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2K on Light Mover - Three 3x3 Rockwool Trays



You say, you cant decide on a watering schedule. So what have you been doing?

I have heard rockwool needs to dry out. I think you need to slow down the watering and see how that works for a few days


I'm honestly trying to choose between 24hour flow or 15 minutes once per day. I know that the 24hour flow isnt as popular but I have other friends who do it, and haven't had issues.

i have seen 24/7 kick ass on the drips too so I am surprised at the results thus far....
strange man.


I am almost positive that a once-daily watering (or as-needed) will solve your problems. I'm not surprised at all to hear that you've been over-watering. Those little plants don't have anywhere near the root system to be handled like that, yet.

You say 24/7 drip... is that with oxygenated water? What temperature?


shut the fuck up Donny
I am almost positive that a once-daily watering (or as-needed) will solve your problems. I'm not surprised at all to hear that you've been over-watering. Those little plants don't have anywhere near the root system to be handled like that, yet.

You say 24/7 drip... is that with oxygenated water? What temperature?

Ya, went overboard on the airpump, thats def not the problem.

Temps in the 50's-60's I'm guessing. Air temp low 80s humidity 40.

Your logic makes sense, its just tough when you look at tray 3 and they are all happy but you look at tray 1 and a lot aren't.

Either way we needed to flip so we flushed for 7 ish hours with PH'ed RO then filled a new temp res with just Sensi Grow A+B, a light amount of Sensi Cal Mag and Bushmaster, and set the light timers to 12/12. They will run on this for three days then will switch to bloom nutes.


"easy growing type"
I am almost positive that a once-daily watering (or as-needed) will solve your problems. I'm not surprised at all to hear that you've been over-watering. Those little plants don't have anywhere near the root system to be handled like that, yet.

You say 24/7 drip... is that with oxygenated water? What temperature?

Right on..
So far everyones hit on over-watering and I'm in that direction too. You're doing just fine it's that rockwool thats holding it in like it's never coming back. Water less and if they perk up even the slightest amount than you know what it is for sure.


shut the fuck up Donny
Sure enough, it was over watering.

I did a flush, and switched to feeding once a day for 5 mins when the lights go on, and look at the difference, happy as fuck.





Nlceone Headle, good to see you got thls sorted out.

lt's good to see problems arlse, solutlons appLled, and a good result. l thlnk lt stlcks ln peoples mlnd better when you have photos Llke thls.Was thlnklng about waterlng mlne 24/7 shortly, but now thlnklng twlce about that


shut the fuck up Donny
Nlceone Headle, good to see you got thls sorted out.

lt's good to see problems arlse, solutlons appLled, and a good result. l thlnk lt stlcks ln peoples mlnd better when you have photos Llke thls.Was thlnklng about waterlng mlne 24/7 shortly, but now thlnklng twlce about that

I read on one of the other threads of someone who goes 24 in veg until they see signs of drooping then they stop, in an attempt to force uptake. Sounds extreme, but that's basically what I did accidentally.


DONT f*** with DA JESUS
Glad you get it worked out man
Looking at that light mover for my 2 thousands, like it?


I have the same drooping problem in my 8 lighter, its soil and all the pots were sitting directly on a concrete floor, so i figure the issue to be either PH from lime leeching from the concrete getting wet during waterings, or the floor is too cold, either way both issues will be solved by raising the plants.

doesnt overly help in your situation, but maybe throwing an aquarium heater in the rez?


shut the fuck up Donny
DONT f*** with DA JESUS
Glad you get it worked out man
Looking at that light mover for my 2 thousands, like it?

hell yes, if you are running 2k and can afford it you should get it, no questions asked.


Killer update, girls are looking tip top!!!
I'm about to get the $$$ for the rail. Seems our rooms are similar sized. I have a 4'x8' pan with 63 girls, yeah its a jungle in here and i need all the coverage I can get! So how far does it move? Is it adjustable as needed? No prob with 2 lights on the 3.5? Man been searching for info, thanks!!


shut the fuck up Donny
Killer update, girls are looking tip top!!!
I'm about to get the $$$ for the rail. Seems our rooms are similar sized. I have a 4'x8' pan with 63 girls, yeah its a jungle in here and i need all the coverage I can get! So how far does it move? Is it adjustable as needed? No prob with 2 lights on the 3.5? Man been searching for info, thanks!!

its totally adjustable and easy to use. Two lights are nothing, my other location has 3 lights on 1 3.5 rail the pics are in thread in my sig. If you look thru both threads you'll see the hardware in work.


Well-known member
Def. Over watering if 5min. a day is helping out so much while flipping. Watch out for that sensical. There were a few bad batches that dropped the PH to 3!


shut the fuck up Donny
Def. Over watering if 5min. a day is helping out so much while flipping. Watch out for that sensical. There were a few bad batches that dropped the PH to 3!

Ya, I'm still on 5 mins per day, when they wake up. Was thinking of making it twice a day for 5 mins but they seem to be happy (minus the mag issue)

Sigh, great to know that AN has so many bad shipments (don't think I told you this while we were talking but when I first picked up Conni, I literally had pieces of animal or something floating in it. Looked like an eyeball along with other skin and shit. Had to swap it out.

Can't wait to switch to GH 3 Part for both my grows.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

good small little grow. I agree with AN nutes being shit. Its just a bunch of hyped up BS if you ask me. Ive heard of many people trash talking AN, and i just ignored them. After actually using some of their shit, I was not impressed, and realized that those haters were speaking the truth..

anyways, good luck with this shin dig,

peace, LW

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