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2kw Perpetual Flip-flop SOG & Scrog


Active member
jbones81 thank you buddy 5 gal bags of coco can grow some monster trees

hank; the light sits against the ceiling of the tent, which is 6'7" so the bulb is probably at 6'2" and the plants ideally sit 18" from the bulb. sometimes they get to close and light burn will happen around 12" with a 1kw

smog: i feed clones at 1.0 ec which is about 6ml/gal of a and b. in flower they range from 1.5-1.8 ec, so abut 10ml/gal, decreasing to around 8ml/gal as i increase the budXL/top booster/etc.

in the garden the scrog tent day 60 chop was today. i'll get good dry pics but only took a few during chop.

day 60 scrog tent

GDP day 60
a few of the top cola nugs


Active member
chopped the scrog tent on day 60, dry pics to come in a few days. stay tuned for that.

meanwhile the right table in the sog tent was getting too tall so i moved them to the vacant scrog tent. no scrog net and no training, these will be tall sog-style plants.

25 plants;13 BDH, 5 dubtech7, 1 gdp and 6 unknown ogs

scrog tent day 28


Canna you're going to have that tent FILLED! Are you going to seal that tent and add co2? I just put an order in for Chimera Mental Floss from what I heard it works great in a SOG setting. I bought 20 beans and am probably going to pop all 20 and hopefully find a gem. I'll let you know once I get things shaken! Keep us updated.


Sick grow skills!! As a newb in comparison to you, I suppose you have tried coco as a cloning med. If not I think it couldnt hurt. Although I use dixie cups off the bat with the cuts and no dome. Just cut the big fans in half.


Not that your cloning success rate is bad. Obviously works great for you.


Active member
Hank: those seeds sound amazing!!mental floss is a heavy yielder from what i've heard. good luck with those!

sourpuss; i've not tried coco as a cloning medium before but the medium i use is essentially coco flock cubes; mad farmer rooters. you method sounds cool, never tried that. when i pot up into dixie cups of coco clones that have just barely rooted into, they tend to die on me

alright well i gave in a bought a camera. Pentax WG-3. i hope its macro setting is better than my old sony...

harvest came in at 535g for the scrog tent;
70g bdh (1 plant)
75g gdp (3 plants)
70g blackwater h20 (4 plants)
110g odub (7-8 plants)
6g casey dawg (1 plant)
35g venus og (3 plants)
170g trill og (3-4 plants)

not great yeild at 0.535 grams per watt. as long as the test tent gets .5 gpw, I'm happy. lets see if this new camera can do it justice

BDH Day 60 flash on

macro setting

microscope setting

GDP day 60

any requests for pics of certain strains, let me know. pics of the SOG tent coming soon


I saw that you have a Schrom cut. When I was living out west when I met someone who had a giant mother going at his office. I never got to see any final flower or it in bloom. Have any pics laying around?


sɔıʇǝuǝ⅁ ʞuoW
ICMag Donor
Beautiful setup mate, well done:)

Awesome pix and many good info are in this thread, thanks for sharing !



Active member
hank: looks like i don't have any dry shots of shrom :/

thanks leptosoma!

reuped on nutrients this week; all from amazon this will last about 1 year or 15-20 harvests and cost about 1000

trying some new stuff this time; multizen. if youve used it, let me know what you think of it? is it worth the $29/liter?



Active member
woo the scrog tent...which isnt a scrog at all...is looking nice. it could be thicker...but its unique. and the dubtech7 is coming out very nicely

scrog tent - day 45

dubtech7 day 45

gdp day 45

blue dream haze day 45


Well-known member
Amazing flowers and very efficient set up. I want to do a scrog but worried about plant count.



New member
Hi Cannabean , may I just say I have really enjoyed looking at your thread, the only product I have tried is the "Bud Candy" it's basically just molasses but we get to pay advance nutes a buck load so it's safe to use in dripper systems without it sticking and blocking the pipes witch is well worth paying the extra few $$

Your quality is there they are some sexy buds an I bet there tasteing very nice there is a Possible way to improve yields I myself am a Co-Co grower but have switched to a 50-50 perlight-coco mix for the extra yields but as you can guess as with switching from soil-coco some flavour is lost for this extra yield but you would be looking in the region of 25-35% increase in dry weight yield using the same feed. plants root a lot quicker and aload more oxygen is available so the buds form quicker in days 1-21 allowing for a bigger production on days 22-42 and just leaves day 42-54 for ripeing as all growth is already done.

Cant wait to see how your SOG's Turn out


cannabean, very nice results man! looks Delicious, later i will take a pic of my princess.. she's like 20% less then yours.. but she's just one and you have plany of plants :)