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3 plus 3=?



I was recently going through some old weed things i had and found a bag of (probably canadian regs because i live in the upper midwest) reg seeds. So i was going through a picking out the good ones when i came across one that seemed a little odd to me. Now most seeds are 2 sides... well this seed had THREE SIDES, i wish i could just grow it out right now to see what it would do, but due to certain circumstances, things have been halted for me.

so i was wondering is there anything special about this seeds genetics, as it is 3 sides instead of 2? Thanks for the help, just thought i'd ask an expert.


The Tri Guy
you know its funny, but whenever I think I have found one thats deffo going to be tri (due to being bigger, an irregular shape, or whatever) it's normally not. The one and only way I've found to find them, is to plant a lot of seeds and keep the few you want.


Ahh, well i guess only time will tell, i figured it would have 3 leaves because it had 3 creases in the seed like separating it into 3 sections instead of 2. Well thanks for the quick reply ;-P best of luck with the breeding!


The Tri Guy
yeah, some of them will do that on ya. Gotto make sure you dont use those for breeding I would have thought.

one of the current buds about to be harvested.



The Tri Guy
hey 3T, things are ok here, how are the studies going?

Well folks I took a few pics right before harvest of the last few buds, I didn't find any great pics amongst them though, so heres the best of a poor bunch.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother>>??? Hope all is well and yer stoendeded right now.. thanx for the updates.. l love to see pics where i can see the trichs... Ill bbl peep some more...peace



Active member
high GMT how ya been. nice ta see ya still workin on the tris. good lookin buds man.
keep em green an kind


The Tri Guy
Brother Sack, glad you popped out of chat and called into the thread. The next round should be an interesting one. Yeah on the trich front, I tried taking em out of the best spot in the grow the last week, all that direct light and heat isnt good for trichs on these. Not darkness, just out to the side, seemed to do the trick, certainly something I'll be repeating.

Hey Bird, always a pleasure to see you keeping an eye on whats going on in here. You'll like the next round, I'm doing the tri F4s and tri F3s and planning on a backcross. Either way, there will be plenty of tris around. I also have some of the quad offspring in soil waiting to sprout, so there maybe something or nothing in that pot.

Speaking of the quad offspring, here's the last plant in flower right now. There were 3 girls this round, 2 bruised nuts f4s, sharing a small tub with reused soil in it as an experiment, they were the shots you've seen, and were a couple weeks ahead of the last one which is a tri offspring from the quad bnF4 I pollinated with a side line tri male. I'm not overly happy with it so far, though the buds seem to be filling in now and could end up ok considering it didnt get much light to begin with. I'm guessing 2 weeks to go. Then on with the next round.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
just a quick High....took some nice shots again i see...and 2 weeks to go...you flushing them ..no he?..still doing the lazy thing? lol
got e few myself that are finishing up...i will need to start flushing them...hope you don't mind a drop a pic of it :wave:



The Tri Guy
w-hoa, That looks Nice Core, doind a bang up job I see. No I wont be flushing mine, no point, I never fed it. The lazy thing, well somewhere in between 9 and 15 hours of light a day, depending on when I got up/ remembered to flick the switch back off again. Watered when I felt like it rather than when it wanted it, and let to dry till wilting twice, (to make bending it easier and less likely to break the stem). Prety lazy, though it did get brand new fresh compost to grow in, so it wasn't as poorly treated as it sounds. I'll get some bud shots once the buds are worth photoing. Its the next round I'm wanting to get on with now, looking forward to the next one.


The Tri Guy
Had 4 F4s going and 3 F3s, selections have started already, now down to 2 F3s and 3 F4s. The F4s are about 10 days ahead of the F3s, which will be handy at sexing. One thing I cant work out is why are cotty leaves so hairy.



West Coast ICer
GMT, Hows life my friend as it has been a while

Hows the work going with the TRIs? I have not had time to go back, just really wanted to say HI to you while I had a chance.



man you take great shots!

looking fantastic GMT! i always forget to come back here! :(
sorry for slakin'...

You call this a poor shot?
I'd be a very lucky SOB if i got some 'poor' pics or plants like that!!! :respect: :Bolt: ,


The Tri Guy
Hi Jay ya stoner, stop forgetting lol.

Hi Lowlander, thanks for the props, the pics just arent as clear as they can be. I have an extention tube on the camera so I can attach conversion lens' and it sits in the way of the autofocus system and plays havock with the autofocus. Still, more pics at the weekend.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Very nice photos GMT, you take some great macro shots and have some lovely ladies. :yes:


The Tri Guy
Hi and thanks Sam,
this is the side cross, mother was the quad. Not so impressed up to now, but starting to be. Depends on how well she fills in over the next week or 2.

lower popcorn.

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