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The Tri Guy
Hi Sammet, Lol, thanks for showing them there's nothing to fear. I never went looking for the worm, although I have been clapping a bit recently, everytime I saw a fungus gnat. I dealt with em by letting the soil dry out quite a bit and then underwatering them everyday for a few, not seen any for a few days now.

Hi Core, yeah its a real waste of time, with seeds its fine, as most will reach for the stars anyway, but with clones ya got to have em prepared right before they'll do much for ya. Ah well, if ya dont test the theories, what are ya learning. Least we wont repeat that mistake. Just wish I had 15 of em rather than only one, its never gonna last me 6 weeks that one, (15-20 days to finish and the next one just put in). I hate fucking up my perpetual smoke machine.

Hi Jay, yeah that irrelevant girl was just too much, although I am still smoking her, with a another 2 weeks worth left, so I am very happy with how she yielded for a small pot. But it is the last we see of that. Back to the pure bred Bruised Nuts, though sadly the yield on this one will be pathetic. But I wanted to get a grow in that I didnt seed. Seeding bud hits everything from sparkle to bud density. Thought I'd get a round that looked good, so much for that lol. Those G13D's of yours sure havent been good to ya have they. What ya gonna replace em with?

Hi YwI, thanks. No worries on the lurking front, I'm very guilty of that one myself, just seem to have a few things going on at once right now, and being so lazy, somethings had to take a back seat for a bit. Glad to see ya, and everyone else, whenever time allows.


The Tri Guy
Thanks Dr Dog, at some point I'll route out a thimble and do some scale shots lol.


heya GMT ! beautiful shots mate!
i get pic envy with all you great photographers out there! lol.

Yeah the G13D were NOT fun/kind too me! how annoying!
im gonna replace them with VenomHeads! (Blockhead x (c99 x Venomberry).
apparently a real nice yeilder. so im looking forward to them...
i was lucky enough to have FJ from Mountain High seeds drop in my thread offering me any help i need with them too.. so stoaked on that one :)

keep up the good work mate.. :)

edit: oh! and i must thank you for telling me how long it took for that one update to load for you! i worked out how to crop/resize my pics without loosin too much quality, and now the pics are 1/3 the size!...
so now.. i can post more pics! hahahahah!
Last edited:


The Tri Guy
Thanks Jay, when I can be arsed I put a bit of time into the pics, I just post the best 2 or 3 out of 50 or so taken lol. The venomheads sound like quite a show, and FJ is a hell of a grower, so I'll be watching carefully.
On the speed thing, you may actually be wasting your time, icmag auto resizes all pics uploaded to it to 600x800 pixels and deletes and exif info, so what ever you upload, personally, being lazy, i just upload the 7.4 million pixel verion of my photos and ic sends out 480,000 pixels. I've tried resizing them myself, (it would reduce my upload time from 15 mins per pic to not much more than 1 min, but for some reason the pic quality is far lower, than when ic does it, so i send the whole files. So unless you are sending files smaller than ic resends em, you wont actually reduce the download speed. But I appreciate the thought mate, no worries, I dont mind waiting for a quality update, its just when I go back to see a reply and have to download them all again to see someone say nice pics etc, or have to download em twice to type a reply with smileys, or worse, when someone replies on the next page, reposting the whole of your post with the comment "awesome" or some such, underneath it that I throw something. Anyway, I'm still looing for the best broadband deal, so hard to compare the deals though, if I upgrade with my current provider it pricey, but if I cancel then resign I get a free laptop, or I can go elsewhere with my current laptop and get it for half the price I pay for dial up, all need contracts though, and I hate contracts, need to find someone who will let me pay the whole contract up front and cancel at the end of the min term before I start. Wont be too long till I enter the 21st centrury though, hey, isn't Buck Rogers supposed to get lost soon?


i get what you saying about the auto resize, but the resize wasnt so much for the size of the pic... it was the get the file size down so i quit wasting my ICmag space! lol.

i was putting up nearly 20 mbs of pics for update! wouldnt have taken me long to go through the rest at the rate.
the last update = 24mbs before i edited each pic.
5.2mbs after. i dont seem to lose any quality of the actual pic, other than if i wanted to zoom, it would get fuzzy sooner. lol
Yeah im totally excited about the Venomheads! and having FJ pop in and tell me hes by my side, is certainly a nice cherry on top.
ever had broadband before?? you will flip when you get it ;) dial up is terrible dude! lol
free lappy sounds interesting! heheheh

Underground Man

Active member
Nice tentacle monsters you have there.

I don't know how you can live without broadband, though I browse IC through tor so sometimes it is as slow as dialup for me lol.


The Tri Guy
Hi Jay, your account space is safe either way, IC doesn't save the original file you upload into your space, just the resized version, so you wont be using up space needlessly anyway. Although it will save you upload time, but on broadband, what is that, a saving of 3 seconds? I have played with broadband in the past, and to be honest, the only advantage it will have for me is the upload time. When I'm on here, a slow download gives me time to roll one inbetween posts. I dont do the whole you tube thing, which I'm very glad about now theyre giving the details of everyone and what they've watched. Sadly I have to go without any conection for 3 months to qualify for the free laptop, pisser, so now I need to find someone cheap. Gonna be the end of the summer before I get it sorted.

Hey Undergroundman, hehe, I once tried to use tor through dial up, you can imagine why I risk not using proxies.

Sorry, no pics this time, just realised I hadn't added the experiment of this round, each night, this one plant I have (about 2 weeks from harvest) has had 2 hours of cfl light half way through its dark period. Just want to check it wont hermie so I can deffo say hermie proof.


Active member
I haven't been here for ages... those are some sexy pics, I can't believe no one else has commented.
And anyway why is this thread slacking?! When's the next project GMT?? I know threads are hard work and long winded but there's a new season knocking on the door.


yeah man... im all for bringing life back into this thread!
your shots are stunning GMT...

if i wasnt so lazy, i would nominate that for POTM. .... but ... im lazy!
aint we all though?...


The Tri Guy
Hi Hanfiking, Thanks, yeah I can't really be arsed anymore to be honest, I felt the interest slipping in my thread, so left it, and after a month or so, decided not to bother updating anymore. The next few grows wont be anything worth watching anyway, just backcrossing F5 males to my chosen F4 female. 1st batch of seeds are about 2 days from being ready, the second batch were created 2 days ago (pollination), and seeded plants never look pretty. All plants concerned were of course tris.
Thanks Jay, maybe I'll get bored and do some more pics at some point, but right now I'm feeling a little lazy myself. No worries on the POTM, the seeds arent for sale, so it wouldnt serve a purpose in my pics winning, plus if it did, what would I do with sativa seeds?
Overmind, thanks, I cleared out my gallery and only left very recent and decent pics in there, take a stroll through some time. My camera is pretty far from top of the line though, a Nikon D3 is £3000, mine was £115 nearly a year ago. Cams these days, even at the bottom end of the line are pretty good, a tripod and decent macro feature are the 2 most important things.


The Tri Guy
LMAO Indoor, talk about arriving late. Keep the thread subscribed, I'll throw something up of the seeds popping out of the buds in bit

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya GMT :wave:
Long time no chat - hope your summer was fun. I really like this pic - missed it when you first posted... Love the Sept macro shots - W O W - gorgeous.

Looking forward to a couple pics of your current project -MGJ :wave:


The Tri Guy
Howdy MGJ, yeah, you've been MIA for a while in here, hope the hands are better these days. I may start a new thread soon, keep tuned for a link.
Lead, thanks for the bump.
Well after waiting for 2 months to get connected to broadband, I'm finally on, although the new laptop wont allow me to connect to the chat room, which was really disappointing, did the firewall bit, but still wont let me in. I'll throw a pic in here in a minute, I want to see the diff now I'm uploading from broadband rather than dial up.


You will not be forgotten
good to see you around GMT, iv been kinda MIA for a while myself and have been meaning to stop in to quite a few peoples threads. anyways just wanted to drop in and say hello and hope all is goin well with you and yours.

take care and have a great week :wave:

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