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30% of 21 to 34 year-olds now live back with Mom & Dad


donut engineer
i meant as my friend....

if its in Cali, shoot me some details please....

Just like pot growers, he needs to leave Cali to make money. There is a draught of competent engineers in the midwest, east and southwest. He can name his fucking price out here, legit.


want to know how many people i know that are in that age bracket and cant spell without a computer spell check, do math without a calculator or write without a keyboard. not to mention have no clue about electricity, farm animals or television cable.
take away the electronic tools like cellphones, ipods, handheld GPS and other stuff and they roll up into a fetus position.

whose to blame? our educators who up here in BC are demanding a 15% increase in wages while the rest of us are in a resession. not to mention: count the manhours they work year round and divide that into the yearly wage; you will shit yourself.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Just like pot growers, he needs to leave Cali to make money. There is a draught of competent engineers in the midwest, east and southwest. He can name his fucking price out here, legit.

serious!!!??? WOW!!!

ill tell him tonight.....
i framed custom homes from 97 to 2009 then no more work.Was making a minimum of 20hr. Now if there is work avaliable a mexican is doing it for 8 bucks hr. i had to move back in w family so i can work and try to save some money. any one who just seems to think that our generation is lazy can go f themselves. Im working my ass off just to stay up with bills. so excuse our generation for having to move back in w our parents. Like we really want to. im thrilled that i spent 10yrs learning to be a really good carpenter to have it be almost worthless to me.


Active member
I lived in San Francisco for a year, fucking awesome 4 bedroom condo next to the pjects right off 280 was 4500 a month.. 3 roommates of course. Min wage in SF is roughly $10 a hour.
I'm sure we'll start to see more small families living and raising their kids together.


its different for every generation,, and so many went to university when they shouldnt have,, there were just never going to be enough jobs to support them all. the west needs more skilled apprentice schemes imo,,

sold a lie..

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Education plays a huge part in all of this.... The area of Cali I live in is growing and there are alot of High Tech Awsome paying jobs out here... Huge influx of Chinese and Indians moving out here into really nice expensive homes/neighborhoods....

The influences of American Televison Cultures has dilluted the Brains of our younger Generations.. American gets get owned in the most important categories of education ..

Math and Science...

Video Games and TV are making kids stupid as fuck ... How many kids do you even see playing outside anymore? They're all busy talking online to each other.... So Work and hard and study the right material... if your motivated you can do it...

Social Engineering is crazy..back when there was no television... dudes were inventing light bulbs, cars, airplanes, telephones... etc... now over a 100 years later .. all we make is pop culture... what a joke... Its easy to blame everyone else..
the problem with our parents generation is they still think the government is here to help. Its the new world order. Corporate greed. Corrupt bankers and the polticians they own.Wars based on lies and false flag operations. Enslavement of the 99 percent. But like my mother in law says " im crazy"

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
When I was walking around at USC waiting for my friend to get out of class..I remember the Engineering department was having sort of gathering... all I could see was Black and Brown Hair.. all Asian/Indian Kids... 95% of them... this was 2 years ago.... Hit the books hard... just like the insane growers on here.. wasnt easy ... im sure studying information played a huge roll in it....


ICMag Donor
I remember it well.At age 22 .I barely scraped though highschool and was lucky to graduate.I was living at my folks summer house in Delaware.They opted to stay up north for the year .So i spent a year their by myself.I was smoking grass everyday.

Working a resteraunt job as a busboy i hated,for the past 3 years.The only other job besides resterauts i had ,was being a shovel man for a swimming pool company .Shaping and digging the pools and plumbing ditches by hand.

I got stoned one night ,sitting in my room.All kinds of guilt krept in for some reason.I thought to myelf ,is this the only thing im ever gonna do? I am gonna work shitty jobs,the rest of my life? And live in my parents house in my late 30's?I was worried,and it could have easily happened.

I made up my mind that night ,i am gonna get a good job ,work hard.And move out of my parents place someday.I am not gonna be the guy living in his parents basement,aside from the fact that i was using all kinds of drugs and had really had no plans or direction.

So fast forward 16 years later ,ive done ok/well for myself .Only once getting assistance from my parents for a large purchase.

Im still convinced its all up to the persons ambition.As long as you want to work,or are willing to work.Eventually you will get a halfway decent job .This is of course ,with trying and taking all oportunities when they arise.

Once you build a work history for a resume,after that it slowly becomes easier and easier.Where i am ,and where i should have been,are stark contrasts.I still look back at high school friends,and others who are at folks house.

But it can happen to anyone really,with jobs and economy .Just never think your above,or too good to do any job....


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor

seems like most my friends are back home, who don't grow or have a decent job($20hr)...

have a friend who is a high school teacher, moving back into her dad's house next week....

really hard in the Bay Area to maintain a decent place to live with super high rent and living costs, and the gas price increasing so much does not help....

minimum wage is close to $8 a hour i think, houses are minimum $1800 around here....

Aye same here in the South Bay....my neighbors two houses down just lost their house to the bank (foreclosure) They were growing as much as their little room and my help could get them, He worked 3! part time jobs (all he could get, he used to be a software engineer) she was working 2 part-time jobs.....their just too tired to continue the "hustle"....moving back in with her parents out of state (that's at the age of 38 & 41)....sigh....


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Education plays a huge part in all of this.... The area of Cali I live in is growing and there are alot of High Tech Awsome paying jobs out here... Huge influx of Chinese and Indians moving out here into really nice expensive homes/neighborhoods....

The influences of American Televison Cultures has dilluted the Brains of our younger Generations.. American gets get owned in the most important categories of education ..

Math and Science...

Video Games and TV are making kids stupid as fuck ... How many kids do you even see playing outside anymore? They're all busy talking online to each other.... So Work and hard and study the right material... if your motivated you can do it...

Social Engineering is crazy..back when there was no television... dudes were inventing light bulbs, cars, airplanes, telephones... etc... now over a 100 years later .. all we make is pop culture... what a joke... Its easy to blame everyone else..

If your talking anywhere near Silicon Valley I live less than 40 minutes from their and worked for 17+ years in the "industry" albeit most of my experience was Business Development, Sr. Sales/Sales Engineering, or Account Management ..I did work for 4 years in Finance as well (@ Seagate Tech)...should have stayed in Finance/Accounting, from my perspective I only see the Accounting area doing any ongoing hiring, yes if you a Superstar programmer within the social engineering marketplace (literally SOME of the engineers have their own managers to make placement deals for them) but those are less than .01 % of the unemployed marketplace. I find it amazing how LITTLE hiring is going on in "high-tech" area! I have lost dozens of highly talented, educated, extremely brilliant and wonderful friends who just gave up on California and said, "I'm outta here". Some have started their own business's but most of them are making a fraction of what they used to make, I used to bring home for 6 straight year $100K+ a year, I am making legally less than $30K and I am lucky to have health benefits, illegally well to be honest about $50K and that is saving my ass.

Not everyone has the facilities or abilities that I do and I feel lucky, I am disgusted the way this economy is literally destroying people, I have had 13 people in 3 years commit suicide, over half I just knew casually but 5 were what I could honestly call close friends, ALL choose that way out I believe due to the pressure of finances, and their shame and embaressment from their situation.

I have no answers and noone in DC seems to either on BOTH sides of the aisle, sometimes I get so frustrated I just want to scream.....sigh....ok rant off!:rant:


Great thread. I too feel the baby boomers (and I am one) have totally fucked it all up. They were given an easy ride and lost their way. The world is pretty much divided between doers, and talkers. I know the talkers are running shit right now, and it's not looking good. But I think we are close to the time when the talkers will get pushed aside and we can set about the task of rebuilding this mess.


student loan payments commence 30 days after graduation, right?? How the fucking fuck does that work? I know you can't bankrupt out of a student loan. What do they do to you if you can't pay?? Must be a lot of mom's and dad's in deep shit if they co signed on those babies. The percentage of last years grads that have jobs is way off. This years is about to graduate. I think college is a one hundred percent rip off unless you major in something very real like Chemistry. Community College, then transfer into the nearest state school as a junior is the only way. I feel terrible for these kids. What are they gonna do? Hell, what are we all gonna do?


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Wait until our current crop of pampered, bed wetting, self esteem overloaded, "genius" little pricks get in the job market...

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
trade school fellas!
learn some skills using your hands.
my electrical expertise will never allow me to go broke.
electricity can be dangerous and kill you.
8 years of college don't teach you that.
but im more than happy to suck your bank acct dry doing it.
my worst employee makes well over $20/hr.
best over $65, overtime isn't a problem.
granted i live near the most expensive city in the states, so pay rates are somewhat skewed.
plus you can't beat no bid contracts to keep those pay scales rising, thx jerz!

i kno schmucks who owe soooo much in student loans, but can't tie their shoes w/o help.
only engineering degrees will get you paid handsomely in the future.
also work in the "green" field, but im not talking mj.

college is worthless, only because everybody gets a degree, where do you stand out? u don't.
i never did a day of college once i graduated high school, i'm better off than 90% of my friends.
no skills, no money and no direction is no way to live.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
I am 25, about to graduate with my degree in architecture, and have been trying to get an INTERNSHIP for the past year, and its rough as shit. Luckily I am a carpenter by trade and hopefully will be able to pay the bills that way.

I do think that a lot of it has to do with a lot of decisions made in the past, but coming from someone from the generation, a lot of people my age expect to graduate from college and make $70 grand a year, and if they dont get that they arent gonna work.

Fucking sucks, I am thinking of moving somewhere soon, graduating in May.



So much that could be said, but I don't think there is any use in saying it :)