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Next Stop: Outer Space!
lol reputation is for reputable people anyhow.....

So do you manually turn off the lights every day? I'm confused about that...

As for organics, I'm guessing the fertilizers in the soil are not killing your micro herd entirely, and since you only use tap water all the way through, it would seem likely you have a good microbial food chain going. Do you dechlorinate your water? I started doing so and it's really done nice things for my girls.

I definitely am not a believer in "expensive=good". Nothing I grow with is expensive at all, not even my lights. I'm too damn poor to spend big money on expensive stuff that doesn't really work any better. I think my most expensive food for them is Flower-Tone. Love that stuff, but it smells weird, like koi food, only not quite....


The Tri Guy

yeah I do everything manually, why is a long story lol. I don't know about my micro heard, but my heard of fungus gnats are quite happy with it. I keep them fairly low in numbers by letting the top layer dry out quite thouroughly, but they are always there, due to the eggs being in the compost from what ever store it comes from. I don't do anything to the water except turn the tap on and poor into the soil. The plants dont seem to mind the cholrine too much, I'm sure they'd be happier without it, but I dont have anywhere to let 10 litres of water evapourate the chlorine for 24 hours before using it, I'd knock it over long before 24 hours passed. I'm with you on the cheap and cheerfull gets cheerfull results things. I used to use biobizz bloom, and liked it, but am also happy without it, so why spend money and skew the results of the grow when I'm selecting for breeding, it doesn't add up to me. One girl may be better than another because it got what it wanted when it wanted it rather than because it has better genes. So I feel I do myself a better service losing out on a few extra yield % points in favour of seeing the girls at their natural best.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Bummer you don't have anywhere to store the water. I use an old kitty litter container that is basically a 4-5 gallon jug, has a screw on lid and everything, so it was a good find. Before I went organic/chlorine-free, I was seeing deficiencies sometimes, and now they just look great all the time. I totally half-ass the feeding amounts too. I just give them a pinch of this, a dash of that, and put it all into a tea. I'm sure I could probably do the job without feeding them at all, but I am using rather small pots and quite a bit of coir in my mix.

I used to know a guy who did his 12/12 manually, but he turned out to be kind of a stubborn asshat, to put it mildly. He didn't do a lot of things right. Still don't know that I could pull off the manual timing though. Wow that'd be a lot of commitment....

It does make sense on the breeding thing to not give them super foods. You want the heartiest ones, and you don't necessarily get that by pampering them. Eventually I plan to build totally sealed micro-grow chambers, each built to hold one clone only. Then I can do stress tests on them and see what does what. Could help a lot on breeding. With enough of these little chambers, one could test a hundred cuttings in totally different ways at the same time, and with fairly little power used. Stress does indeed bring out the fringe traits we might otherwise miss.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
lol, im like that i used to leave my water out but recently filled a 10 liter bottle with about 6-7 liters of water and forgot about it walked into room next day the door opened onto bottle and dumped water onto carpet what a mess,lol again hows that heard going me being a butcher my heards dont last long layer of sand and sticky traps get em good the sand im told scratches and breaks their shell/skin when the larva try to get to the top of the sand/soil/coco, and i agree cheap dont mean its crap my whole setup is cheap wood free,light ebay,fluros recycled free, the most expensive thing for me was the 10mts of black plastic $70 i dont use any additives just grow and bloom they dont get additives in nature i see people add things like bigbud,silca,overdrive,sweet and things like these that cost about $50-100 a bottle F**k that. i tell a lie i use blackstrap mollases once a week to help with cal/mag issue but that play havoc with my res(it starts brewing+ smells funky) so i use it and clean my res


The Tri Guy
Hi Magic, yeah I'm a bit of a stubborn asshat too :)
Hi Shaun, I always get away with using the olympics excuse, it covers my lazy nature up quite nicely I think lol.

ok couple of quick shots taken for the 3d thread, here's a couple of 2d versions.




The Tri Guy
just a quick look at the bud formation at the growth tip of the quad, very odd.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hi GMT that is just awesome love ya pics, i cant stop looking at it its of its head hope it provides a great smoke, stay safe catch up with you soon

Big D

Plants are looking great G! That's what I'm talking about....that last pic is amazing!!!!
3D, 2D, any D you take great pictures man!



The Tri Guy
Hi Shaun, Hi Big D, Thanks guys, I love to get responses on the thread. I like the frist 2 pics, That last pic was taken with the camera on the end of a big pole lol, I just can't reach that far into the back of the wardrobe. That's why it isn't so clear, I was a bit shaky. But its wierd, looking forward to seeing how that turns out.


The Tri Guy
hehe, you should have seen me trying to hold that thing still Shaun, HPS 1" from my face, holding the pole with 2 hands and trying to bite down on the remote shutter button to take the pic. Now you know why there's only one lol.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
:laughing::laughing::laughing:thats funny you had me in fits of laughter make sure you have these on:smoker:


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Sweet thread! I gotta root through my album and add a couple. I love growing out trifoliates. I had a quadrafoliate Querkle last grow that grew just as tall as the other plants, and even yielded a lil more...This run I ended up with like 4 or 5 tris. Great to see a thread to give these plants thier due!
good vibes


The Tri Guy
Hey Whiskey, when I first read your comment above I thought, "nah he's got to be making it up" but then I looked into your thread, and realised that statistically, your quite likely to run into some now and then, due to the amount of plants you have going. I could never manage that many. Anyway, glad you like the thread, and yeah, if you get a chance to traul through all your pics, I'd like to see your tris. And if you could post a pic of your quad to that would be great. What's the background to these plants? Any blue in them?


The Tri Guy
Hey Core, how ya doing mate, yeah the stem on that ex-quad has completely flattened out, I'm looking forward to seeing how this cola grows over the next month or so, I don't think I've had one do this before. The clone has been taken before flowering anyway, so if she turns out well I can wait for a suitable male. I'll get a full photo shoot done on monday, I had it planned for tomorrow but something has come up, anyway, speak soon.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Hi Shaun,
I don't want to come across as being repeatedly picky mate, but just to hammer one point home, don't mistake trich's for THC and don't mistake THC for CBD. Sativas will be higher in THC typically than indicas, and indicas will have higher CBD ratios than sativas. The number of trich's a plant has on it's leaves really has very little impact on how stoned or how high it will get you. Sparkly plants may well sell better, and certainly look nicer in pictures, and will improve "bag appeal", but something much sparcer may well get you to sleep much quicker, or may not. The Black Domina is no where near as sparkly as many other plants, but nothing knocked me out like it. It all depends on what you are looking for from a plant really. I think I remember Benji having some DC crosses available on seedbay, the chocolate chunk and the domina are both available from seedboutique. Both are Gypsy's seed sites, just one is the auction site and one the main shop with fixed prices. I wouldn't go for the pure DC myself, it typically seems to be a low producer. But saying that, so is the Black Domina and I do recommend that. I think they are both similar in value as the G13, which is mainly as a great parent plant for crosses. Though many will disagree with me on that.

Out of interest, I just noticed that Ton is running the Black Domina, he's heavily into flower with her now, but its about 3 pages from the end of the thread that the last pics are shown, so skip to the end and then pop back and have a look, here's the link

Hey GMT nice thread ive enjoyed reading every page i had a blueberry from dutch passion that looked exactly that first pic of yours ill dig up some pics..

It wasnt me who had the DC crosses cant remember who that was theres a cross of DC with black domina around check out bocil's gallery ive got 5 black domina beans im yet to pop cant wait think ill make my own cross of these 2 also got some ed rosenthal super bud x DC im yet to pop aswell..

Keep up the great work GMT ive tagged this one...:respect:...


The Tri Guy
What? You managed to read 500 posts while arguing with Rick on the "what if I do this?" thread? Very impressive lol. Sorry about saying it was you who had the DC crosses up. So much stuff up at times I forget who has what listed. Since I've been breeding for the tri trait, and since tht comes from the blue line, I'm not suprised that they still have a look of the blue about them. I still get the blue curl on some of them too. The effect has hardened since then though, with the addition of the domina and the nutcruncher to them. I made an orange domina cross at one point that was simply the most enjoyable smoke I ever had, but left the beans under the bed with the central heating pipes running under it, and all my older seed crosses were fried and I cant get any of them to sprout now. Which is very gutting. Anyway you picked a good time to tag, as this show is about to start now. I've got my girls flowering, I'm thinking about picking sandstorm and looking for a male for an outcross. The only reason I'm still thinking is because the taskenti looks nice, but I'm leaning to the sandstorm. They wont be tri, as the F1s will only have 1 tri gene, but some of the F2s will be very interesting possabilities for a back cross.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hi GMT, That sucks about your seeds under your bed, but we all learn from our mistakes otherwise we wouldnt become better growers, The old cross sounded choice i hope you can get a couple to sprout. What is the sandstorm i dont think i have seen that one

I think i found it is it by cannabiogen if so that looks awsome
Last edited:


The Tri Guy
its something that sometimes goes pink, thats a cross of pure indicas. Its under the canna biogen listings in the boutique with a full description and fairly cheep too. I looked at the taskenti too, but I'm not fond of NL. I should have bought it before mentioning it, I can see it selling out before I put my order in now lol. It looks terrible, don't buy it lmao.
I'm looking at it for a possible outcross.
Yeah, under the bed is not a great place to store seeds long term. Trouble is too many people go into the fridge for that to be a stealthy storage place.

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