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2k watt 12 bucket (10gal) Aeroponic!~KUSH~

switching 12/12 today

switching 12/12 today

going to go the first 5 days or so of 12/12 under the T5's, because i'm a big fan of this vegetative growth. Keeping things green as possible in the first weeks of flowering is always a priority of mine.


Active member
Very nice grow! when I saw aero I immediately thought of a little table under packed with plants under leds but this is really a cool and simple set up. It's like squirt-o-ponics lol. The plants look happy thanks for sharing


Gotta love the DIY`ers..........Respect Bro.......Reminds me of all my old head Bro`s experimentin and dialin new setups and systems back in the day....and there`s......

Always a learnin curve with fast hydro , so be wary of rootzone and rez temps above 70 and all usually goes well.......

"Squirt-a-ponics"........LOL HOM........anyways.....With every run comes improved conditions and returns.....if.....yas pay attention........

Good luck....DHF.......:ying:.......


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
very nice setup bro. curious why you didnt go with bigger netpots? ive been thinking about creating something like this with the #10 netpot instead. will be watching


Got the flowering side all put together and panda film up, took a while, but this setup is beyond solid. Decided on ditching the risers and switched to a halo setup, muuuuuchhhh better. a few pics for now, will update with some greater detail soon.

another 2 week side shot

another 2 week side shot

This is another testament to how awesome growth has been. I am new to hydro, but i couldn't be more impressed. things are looking gooooooooood.

Thank you for all the kind words, glad to see the thread picking up some traction. The nug photos are coming up, and i'll be sure to take plenty~

very nice setup bro. curious why you didnt go with bigger netpots? ive been thinking about creating something like this with the #10 netpot instead. will be watching

To keep the lids as stable as possible. 10" net pot full of hydroton with a decent sized plant is going to have some weight. Also 5" is an easy size to get good coverage on w/o using sprayers.


Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Looks like you have some beautiful monsters in there!

Can't wait to see how these turn out.

Great job so far - and best of luck!


I like your invention with those big totes. Did you do anything to strengthen the lids so that there's more support for the weight these girls get too after packing on all the buds?


When you get your chiller set it at 68 they say that temp holds a better air to water ratio. Worked great for me, also try some h202 in the res, it will keep pathogens out and roots love the addex o2 plus nice bright white roots.


i'm not to worried about weight on the lids. the holes for the net pots are cut very exact, it takes some serious effort to push them through, i just don't see any of the plants getting THAT heavy. Sorry these pics aren't the best quality. the flowering space is about tight as it gets with 12 plants in there, so i cann't really back out to make the shot better. Hope you all enjoy, things are starting to really pick up~


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