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+$30 per seed wtf is really goin' on!?!


Active member
A crop of seeds compared to a crop of flowers is worth a HELL of a lot more...where did you learn to do math bro?

You can get thousands of seeds off a small plant......30$/seed vs $10/gram of flowers.

Then why are hillsides being blown up with sensimilla crops? Maybe simple math doesn't explain the full set of economics at hand huh?

More people are willing to smoke a flower than grow a plant. Supply/Demand. Demand for flowers is way higher than seeds.


Active member
The vendors only do what the "breeders" tell them... That is reef still wanting his hundred bucks and spreading out his stock for more hits.

I could see that, but still why wouldn't he at least bump his site prices up? None the less... Tony where's the best place to buy and try your stuff? Lol cheers


Active member
ICMag Donor
great lakes genetics has em now and Clarence should have some packs in hand when he gets back on the 20th from vaca... If the mail didnt fuck it ha!

Bob Green

hey BOB were you at the HTCC or HC

I was going to but I spent all my money on beans :tiphat:

But seriously I wish. I have never personally been to a single cup nor legal shop med or rec in my life.

For the record I have spent way too much on seeds. I really have no idea how much though. I found myself wanting to do things like sacrifice food and bills to grab a pack of JJ's 91 IX, and Congo from Reef. Realized it was a sickness I needed to put in check. Dudes buying beans don't always live high on the hog either. More seeds than I know what to do with yet I couldn't stop. Addiction dope sick on IG :(

I definitely realize not everyone has the same problem but many of us on these sites do. So I personally decided to give away a lot of my collection just to clear my head and streamline my goals. Turns out there is better beans for trade than for sale. I gave away and recieved thousands. Now the most prized beans I have come from friends pollen chucks. The paid for commercial seeds lost their flavor. I have a few exceptions but not many.

That said cuts of Mendobreath go for pretty cheap in Cali at the moment. It does look like it breeds well too.

What's in the Seattle Sour?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Then why are hillsides being blown up with sensimilla crops? Maybe simple math doesn't explain the full set of economics at hand huh?

More people are willing to smoke a flower than grow a plant. Supply/Demand. Demand for flowers is way higher than seeds.

Hence why I said, if you have the market.

Karey gets it.

Bob Green

Reefermans new site he has 10 packs for 100... from other vendors his gear is 200 or more a pack. So obviously the vendors are gouging a bit as well.... Cheers happy sunday

The only one I was interested in from Reeferman was his Red Congolese BX and they are closer to $40 per seed. Yeah I said it look at his site $185 for a five pack plus shipping! I like to do selection too. Four of those just for twenty seeds at over $700 I'll pass.

Those where the ones that made me quit buying pretty much all together. Right after I got a promising lead on the Reds Congo cut. For FREE

Network my friend.


Active member
Hence why I said, if you have the market.

Karey gets it.

That is a HUGE part of it.

So you guys are hating on the breeders that have gained the market by producing genetically superior genetics through hard work and reputation.........and that isn't worth anything in itself?

I guess I don't get it then.....


Active member
The only one I was interested in from Reeferman was his Red Congolese BX and they are closer to $40 per seed. Yeah I said it look at his site $185 for a five pack plus shipping! I like to do selection too. Four of those just for twenty seeds at over $700 I'll pass.

Those where the ones that made me quit buying pretty much all together. Right after I got a promising lead on the Reds Congo cut. For FREE

Network my friend.

Thats the only one at that price.... guess thats why i didnt notice it!! can't speak for reef on that, but all the other stuff is fair... and from what Ive grown and seen others grow most looks worth it. Seems weird everything else is 10 for 100, what's so special about it lol.


Crotchety Old Crotch
I was going to but I spent all my money on beans :tiphat:

So I personally decided to give away a lot of my collection just to clear my head and streamline my goals.

I had 5 years worth of bought seeds - $50 here, $100 there - and gave 99% away. The last fair sized bundle I had, lent to co-worker for his kid to pick from - the fucker took almost ALL of them & shrugged when I spoke up.

I'm trying NOT to get that addiction back, but it's tough.

$30 per bean? Not in this lifetime, sorry.


Active member
If you are willing to pay it they will be willing to charge it.
Vote with your dollars, if you think it's wrong don't buy it.

I generally wont pay over $100 a pack, and I don't feel like Im missing out. There is not one plant on earth that is so guarded you should have to pay 300$ a pack to get a hybird of it. Keep looking if that's the case because I'm sure you can find the same genetics from somebody else for way cheaper.

These guys charging 300$ a pack are crooks that could care less about their customers. Most of it is just untested shit sold to suckers anyways.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Once a pack of 10 or 12 beans gets over 100bux , I just laugh and walk away. Some of the breeders out there think they are rock stars or something just cuz a few hundred people kiss their ass on internet forums for winning a cup.
There's a couple breeders who I would pay more for certain varieties but these guys have been around for a very long time.

30 dollars a seed? ya I'll pass


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
That is a HUGE part of it.

So you guys are hating on the breeders that have gained the market by producing genetically superior genetics through hard work and reputation.........and that isn't worth anything in itself?

I guess I don't get it then.....

Throw 50k at HighTimes and you too can "gain the market" with "superior genetics".

I disagree with price gouging and that makes me a "hater"?

I agree there are quality breeders doing things proper, but numbers wise, it's untested pollen chucking.

Fuckin' eh Tony, you're spittin gold. I keep trying to get huk on here, you two are very like minded, but no go.

STS ;)


Active member
Mikell, what world is this you live in? Pay off hightimes? That kind of attitude is hating. Unless there is any proof, that any of the above breeders are paying 50k to hightimes, then you are a hating troll. Period. Could you imagine if you had to spend 50k on every seed vendor.....Seedvault, seedbay, GLG, hightimes, skunk mag. Jeez, just that would be 250k.

Bottom line, those breeders have more skill and knowledge of the cannabis plant than 90% of growers. I will pay for that knowledge passed through their genetics. Others will be drawn to hate, because the know nothing else.

Did you take into account the 50k payoff to hightimes when you said seeds are more profitable than flowers?


Active member
Bottom line, those breeders have more skill and knowledge of the cannabis plant than 90% of growers. I will pay for that knowledge passed through their genetics. Others will be drawn to hate, because the know nothing else.

I dont really agree with that, very few people in the cannabis industry create their own work, hybidize their own work or even inbreed their own work to create something new and original people would actually want.

Most seed makers are just taking plant elite clone X and smash it to some male.

A few have created their own proprietary male, and have found success but those are in the real minority. Archive comes to mind with the previous example but even they do not charge $300 a pack. Most people are just smashing plants for quick cash.

The elites they are using are so good at creating nice offspring that its those plants doing the work not the one breeding them. When you are breeding to a well known elite the results are so easy and predictable a monkey could do it.

Most of those elites were created by accident. The people that are actually out their doing the real breeding, companies like ACE and CBG dont charge anywhere near $300 a pack, they are using some of the rarest genetics around, they are inbreeding for many generations to polish stones into diamonds and they get relatively none of the fan fare some of these fly by night high dollar pollen chuckers get.
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Active member
I agree with what you said Firein.TheSky

However, the real breeders, such as bodhi, are coming out with landrace genetics that have never touched western modern breeding. That will open up an entire new genetic gene pool. He has already worked the lines to the point where genetically undesirable traits such as hermi or hempy buds have been worked out. How much would you pay for those genetics? How about a fully developed new line of cannabis with 100% unique terpines?

The good breeders are out there. Those beans are worth the money.


Active member
Bodhi doesnt charge 300$ per pack so he really should just be left out of the conversation. Bodhi's prices are 100% reasonable, but even if he did come out with something like you mentioned I still would not pay that.

And to the guys charge $300 per pack, those guys in particular I dont really see doing anything too radically different.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Mikell, what world is this you live in? Pay off hightimes? That kind of attitude is hating. Unless there is any proof, that any of the above breeders are paying 50k to hightimes, then you are a hating troll. Period. Could you imagine if you had to spend 50k on every seed vendor.....Seedvault, seedbay, GLG, hightimes, skunk mag. Jeez, just that would be 250k.

Bottom line, those breeders have more skill and knowledge of the cannabis plant than 90% of growers. I will pay for that knowledge passed through their genetics. Others will be drawn to hate, because the know nothing else.

Did you take into account the 50k payoff to hightimes when you said seeds are more profitable than flowers?

so how abouts a guy like me? I am an unknown breeder. I choose to be that way. never had any interest in going to or entering cannabis cups. I've taken botany courses, studied several marijuana and general plant breeding books. Am personally responsible for at least 5 Canadian cut only cash crop strains grown by the boys on 2 wheels in 4 provinces. So I guess I should start a seedbank and get in on this 300 a pack business LOL
oh, but first I need some internet rep to lend me a sense of credibility. Oh Boy!
I'll be breeding again shortly here, almost ready to start chucking the pollen on these bitches. All my surplus seeds will be donated to seedbay/icmag fund if I can get them there. If I ever begin breeding on a larger scale for $$ , I can guarantee my packs will be reasonable so that as many people as possible can share and grow.
Greed is everywhere, there's no escaping it.
I once sold a clone to a guy from Ontario for 650.00 . That was probably about 12 to 15 years ago. I still feel like a schmuck for doing that all these years later. Karma is a bitch.

I can think of 3 or 4 well known seed breeders who have brought killer varieties to market in seed form , some even won cups, and due to prices or behaviors that were fuelled by ego and greed and the idea that they were somehow "special" in the cannabis world in some grand fantasy in their minds..... and where are they now LOL scorned off the face of the scene that's where.
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