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2kw Stealth grow?


Hey all,

If possible I'd like to somehow hide a 2kw flower chamber. Any idea's? Tips? Links? I have done many smaller CFL micro stealth runs but never over 600w. I was thinking about stashing it under a table or something but I"m sure really what would be the best way to go about it.


2kw under a table? U will have serious heat problems if u do that..

What makes you say that? It's all about air movement isn't it. I'm sure I could cool 2kw with a Vortex 10 even with out a cool tube. Although I admit I'm unfamiliar with that kind of wattage in spaces so small. But the theory remains the same doesn't it?

I could possibly step down to 2x600w.


Maybe it's the Jolly Green Giants table!

Yea, like one of those long tables you use at banquets and such, but put some walls and stuff on it, You guys don't think that's a big enough space? That's like 8ft x 3ft, grow the plants horizontally in a scrog... no? What about two 400s then?


Irie bless Nicoli! Love the Anderson Silva gif right after he submitted Travis Lutter with elbows from his back!!
@t33to if u manage to have cool tubes that are fed with fresh air from the outside and put the exhaust outside u might??? get away with using 600 but it is a LOOOOOOONG shot! Know people struggling with heat from a 600W in a 1,2meter x 1,2meter x 2 meter with a 125cfm exhaust fan...
Good luck tho!


Active member
Yea, like one of those long tables you use at banquets and such, but put some walls and stuff on it, You guys don't think that's a big enough space? That's like 8ft x 3ft, grow the plants horizontally in a scrog... no? What about two 400s then?

So you're going to jam in 2kw under a table thats probably 3 foot tall, where you going to put the plants? Say you use 12" tall pots, theres only 2 foot left now.................. ? See where im going?

Also how is this stealth? A table with walls?

That will look strange indeed.


Well i'd disguise it in the garage after, put a big table cloth over it, put tons of crap and junk on it and in front it and voila!

But yeah, maybe Ill go for a series of 400's then. 3x400? in a tube maybe. Ballasts external of course, and yes cool tubed with a big fan on it.


Active member
You could get away with 400's, are you gonna run a scrog or something since you'll be limited in height?


You could get away with 400's, are you gonna run a scrog or something since you'll be limited in height?

Yea I was thinking about growing them elsewhere for veg, starting at an early age do LST to make the plant grow sideways. Once it's a few feet side ways, put it in the flower chamber under a screen, and just keep tucking the shoots under until it stops it's stretch then voila!