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#3 per Light w/ 3wk veg?!



I have a 6" fan blowing air out of the room with carbon filter to prevent smell from up top far away from my Fan intaken the air into the room from my window.

1 mini fan to place under the plant for circulation
1 hurricane fan on top of canopy blowing just on top to prevent wind burn and heat.


Active member
Love your selection , I wish I lived in a free state but anyways , looking forward to your defol week , I'm also a fan but would like to see a pro doing it and the reasoning behind it , if you could take a before and after pic , it would be great to see , thanks for the pics subbed, FSG .

Yes. Defoliation is next Saturday @ 3 wks. Will take before and after pics.

But have a 4x4 of Purple Cadillac that will get defoliated tomorrow.
So will post before/after. Guys are going to trip when they see how hard we strip them. But it's all about the time of day and what you feed after.


Active member

I have a 6" fan blowing air out of the room with carbon filter to prevent smell from up top far away from my Fan intaken the air into the room from my window.

1 mini fan to place under the plant for circulation
1 hurricane fan on top of canopy blowing just on top to prevent wind burn and heat.

OK. How big is the room?

You said you are at pH 6.0
How often do you calibrate you pH meter? If you haven't; do so.
My probes drift 0.3 often. I calibrate once a week right before a water change.

Calibrate and make sure you store probe according to manufacturer.
We need to make sure your pH is accurate.
Yes. Defoliation is next Saturday @ 3 wks. Will take before and after pics.

But have a 4x4 of Purple Cadillac that will get defoliated tomorrow.
So will post before/after. Guys are going to trip when they see how hard we strip them. But it's all about the time of day and what you feed after.

Looking forward FSG :tiphat:


Active member
OK by request. Purple Cadillac Pre Defoliation. They will get stiripped in the AM. Will follow up with after pics.
See! You didn't need to buy that $500 book to see defoliation pics!!

Man you can't believe how much N these girls need in transition. They are being super fed and still always slightly deficient in the stretch.

No big deal as leaves are coming off tomorrow.

Just always bugs me about this strain. I think foliar feeding is the only way.

Anyone else running DHN Purple Cadillac?


OK. How big is the room?

You said you are at pH 6.0
How often do you calibrate you pH meter? If you haven't; do so.
My probes drift 0.3 often. I calibrate once a week right before a water change.

Calibrate and make sure you store probe according to manufacturer.
We need to make sure your pH is accurate.

My room is 8 x 4 (laundry room).

i haven't calibrate my pH meter and also didn't test my EC plain water before adding nutrients. Will test all that and make new water/nutes, etc....will start everything over from scratch so its easier to keep track.

BTW, I am using.

Veg Stage 1-28 days and Flower 1-21 days
VegPlusBloom HD at 4g for every gallon (recommend 4-6g)
Life 1g for every 5 gallon of water (recommend 2.5g)
Cal-Mag Plus 3ml for every gallon (recommend 3-5ml)

Flower stage: 22-End before flush
VegPlusBloom HD at 6g for every gallon (recommend 4-6g)
Life 1g for every 5 gallon of water (recommend 2.5g)
Shine Bloom additive 3g for every 5 gallon (recommend 5).

Should i use any foliar spray and/or root exhilarator?

Or should i change VegPlusBloom to other new brand, would you recommend and have a nutrients feed chart you can share?




Active member
My room is 8 x 4 (laundry room).

i haven't calibrate my pH meter and also didn't test my EC plain water before adding nutrients. Will test all that and make new water/nutes, etc....will start everything over from scratch so its easier to keep track.

BTW, I am using.

Veg Stage 1-28 days and Flower 1-21 days
VegPlusBloom HD at 4g for every gallon (recommend 4-6g)
Life 1g for every 5 gallon of water (recommend 2.5g)
Cal-Mag Plus 3ml for every gallon (recommend 3-5ml)

Flower stage: 22-End before flush
VegPlusBloom HD at 6g for every gallon (recommend 4-6g)
Life 1g for every 5 gallon of water (recommend 2.5g)
Shine Bloom additive 3g for every 5 gallon (recommend 5).

Should i use any foliar spray and/or root exhilarator?

Or should i change VegPlusBloom to other new brand, would you recommend and have a nutrients feed chart you can share?


Yeah if you don't know your exact pH I can't help. Get that meter calibrated. And then test current solution. So you can see how far off it was...
Thank you !!!

Thank you !!!

I was going to try and keep my girls "au naturale " this round but then I remembered how most buds that stay without direct light contact , grow bare looking and undeveloped , and ends up as weak bud , I'm going to wait until week 3 is past to take all the mature fans , thanks for the pics :tiphat: FSG .
Mushroombrew , when you say the time of the day when you defol , what time is that ??? Also , you are saying that you feed something or you up your ppms??? Sorry for all the questions , I never minded the time of my defol nor what I fed afterwards, very interesting! FSG.


Active member
I was going to try and keep my girls "au naturale " this round but then I remembered how most buds that stay without direct light contact , grow bare looking and undeveloped , and ends up as weak bud , I'm going to wait until week 3 is past to take all the mature fans , thanks for the pics :tiphat: FSG .

Au natutale belongs outside. Nothing natural going on
indoors. So we open up our canopy to the light. Yields increase and we eliminate larf. The 21 day mark is importamt as plants can still releaf. As you'll see when I post pics in 7 days.
At 4 weeks you'll damage yields a lot.


Active member
And yes there is a specific time of day and specific nutrients. We get zero stress. Plants actually speed up budding. Its awesome. But this is super accurate hydro ninja shit. If plants aren't in perfect health you can't do what we do.
I run DWC and have run the same girl 5 times already , so I know her pretty well ,looking forward to the nutes you speak of , how many weeks do you run flower ? My headbanger is ready at 11 weeks , FSG.


Active member
Nice thread. Love your setup and genetic selection. If I had the time and energy to dedicate to a full on Hydro run I'd love to do it. You just can't beat the yields.


Active member
I run DWC and have run the same girl 5 times already , so I know her pretty well ,looking forward to the nutes you speak of , how many weeks do you run flower ? My headbanger is ready at 11 weeks , FSG.

We are shaving 7-10 days off flowering time. Getting earlier maturation. OG's still need 9wks. Or the yield suffers. We have a lot of 8 week strains. Some ten weeks. And a couple 12 weekers.
Dream Queen indica pheno we are running in this thread is 8 wks. She shuts down at week 7. The last week is all about amber glands.


Active member
Nice thread. Love your setup and genetic selection. If I had the time and energy to dedicate to a full on Hydro run I'd love to do it. You just can't beat the yields.

Thanks appreciate it!

Yeah it takes a lot more gear. But we made a new component that is getting us DWC yields in a tray. So it's flood and drain system parts with our hybrid net pot. But we also have changed conventional feeding schedules/times.

The second run above only had a two week veg. But sitting in our new pot I am confident we will hit #3 per light.

Sorry about being vague. But this is a very new concept. And it's performing beyond belief. So will have to keep somethings to myself for a bit longer...