a dream ya know? Half page for a year, easy 20-25k you can buy a house for that in a lot of places damn.

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this is just the tip of the cock up growers asses, have you seen the booth pricing for the cup events, straight 40 grit condom on that shit

Bob Green

Stoner Thoughts:

You know I re read my original post and a few others and it sounded pretty arrogant in a lot of aspects and I apologize for that. That wasn't really my intention but what can I say I had just woke up with little sleep the night before and just had crazy stoner thoughts going through my mind. I had to hear what you guys had to say on the subject. Sometimes I daydream and my thoughts don't transfer right into writing.

I also apologize in advance for the insanely long post I am about to write.

I'm sure all those people I originally listed really are working with top notch genetics and putting out some amazing smoke out there for us and I appreciate it. If their juice is worth the squeeze then hybrids, F2s, and cuts will make the rounds. If not they would be toast. If they can get people to take the bite good for them.

They also all have cheaper options as well. Even Aficionados In The Pines was $150. Still pricy for some and just right for others. And I totally understand that for some they are 110% worth it no matter the cost. I also really like the seed sale Aficionado did to raise funds for their friend that passed away RIP.

Not long ago I had ordered a vial of Versailles OG from Aficionado off SPS myself so I understand the appeal. Shit I mentioned it somewhere here and got two private messages about them. Hot shit and we can bet the bank they are badass smokage too!

I happen to love Lady OG for the record. Fell in love with her the old fashioned way. Friends from work kept bringing her around and eventually I started missing her when she wasn't around. Smoke a few bowls in my truck and her cent hung around for days haha. A favorite smoke of mine. Lovely mistress.

So The night after I had hit up the Sour spot for the Versailles OG I was on the way home and coincidentally rear ended going 75 on the freeway. YUP! Truck fish tailed then spun backwards and I hit soft sand followed by a few shrubs, then a small tree. Safe landing but vehicle completely totaled and towed away.

Before I forget in other seed junkie news night before the wreckage I was lucky enough to receive a package from our buddy Gypsy(seedbay!) It just so happened to contain some seeds from another IC badass Relentless. I had popped open the container of 818SFV Fire to take a peek and one jumped out onto the floor and vanished. No biggie old Relentless had snuck a few extra in the pack anyhow ;) (thanks bro!)

So after the wreck is done, and truck is disposed of by the road crew I catch a lift home with a friend. Once there I walk into my room and the first thing I see is the distinctive beautiful little seed from Relentless I had lost the night before. Fucking score!!! For a second the stress washed away and all was well again. Big smile, and even some of the soreness and confusion from the wreckage disappeared. Ahhhhhhh my chiquebabybaby Lady OG was once again by my side.

It was at this point I realized I had the sickness of the seed hoarder bless us all :) I also knew I was going to need the $500 for expenses after the wreckage and sent SPS an email explaining the situation and requesting a cancellation. The guys at SP had mercy on me (thanks!)and restocked the Versailles OG for some other lucky customer. I knew they would fly off the shelf and soon be in good hands. Maybe even with one of you guys who knows?

At this point I made the decision to completely change my approach concerning seeds and plants in general.

Before this paradigm shift I was somewhat collecting random genetics for no reason working in no particular direction. I just wanted a piece of EVERYTHING that could possibly become outstanding smoke. And hey could you blame me? Ridiculously outstanding genetics of our favorite herb is available in so many variations. Fuck man put me in coach haha!

So I looked at what I had from the years and started to really think about what I wanted to work on in the future. From this point I gifted out all the commercially bought seeds I owned (gifts are different) but had no intention on breeding with. Like old Arnold said I decided to narrow my focus like a laser beam instead of a flashlight.

Now it's a bit more in check and I can start working toward my humble seed chucking hobby. I have zero intention on selling beans just for myself and the fam maybe server fund type stuff could be cool.

I still might snag a line from the commercial banks here and there but only if they fit into a project I am working on. But honestly I kinda doubt I will ever need to.

Like they say stick a millionaire on the corner with no money broke on his ass begging for change and in due time this same man will once again become a millionaire. Once you know the formula it's just a matter of networking and taking the right steps at the right time.

But no doubt all the people pumping out chronic in some form or another are definitely on team cannabis. Different strokes for different folks.

Peace y'all

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
in my line of thinking, buying seeds is a luxury I have no idea if we will have forever. Didn't some countries that tolerate growing recently ban the production of weed for seed? I could be mistaken but I'm sure I read about some european countries recently doing that.
So my thought is this, I could spend a 100 bux here, a 100 bux there on fishing gear, hunting gadgets, 4x4 upgrade parts for my truck ect ect . So I figure, every month I'm gonna spend 100 bux or so on seeds of known quality breeders who sell their beans for reasonable prices. I have a real good commercial upright freezer I can store them in.
I'll hit a point of course where enough is enough but I want a good solid seed stash in the event I have to start from scratch for whatever reason down the road.
I learned my lesson the last time I took a break from indoor growing and am gonna be damnded sure I have a seed bank stash of my own :D


Well-known member
what is "certified dank" ?

Aww shit man you never heard of certified dank? That's the super flame new new homie. Guaranteed to find an elite in one pack. They even come in special cases sometimes. That alone has to be worth like an extra $100 you know.

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Fuck the greedy ones, stick to the ones that put out quality for cheap! It's simple and easy, don't let the hype fool ya! Plenty of fire to be found on cheap beans, of course, there is also shitty quality, but do your research and you should be able to find top notch quality for $5-10 beam price range! Which for me its the limit!

Search for some good promos such as Buy one get one free etc and your prices drop in half or a third! Bodhi usually gives many freebies, spreads the love and has the dank! That makes that $70 per 11 seeds drop to around $50... Thats one breeder in which I have positive experience!

People tend to think things are better because they are more expensive, marketing strategy, which is not a bad thing, if you are after the money, since this is a rather illegal market.

Thats one reason I always loved seedbay. You can find some gold in the server fund for very affordable prices!


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