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3 plus 3=?


The Tri Guy
Hi MGJ, well its looking good for the re-start. Given the results of recent uk busts, and discussing the subject at length, I'm actually going to be able to grow at the new place. Though with low numbers, even on the seedling front. No more perpetuals, so grows will be done seed to bud then restart rather than flowers and seedling shots. But at least the wait isn't as long as anticipated lol.
Hey Alex. thanks, and yeah I agree that this new cam is a cool one. Just takes so long to set up each photo. With the old one, I just pointed and shot, then edited on the pc, this one you have to select al the settings first, then once the shot is taken, there isnt much left to do on the pc. Got some update shots for everyone, I'm gonna make an effort to document these, as I've regained some interest now that I'm dealing with quads too. I'm want to do 3 crosses now, but with only 6 plants, the odds are against. I want another gen of tri x tri, I want a quad x quad, and I want a tri x quad. So what ever sex any of these are, so long as they arent all the same, there will be new seeds in 3 - 4 months. Any way enough chat, here's some pics.




those are just mind blowing, i hope to stumble across a quad or even a tri some day.

any chances you might mass produce??


Tris, now quads, what's next lol? Can't wait to see how this turns out, those seedling pics already look killer!

Good luck GMT! :joint:


The Tri Guy
Hi Rk, Hi Relik, I'm glad you both like em. Rk, I'm not a seed company, so mass production isn't something that I'm set up for. If any do become available though, they'd only be through seedbay. Thanks Relik, I must admit, I'm curious about the quads, should be an interesting grow.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
shit man now i see why you can't kill'm off...i would be in love 2 my friend....:lurk:
you'll get it sorted i'm shure of it...


wicked looking seedlings gmt...that will be interesting to see them grow up :lurk:


You will not be forgotten
Very interesting thread GMT, glad i dropped in to see what was new in your garden :joint:

will be watching this with much interest... its definately new to me, so ill watch and listen for a while before i can comment with intelligence... but will be here to learn all the same!



The Tri Guy
Hi Core, yeah I love anything unusual, reallys adds interest for me.
Hi Kokua, thanks.
Hi Dime, I'm still not sure whats going on myself yet, and it's my thread lol. Any theories you do come up with, throw em in here for discussion. Othrwise its all gonna be pics because I've said everything i can think of about these.
A couple of pics just to document each growth stage, next update on the next node.



You will not be forgotten
very cool GMT, whatever is going on its new to me so i will make sure to keep a close eye on things here. very curious to see what you find from the gals. any theories i have wouldnt be too technical i can assure you of that. will be watching with much interest, cant wait to see what you find :joint:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I bet your just waiting to bust out the pents, hexes, & octs..hehe..
me love them freaks long time..
packn out :wave:


The Tri Guy
Thanks Dime,
Hi Packn,
I must admit, the thought did cross my mind lol. But I think I'm beginning to understand it now. And I suspect that 4 is the limit. I'm pretty sure its the code for leaf being doubled in one of the chromosomes and that being present in both sides of the double helix ie one from each parent in some of the tri x tri parents. In theory, A quad x quad would produce a more stable line than tri x tri because all offspring would get a double cromosome from each parent. Unfotunately a batch of the little see through wormy things ate a couple of quad roots with devasting effects, they are no more, and one of the quads reverted to a tri. Anyway heres a pic of a quad a little bigger.



Get two birds stoned at once
All very very interesting as usual, I am wondering what the bud structure would look like on the quads.. especially with regard to the overall production per node compared to a TRI and a normal. I'm thinking it will be only slightly more if not the same.
Last edited:


The Tri Guy
Hi Tokin, well, the answer so far is 2,3, or 4, but not 6.

Hi Deft, that kind of depends on more than the number of bud sites per node. Although if each bud site gave you the same level of bud, and you have twice as many, that gives you twice the bud. So I would guess at less per site, but if I get half the volume per bud site, I dont lose any weed, so at this point its all out of interest, I'm not making any claims on yields yet. Although I do see peeps talking about pulling out less than a hundred grams per plant, which would be a low result for one of my tris.


The Tri Guy
Yes, but remember the warnings about chasing rabbits! If in any doubt, refer to Jefferson Aeroplane (sp?).


no wuckin furries!
interesting work...tagged....have some seeds from a bag i keeped to grow again to see if it was the strain that caused the bud to appear (really heavy hard buds) the way they did or if it was the products used to grow the plant....i planted some seeds and found somthing totally differnt to what i was even looking for .. like you have ...but had to ripped them for security reasons b4 i could have a good look at them...still have some of them left...will have to plant oneday.HH. =]
Great thread. had a plant that showed the 3 leaves for a few nodes but it changed to the regular 2 so it was just a little i dont kno Great thread...


The Tri Guy
Hi Happy, well the way things turn out bud wise, I'd have to say is the combination of genes and products (environment). So it sounds to me like you had some nice seeds and grew them well. Pitty about the security thing, at least ya stayed safe and can grow another day. Defo got to give them another go someday.

Hi Reefa, Glad to see you managed to find the new home ok. I had 2 of my quads revert back to normal 2 per node growth this time, and another 3 eaten by little see through wormy things. Well the stems were eaten into and the plants didnt make it. Also one of my tris reverted on me this time. Still time for some more to revert though so I'm not getting cocky about it yet. These things happen. Just a case of smoking the ones you dont want and sacrificing the ones you do to seeds for the future.


The Tri Guy
Just a quick update, group shot:

Quad that reverted to bifoliar, though still put out 4 growing sites like a quad should, so it got topped. You can now see the branches starting to grow.

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Gonna need to think about setting up a flowering area soon.