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260W hybrid micro SOG - small pots, multistrain


Active member
easter update :)

double plant pot was just harvested at 8 weeks:

Durga Mata has sprouted - was put directly in soil:

it's nice to have something new to play with!
DM from Par. Seeds is rated rather medical, relaxing, mild at 15-18% thc


Active member

I've been using this cheap 7€ 3x 2W red/blue led from eb4y.
It's probably a joke - but I've been using it to "start" plants before entering the tent, while they don't fit anymore in the pc.

Right now I'm using it for a radicated Critical Kush, From Bar. F. Seeds:
just got her out of the water and straight in soil under the led.

Curious about this one too, along with Durga Mata. Haven't seen much new in a while.


Active member

and tent update ^^

edit, a couple things worth noting:
- I had good info on uvs by sgapetti, I'm confronting it with patterns I'm having, and I may switch to uv/6500k instead of two uvs. But for now I'm keeping them, I'd like to see the impact over some time; will make easier to notice changes when I switch to something else, too.
- I'm keeping plants not so close to the hps as I'd like to, because I have no fan under the 150 atm and it's pretty hot when too close I think. May get back to something there, soon enough.
- this thread's title is now a little misleading, I'll open soon a 180W SOG wappa, critical kush and durga mata one.


Stealth Grower
Hi rootidec! Ma quant'è bello il vertical scrog?! Non pensi di farne più così? Interessante la Durga, mi sembra che Tup l'avesse fatta e me ne avesse parlato bene! Poi seedbank che soddisfa non si cambia :)! Buon cultivo! Hola fratello! :wave:



Active member
wow, you're doing really cool, rooti!!!

peace :smoke:

thanks NKOTS :tiphat: always good to have you follow this thread mate!!

Hi rootidec! Ma quant'è bello il vertical scrog?! Non pensi di farne più così? Interessante la Durga, mi sembra che Tup l'avesse fatta e me ne avesse parlato bene! Poi seedbank che soddisfa non si cambia :)! Buon cultivo! Hola fratello! :wave:


il vscrog mi piace assai :-D a questo primo giro non ne ho pronti e vado di vasetti :)
grazie della dritta mass vado a vedere se trovo il 3d di tup


Active member
I don't know if it's due to UVs but the wappa harvested at 8- wks only looked real ready, with amber thrics:

*had to wait one week more to get this, last round.

and the double plant pot just harvested at 8 weeks (almost dry) is looking even better... can't wait to taste it:

<< this may be the best looking bud I recall doing!

*downsizing (260W > 180W) doesn't seem to have impacted frost nor quality so far :)
(**tent was flipped 11march, so 3 weeks ago)
I'm noticing (as pointed out by sgap in his uv info - thanks mate!) that with uvs younger plants stretch less, and older ones finish/ripen faster, maybe at a little expense of quantity T_T (this IF the wattage downsizing isn't having an impact in this compartment).


follow the pink rabbit!
mmm really tasty :biggrin:
That's great news for you to find no negative impact of downsizing the lighting. Curious if the smoke will remain on the same level, what do you think?
Nice pix, thanks for sharing.

KISS = keep it simple, stoner! ;)


Active member
mmm really tasty :biggrin:
That's great news for you to find no negative impact of downsizing the lighting. Curious if the smoke will remain on the same level, what do you think?
Nice pix, thanks for sharing.

KISS = keep it simple, stoner! ;)


8 weeks is the fastest I've seen here for having almost all orange hair and some amber... I wonder the same as you!

This plant (same in post above) was 1+ week off, so *if* she smokes the same (first plant who got some UV was nice, so maybe...) then UV work at the expense of quantity/growth (that I can notice for now) and in fact the "V" shaped wappa has 1" shorter branch, the branch close to the UV!
(I'm ignorant about wavelenghts and what they affect in details, so this is inaccurate of course ^^)

here a couple shots in sunlight where it is more noticeable, what do you think?

really red hair


That wappa continues to impress, love the bud/leaf ratio. Looking forward to hearing the UV smoke report. I don't think I'm gonna run UV myself this run, too much stress already.


Active member
Dammmm. Root that nug looks fantastic. Nice dark red on some nice light green. It looks like it was grown very well. Great personal smoke setup. Dialed in and you can definitely see your personality Showing through in your grow



Active member
thanks guys!! :)

UV report:
the two small cfls proved to have quite an impact these days they were ON. I just switched back to one 25w 6500k and one 25w 2700k, for now.

- Plants between 6-9 weeks flowering had a nice resin/ripening boost; in fact friends said it's been the best wappa they've tasted, while they were ready in 8 weeks straight (instead of 9 or so).
They coughed up 2 pretty formed seeds too:

(I don't know if they're mature enough but they look nice - I'm keeping them)

- Plants between 3 and 6 weeks flowering had the worst effect (wick plant and Vscrog, still in): they missed the fattening completely imho, and stayed thin while looking more ripe than they should have at that stage.

- Plants between 0 and 3 weeks flowering had their stretch weakened: the young double cola wappa had the branch pointing toward the UV smaller, shorter. (<<This was the deal breaker and made me switch back to normal cfl sooner than planned, to get taller plants)

So this is consistent with sgapetti info, and I think I too will use UV the final 2-3 weeks ONLY, and get some days off the usual deal.
Nice to know cheap, small, regular fixture UV cfls proved to be so effective, too.

small update:

*critical kush is proving to be a good cloner for now, with 3/3 cutting rooted. pretty fast too, save the first one who was sluggish.

tent (currently 150+25+25=200W):

the three new wappas on the left are:
1- (12/3 IN, 21/3 FLO.)
2- (24/3 IN, 2/4 FLO.)
3- (30/3 IN, 7/4 FLO.)

*in a week or two I should be able to pull the wick (flowering since 15th feb.) and vscrog and put the two new strains in! :)


Active member
Just read the whole thread. Dude you have a crazy good vert going on!

Thank you sir for taking the time to read it! :)

Hi rootidec! Always beautiful plants... ! Hola fratello!

thanks fratello!
I had people to my house (manteinance) - luckily they didn't open the room, but that was friggin' close... T_T

I'm having second toughts, but I don't want to stop the hobby - I'm starting a stealth cab soon (25€ cheap resin/PVC armoire in assempbly kit)

[oi mass - ho avuto dei lavori a casa, e non c'ero, mah spero non abbiano ficcato il naso, c'era anche mio papà quindi non penso - ma va a sapere... 'nnaggia... comunque come ti scrivevo qui sopra mi son preso un armadietto di plastica 65x40x90alt. e mi sa che provo a farmi una cosina stealth, con ventola e filtro stile il tuo mi sa se riesco :) ahah mi son venute le pare... ]

EDIT: update

*Vscrog will be ready this weekend - I've skimped on manteinance (rare, so plant didn't receive it gradually either, as it should be) while leaving too many leaves on anyway. I reckon, from other V/scrogs on the forum, it really isn't an option for best results.
It's nice overall, and the plant didn't complain (she has been kind, I followed my usual nute sched and pruned it 2-3 times only in flo - big leaves covering growth underneath, and everything hopeless on the bottom, close to the net under everything else - 15% of the plant, I left so much canopy and in fact she's receiving a month+ flush) just kind of bonsai buds and leaves, caused by that^^ ; will def try another soon, in summer when I work less probably


Active member
Hi, been a while :)
I'm busy until the end of the moth, at least, so didn't have the time to do much, document much :-(

Just wondered I would come back with Vscrog results:
17.2g dry.

*tiny tiny plant and nugs. but still nice harvest imho.
UVs at early stage didn't speed up ripening, rather slightly the opposite imho...

Thread closed :)
Thanks for watching! :thank you::tiphat:
*sorry I didn't weigh in wick plant (5g maybe) and the bent wappa (between 5-10g): they were both nothing interesting yeldwise and I smoked some off the plants too... with vscrog gone I can close this test 4th run + test uv.

I'm starting over with small 1l+ pots (7 atm), 150w only, and a lil bigger veg zone. will start thread soon (or soon enough) bye! :)